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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1882)
THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. DEALEIl IN Stoves fc J&w<ew'atete Opposite P. O. LINCOLN, - - - NEBRASKA. BAEBEW SHOD?'? In Ilnncmcnt under HIJRLBUT'S STOKE I have Just refitted my shop anew, which makes It one of tho neatest In Lincoln. Shnvlng 10 eta, Hnlr-cuttlny 25 cunts. None but first-class work men are employed. I am poparcd, also, to give hot and cola fresh water baths. HENRY BROWN. Established 18G9. 38ElttwMw'$ fflmto UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. The Unlvorslty is located at Lincoln, tho capital of tho State. Open to ladles and gentlemen. In struction In all branches or a liberal education. Tuition free. No charge for Incidentals. "Btpi It SCIIOMACKER: Highest awards at Con lenninl. Electro-Gold Strings. WEHER: Recommended by Kellogg, Luccti, Pattl, Gcrstcr, Nil&sun, and others. CHASE: The Conservator Piano. Fif teen in constant use in the Cincinnati College of Music. Mimon Ac lliunlln Celebrated OrgriN. A full line of the above instruments always in stock and only authorized agent. F. W. IIOIIMANN, OSt. bet. 11th and 12th, Opposite Opera House, Lincoln, Neb. Ktlmunil 1J. Fairfield. S. T. D., LL.D., Chan cellnr, and Professor of Mental, Moral and Polltl crl Philosophy. Samuel Aughey, a. M., Ph. D., Professor or NaturallSclcnces. 11. K. Hitchcock, a. .M.,Deau, Professor of Math ematics. George E. Church, A. M.. Professor of Latin Language and Literature. George McMll an, a. M., Professor of Greek Language and Literature. G. E. Woodborry, a. M., Professor of Ilhotorlc. and English Literature. Harrington Emcrsou, a. M., Professor of Mod ern Languages. i Georgo E. Howard, a. M.. Professor of History l. T. weuster, isi lieutenant u. a. . rroies eor of Military Science and Tactics. Alouzo Collin, a. M., Professor of Chemistry and Experimental Physics. S. li. Thompson, a. M., I'rofescor of Didactics and Agriculture. Hurvey Culhcrtcon, M. S., Professor of Horti culture. Charles N. Little, a. 11., Tutor In Muthenmtlcs and Civil Engineering. Ellen Smith, a. M., Instructor Latin and in Greek. Emma Itlchardsou, Teacher of Painting and Drawing. S. 11. Hohmunn, Director of Conservatory of Music. Adolaido Dearborn, Toucher of Elocution. For cataloguo and other information, address E. U. Fairfield, Chancellor, Lincoln, Nebraska. MEDICAL. z,jwgjss rirrstcuuv. Burr and Briggs block, corner 0 and 13th streets. JOHN KELLY, Merchant Tailor, llth St. 2 Doors North Baptist Church, Keeps Constantly on Hand a Fine stock o' Goods. L. J. BVM8TEAD, M. D., ISomccopathist. Office Twelfth Street, between L and M B. L,. Pnlnc, M. D. OFFICE N ST., BET. 11 AND 12. LINCOLN, NEH. JANSEN BROS. COMPANY, Manufacturer Retailers and Jobbers of FURNITURE West Sldo of Post Ofilco Square. LINCOLN, N Ell. A. R. MITCHELL, M. D. Office Little's Block, llth St., South Commercla Lincoln, - - - Neuiiabka. Conservatory of Music. Etftublislicd by authority and under the sanction oftlio Board or Regent. Instruction given in a thorough and I systematic manner in till departments of Muf'ic Tuition rangiuK from $0.00 to $.15.00 per tTin. E-The Vocal Elomoutary Class Is fheb to all. B. B. HOHMANN, Director A. E. HARG-REAVES, t'ACICEIt or CHOICE AND FAN0T Wi nte r'App les WHOLESALE DEALEIl IN 'Qiinw groceries, xQurH, and ($ob;tcco. Fresh Oysters Dozicr-Weyl Cracker Go's Celebrated Goods LINCOLN, NEB. J. II. HARLEY. Druggist, Bookseller and Stationer. Educational Hooks Speciality. LINCOLN, NEB. S North Side I'ostoftleo Square. LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA, VI "r XI C&'UXrXGKji DDALEU IN Staple and Fancy Groceries! Bread, Pies, Cakes, Crackers, &c. made daily, And delivered to uny part of tho city. Special bargain given to students. Commercial Motel. Cor 11 and P Sts. LINCOLN, - - NEBRASKA J. J. aiMIIOFF, Prop. Turkish, Russian, and Salt Water Baths in tho Hotel. Cured by Turkish liaths. vk Qo od 8xpz.m Sooxit Qf PiserFi.oQa. est .. jtw tfig iTiT1TT'fif"lrTt-tMjTyff f-ijf