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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1882)
THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. f xcffanijc jQricnbriic. At Cornell College, N. Y., the boys cure sore throats by gargling with lugcr. The Inter-collegiate contest between the colleges of Minnesota will take place in May at Minneapolis. . "Four years at Harvard," or Reminis cences of an Idler," 'will soon be pub' lished. It is a companion book to "Pour years in the Saddle," by a Yale graduate Prof. Sanford of Chicago in an able article on the ''Sphere of College Journal ism," says that the "chief demand is foi that which is of local interest. " This agrees with the ideas of the Student o the question exactly. Feuderson was at the theatre the oilier nigh I. "It was a burlesque, a take-off, wasn't it?" asiced Smith. "Yes," said Fenderson, "that is what il was, I guess. They had taken off about everything they dared to." Hobart Herald. "Ye pigglc U a handsome fowl, And uond'rous good to cat: 111b check is good, likewise hysjowl, And eke hys little foot. But If you try n thousand year I trow you still will fnylo To muku u silk purse ol live err Or a wlssel of hys tnyle." Lane Colltglan. The Trustees of Rutgers College have passed a resolution recommendng that the Faculty take measures to prevent the students from wasting time on such things as athletic sports, boating, glee clubs, etc. Great Cresar's ghost I What arc institu tions of learning for, anyway? A number of liquor dealers have been prosecuted for selling; intoxicating drinks within one mile of the campus of the University of California, and now they are testing the constitutionality of the law in the courts. Is it possible that a demand for these things exists at that institution? Let the Berkeley papers rise and explain F'.iur students at Wacousla, Wis., stole a farmer's gate. Thefuculty condemned them to expulsion or whatever punish, merit the farmer might inllict. He sen tenced them to chop four coids of his wood ai.d deliver it to a poor widow, which they did lo the music of a band ami the plaudits of a crowd that watched the operation. The Harvard Freshics have extin guished themselves. Some sixty strong thcyieserved front seats for Oscar Wilde's lecture, and just as iho renowned resthete was about to appear, tiled in dressed in the regulation aesthetic costume, spikes, knee-breeches, sou flowers, and all. Mr. Wilde " dropped to the racket " at once, came on the stage in ordinary evening dress, and jy his remarks in regard to the attempted grind showed that lie was up to Freshmtn tricks. The Freshmen of Brown University in Providence, ordered their annual dinner of a caterer, and prepared to have an elaborately good time, including speeches and songs. At the time appointed, Ihey marched in procession to the diniug hall, with banners flying and appetites sharp. They found the tables littered with the rem nan Is of the feast, which had been eaten by the Sophomores, who had im posed themsehes on the caterer, and in duced him to get the dinner ready an hour earlier. The following is supposed to describe the '"Vcrngo Calilornia University student: A Berkeley Colloge young mnn, A srlbucr for knowledge young man, A bcer-drlnklng bummerful, Mnohlng all euinmcrl'iil, Sophomore young man. Here at Nebraska it would read some- thing like this: A Lincoln High School young girl, Now n 'Verslty Prep young girl, A delicate constitution, Take music nnd elocution, Cut up In the hall young girl. For college escapades, Cornell is far ahead this year. Last week the Fresh nun abducted the member chosen by the Sophomores to give a toast at a class sup per, although he was found in time, with the aid of the police. The sophomores swore vengeance, and determined to break up the F.cshman class supper, which occurred last Thursday evening, at all hazards. To this end they forcibly seized upon the class president, vice-president, orator and others, and drove them oil to neighboring towns, strongly guard, ed. The Ficshmen with the aid of tie. teclives, and after slight skirmishes, suc ceeded in bringing their classmates back amid the shouts of the class, and the Freshmen had their supper the curses of the Sophs to the contrary notwithstand ing. The much discussed question of com mencement orations lias lecoived u little attention at the hands of the Regents of Wisconsin University. They decree that a curtain number of the graduating class shall be selected by the Faculty to deliver honor orations. The Faculty then de cides how many adoitiona! orations shall be delivered, the orators to be deckled upon by lot from among those who sig nify their willingness to take part. If enough do not desire to appear at com mencenifiit to till the programme, the Faculty may appoint the remainder and lequircthuir appearance as a condition of graduation. The Senior class has resolved to take no part in the commencement exercises if the obnoxious rule Is not abolished, and the Juniors and Sopho mores will do the same. We alia!! iook for something interesting from that quar tor when June draws near. $nrm galhute. litUuL. This is the college farm house. Is it not pretty ? It belongs to the agricultural department of the University of Nebraska. The agricultural dopartment must be carefully nursed for il is the biggest part of the University. In seven years it has had two graduates. The farm boys should walk in the foot steps of their instructors if they can. Then they will learn how to thresh pump kins nnd husk cabbages and raise Scrape- shire hogs n..u sorghum. There's mil lions in the sorghum, but the wheat is harvested by the chintz bugs, and the potatoes are mammoth only in expectations. These are watermelons, squash and apples. They are small, but the farm is young yet. Watermelons should be sowu in July. Squash may be harvested with :i hay rake. Apples should be salted down early in the winter and the brine changed every three days. This is the mammoth foot-ball It was grown from the seed at the state farm. (See Ag. Rep. Vol. VII, VIII, of Rep. Re gents, also see Rep. Hurt. Soc, pros J 881-2. Also, " How Crops Feed," standard issue. Tuc cultuic and exportation of foot-balls is bound to become a large and profitable part of the farm work. This is the college ram. It is not a hydraulic ram, it is a bucolic ram. The ram (p) age is not known. His name it) Aries. Ho is a rambunctious rambler, and it is proposed to brl ig him in to clear the third hall. The., you will hear the ram-pant. This, gentlemen, is tho thoroughbred Durham lamb that furnishes all the parch ment for the University. It is sometimes lamda little. A diploma in the University of Nobrasku cosls five dollars. Cheapskln.