Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, April 05, 1882, Image 4

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    T II E II E b P E II IAN S T I I) E N T
- RUlentum dhtrc rtrtim
Quid retntf
Hon. Sat. 1.
Tin Palladian co-eds rule the roost.
F. .7. Benedict spends the recess in
St. Louis.
Fashionable Millinery at S. W. liar
ney's, O street.
Special prices to students for furniture
Hardy's, 10th street.
The Student takes occasion to rise and
remark that Spring is here.
Chancellor Fairlleld lectured in Des
Moines, Iowa, a few evenings since.
Buy your hoots and shoes at the B. B.
store, Tenth street between P and Q.
Tutor Little amused himself last week
shooting (at) ducks down near Ashland.
Room to rent furnished or tin furn
ished. Inquire n. w. corner It and 9th.
For pure tresh made candy call at the
Candy Kitchen, 12th street, Little's new
Miss CoraErskine visited Chicago and
her old home, Mcndota, 111., during the
The last meetings of the societies before
the recess were booming ones. A new
Messrs. Loree, Cox, and Stralton, all
members of fcJ0, were visiting Lincoln
last week.
It pays to buy all your boots, shoes and
slippers of 0. W. Webster, 0 street, Acad,
emy of Music.
Why did some of the Palladian young
men cut the second preliminary debate?
Afraid, probably.
Sludonls will find everything they need
in the way of stationery and text books
at Fox & Slruve's.
The moat ovogant line of stiff hats that
was ever seen in Nebraska are at the
Phoenix Clothing Hull.
Foot.bnll and boxing matches in the
upper halls have been vetoed by the
"opaque satolile," George McLean.
The foot-ball ground lias got itself into
shape by dint of much digging nnd spad.
ing on the part of thu foouballist.s.
For tardiness at recitation or absence
from chapel exorcises the mark shall be
three. littles on the Bulletin, Board.
Dave Mercer was complimented very
highly by being placed upon the program
to answer a toast at the last annual ban
quet of the lnw alumni of Michigan University.
Miss Myra Smith will be absent from
the University until next year. Her bright
face will be missed by more than one.
"We are glad to learn that Miss Minnie
Codding has leturned and will graduate
with 'Sil. This addition is a welcome one.
The days approach when the ambitious
Prep would fain climb in the tower, were
it not for those terrible, padlocked doors.
Wonder if the smoking rule will be as
strictly enforced as those in regaid to at
tending Chapel and frequenting saloons!
D. L. Clark betook himself to the wilds
of Boone county and spent the week in
the bosom of his family, or words to that
All the apparatus in the University is
being used in the veiy complete exper
iments exhibited before the Junior Phil
osophy class.
It. N. Piper left for the Republican vul.
ley last week, not expecting to return.
His next move will be in the direction of
a theological seminary.
The Studkxt oilice has taken unto itself
a diminutive printing press of the gonna
amateur. The new an ival gives us great
tone in a typographical way.
AVhy do not the students help us out in
contributions to this paper? We shall
always be glad to receive and publish
articles written by those in the Univer
sity. Our local has not occupied himself
chasing items for this issue to any alarm,
iug extent. He has been rusticating in
St. Louis. Quite a pun-ishment for that
Miss Kale McCartney and her cousin
Miss McCoy, or Nebraska Oily, have been'
visiting in Lincoln during the recess.
Miss McCartney was a student here laM
The brooms which Mr. Frnzer made
and presented to the Palladian ladies for
broom drill arc little beauties. They were
kept by the ones who used them. Mr.
Fnr.er is a brick.
A. J. Calvert has gone to a point in the
north western corner of Colorado to en.
gage in his chosen calling, the ministry.
A host of friends in Lincoln and the Uni
versity bid him God-spccd.
The lightning rods .vhich are supposed
to protect the building should receive a
little attention. A majority bave no
ground connection, and in that condition
can hardly be considered safe.
To "crib," as we understand it, is not
to use a pony or translation, as explained
in'our last letter from Ann Arbor, but to
mark translated words and sentences on
the edges of the texi-book. Is it not so?
"Is this infant-ry or gal-very drill?"
said an umpudent Freshman, sticking his
head into Palladian hull while the girls
were exercising their brooms. They
opened a heavy heartillery fire on him and
he was carried out.
More improvements in the library.
New cases are now being placed in posi
tion, which will 1111 all the vacant spaces
on the walls. This indispensible depart
incut of our institution is making a
rapid and healthy growth.
Target practice will be resumed at once
by the gallant cadets. The bulwark of
pine boards built last fall to act as a s rt
of buck-Mop for the balls was stolen dur
ing the winter, but a new one of earth has
been thrown up and all is in readiness
for the spring campaign.
Two vacancies in the Palladian com
mencement class have occurred. B. B.
Davis resigned, from lark of time to pre
pare, anil Miss Kate Jones was summoned
away not to return. Mr. Ralph "Weston
and Miss Mary Campbell have been
chosen to fill the vacant places.
The class in elementary botany tnis
semester numbers twenty-live or thirty
industrious workers who, as soon as they
have finished the elementary part, will
devote their energies to collecting and
classifying tlowers. Field work will prob
ably begin after the spring recess.
Miss Kate Jones started for her home
in California on Wednesday, March 22nd,
called by the serious illness of her mother.
She arrived at her journey's end in safety
and rejoiced to find the sick one out of
danger. Her friends will be sorry to
learn that she will not return to the Uni
versity this year
The manner in whichl our alumni sup
port this paper is simply astonishing.
At least six of the forty or more who
claim the University as their alma mater
are subscribers! It strikes us that we
bave the most grateful and enterprising
alumni of any institution on the face of
the earth.
What excellent talent we have for a
theatrical performance in the college!
"We should like to see a drama produced
here with Miss Clara Parks, Miss Josie
Chapman, Miss Kale Jones and some
others sustaining leading parts. There
are also many gentlemen who have talent
in that way.
George and his energetic assistants have
busied themselves during the recess im
proving the campus. The walks have
received a much needed coating of cinders
and neatly prepared flower beds grace
their borders. No excuse for tramping
your No. IPs all over the grounds now.
The walks are navigable and pedestrians
should use them.