THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. goCHlS, Jlidenlum dlcere rerum Quid vtlatT Hon. Sat. 1. New goods at Bnrkley &, Briscoe's. Large stock new books at Fawell's. Novelties in fine stationery at Fawell's. The spring recess is the next thing on the docket. Salt Creek will soon be warm enough for swimming. Fashionable Millineiy at S. W. Har ney's, O street. Special prices to students for furniture Hardy's, 10th street. Mrs. D. II. Wheeler visited her son Dau. iel, Jr., last Tuesday. Why will the boys smoke those nasty, poisonous cigarettes! All the students go to Fox & Stiuve for their books and stationery. Go and sue M. H. Gustin to got good harness or buggies, on 11th street. The autograph album nuisance threat ens to break out again. Spare us! Look out for a girl with a broonj. She knows how to use the weapon now. Preserve your natural teeth by having them attended to early by Dr. Way. Buy your boots and shoes at the B. B. store, Tenth street between P and Q. Will George improve the campus this spring, and set out his pretty flowers. For pure fresh made candy call ut the Candy Kitchen, 12th street, Little's new block. The girls won't breathe their plans for Friday night. It must be something stunning. There are about one-hundred and thirty Preparatory students this semester in the University. It pays to buy all your boots, shoos and slippers of O. W. Webster, O street, Acad, eray of Music. The Cadet Band has received a new set of band books, with about one bundled new selections. The latest and nobbiest style of suits, neckwear and hats at the Phoenix One Price Clothing Hail. H. C. Lett fc Son are selling more boots, shoes, hats and furnishing goods thai any store in Lincoln. No one doubts the truth of their selling at cost. Prof. Thompson has the Nebraska weather service bulletins placed near the bulletiu board of the University now adays. Its lines are very interesting. S'udcnls will find everything they need in the way of stationery and text book? at Fox & Strme's. The most evegant line of stiff hats that was ever seen in Nebraska arc at the Phoenix Clothing Hall. The noble and dignified Sophomore class holds a meeting for mutual admira tion next Satuiday evening. A dozen or more new chairs have been purchased for the library. The morning hours have made them necessary. Chancellor Fairfield went to York on the 5th to preach. He has frequent calls to towns surrounding the capital. "Is an oyster a person or a thing?" was the abrupt question of an inspired youth in a University class the other day. Spring suits and canes will soon be seen on the campus. This year's coat is short aud the coller has a broad roll. After four months absence B. II. Culver is again with us. He was engaged in trainiug the young idea at Schuyler. Fifty tons of hard and six tons of soft coal have been used by the University already this season. Last year over one hundred tons were consumed. Our band, they say, is going to Crete in au astonishing array. Their costumes, it is teportcd, will also be something pecu liar and astonishing to behold. Miss Linnlc Simingtou has left school aud returned to her home at Ashland. A pleasant party was given her in Lincoln the evening before her departure. Indian clubs and boxing gloves have been added to the property of the Ath letic Association. They are on exhibition in a glass case in the Studentum. To be kicked all to pieces in a game of foot-ball may not be very pleasant, but then the game brings the boys together aud fosters college feeling, you know. As a rule, college papers do not publish a number immediately after the vacations The Student is an exception. Our next will greet you on ihe day you return. The local editor wants to thank some body for a handsome cabinet photograph album which he found on his front porch a few evenings ago, addressed to him. " Der Hund zeigte die Hase," was trans lated by one of our Preps the other day, who misunderstood Hase for Nose, 'the dog followed his nose." "Why, what does that mean ? " he asked the instructor. Let it be known and hereafter remem bered that Ihe best place to buy or sell second hand goods of any kind is at J. 0. Anlill's Auction Store on the east side of Government Square. The four fellows who went down after those brooms created quite a sensation ou the street. They carried them over their shoulders i ml created un impres sion. The young ladies have a new use tor their gentlemen friends. They make them bend over and use them as diction ary supporters. This occurs In the libraiy. If we could ascertain the age, weight height, religion, favorite study, degree,, and "future expectations" of the class of '82, what an entertaining bit of statistical reading they would make. Attempting to lift a turban by its brim in salutlug a young lady is about as difll cult and wholly as mortifying as tiyiug to put away your handkcVchief in the coat tail pocket ol a bob-lailed coat. Mis9 Lena Marshall has been sum moned to the bedside of her father, " A. D." at Hot Springs, Ark., whither he had gone for his health. The report, we are very sorry to say, is that Mr. Marshall is very low. We are looking for those football cleyens and regular matches that were promised. The local editor thinks, since that day he scrubbed his nose for three yards on the turf, that scrub games are not nice anyhow. The poor old State House is getting itself sandwiched between the east and west wings of the new capitol. The best view of the work can be had from the University and it may be imagined how imposing the whole will be. The gentle telephone has been trans ported from the Chancellor's otllce to the Janitor's room, and no longer will George have to trot across the hall In answer to the bell's tintiimbulations. George runs the machine himself now and is 'appy. An effort is being made to originate a song for the exclusive use of the Neb raska University, to be known ns our col lege song. This school needs something of 'his kind, as it needs a college cry, aud clubs, and customs to awaken college feeling. The miserable scapegraces who scat tered coal over the halls and stairs, a few Friday evenings ago, must feel a great deal of respect for themselves and the University. Prompt and severe disci pline should be given them by the Faculty. N. W. Fraser is the name of the kindly disposed manufacturer of brooms who will present each young lady in the Pal ladiau "broom-drill" with exlra fine brooms, adorned with navy blue. Tho' offer he made was general and the young ladies took him at his word.