Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, February 15, 1882, Image 7
1-4 JU.mtt'WiMi. l THE HESPERIAN STUDENT Cnn now ho found In tlio LARGE DOUBLE STORE ON THE CORNER OP 11 and M. Tills Is Lincoln's Grand, Colossal And Magnificent Store. A lull line of Luetics' Gents' and Child rcn's Furnishing Good, clonks, dolmans, furs, mills, hoods, hosiery, silks and in short conio here for EWIUTTIIWG ! jgincohi 4Ioi;hI gotiBervatorn,' Corner O anil 17th. The largest Collection of Green Houso plnnts In the State. Cut (lowers, llornl designs of ll ascriptions, fancy l)atkels, etc., constantly on huna. Tea nnrt Tube roses In bloom. CLEMENTS Successor to D.lffilS3)l&loSllEEL Special rates given to students. MRS. W. ROTHSCHILD, IS i&imK CnnnVH Clothing Made, Cleaned ami Repaired. Kloonth Street bet. M imil N over City Laundry. KAST SIDE HQUAltR. cu&een FiKUiir, FKESII CANDY, BEST CIGARS. No, 0, O Street, News, Books, and Toys. Carrying the largest stock of period!, cals in Nebraska gives thorn an advantage in filling orders promptly. V. E. FARMER, (No. 24 south 11 Street.) Staple mid Fancy Groceries, Seeds and Feed, Vegetables, Mince Meat, Apple And Quince Butter, Sauerkraut. J. II. IIARLEY. Druggist, Bookseller and Stationer. . Educational Books a i f Speciality. LINCOLN, NEB. DENT ALu DR. II. II. WAY, Dentist. Over Phoenix Clothing Hall, Lincoln. Nebraska. J. 31. LUCAS. DENTIST, Cor. 0 and 10th Streets, Union Block. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA.. M. HARRIS, DENTIST Tooth inserted on Gold, Silver and Celluloid. All Work Guaranteed. Ofllce over Newman's sloic on 0 Street (Between Tenth and Klovcnth stioots,) LINCOLN, NEBRASKA A. E. HARG-REAVE8, rACKF.U OP CHOICE ANU FANCY Winter Apples WHOLESALE DKAT.EII IN HJMWJ frocerhtt, iQnra, mul (feohncco. Fresh. Oysters Dozior-Woyl Cracker Co's Celebrated Goods LINCOLN, NEB. UOVE7T H PECK. ' Wholesale and Rotnll dealers In Stoves, Hardware, Tinware Woodcnwarc, &c. &e. A specialty of Pocket Knifes. &T First-class Hardware Sto7'e East side tlio Square Lincoln, Nab. REMEMBER HARDING & AVESXEIIFIEL.D'S Star Shaving Parlor Is the place to get n first clnss Sliavo for ten cents: Hair Cutting twenty Ave cents - i N. E Cor. O and 12 streets. Sign of a big Star , ' A.M. DAVIS, ,; ; lfholeiale and Retail Ittaltr in . . j Oll-Oloths, Mattings. Hugs, Mats, Wall Vapor, Window Shades, Laco Curtains, Dmnask.&c, "Nor 23 East O St. LINCOLN, NEB. Make a Specially of School BooJcs jjvn- ghc gtufionqrg G. M. .HARRIS, ... Pro'nrlcior of tho tnt idc gurbcr ghoy, On Oth St. third south of P. First-class work and satisfaction guar anteed. A liberal reduction given to students. Athenian hair tonic for ilnnd ruff. BOHANAN BROS, Proprietors of Livery And Exchange Stables, SIGN OF BLACK HORSE. Corner Tenth and N Streets, Ono block South of Post-ofllco. Four Now Hacks. Order Slate at Market and Barn. Also Proprietors of CENTRAL MEAT MARKET, 0 Street, Opposite Post Offlco, Lincoln I Nebraska. B2T Give us a call. ?