Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, February 15, 1882, Image 5

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Tlio second Palladian preliminary do.
bate is to bo on llie question, "JRctolied,
Tlmt Free Trade is the policy for llie
United States.' Tills i9 even a belter sub
ject than the "'Monroe doctrine" and we
hope to see a brisk debate.
One of the subjects of Freshman essays
is "Dean Stanley." Several of the dear
liltie Fresh les were seen in the library the
other day, assiduously conning " Through
the Dark Continent," by II. M. Stanley
Tlicy were looking up points.
One of the richest grinds of tho semes,
tcr Is that perpetrated upon the honorable
faculty by the Hesperian Association.
Thoy arc charged 50 cents admission to
tho Charier day exercises this evening,
is 25
while the regular admission fee
cents, students, 15 cents.
The mouse thnt created such amuse
ment and disturbance in Palladian hall nl
it lute meeting, must be of strange tastes
to seek such a barren place as the Univer
sity for a home. What in the world docs
the poor thing live on, anyway? Prussic
acid and Gieek roots?
The smart young people who keep the
bell ringing during tho sessions of llie
societies arc advised by the Studknt to
go slow in the future. A muscular young
man has been engaged to guaid tho rope,
with full authority to pitch offenders out
of tho third hall windows.
Messrs. Bross and Sheldon of Doanc
College, Crete, paid us a visit lately. Tiiey
were both at the "Polygamy" debate in
Palladian. Crete is just dying to have a
contest with the University. The Palla
dian committee will see what can be done
to satlato their gore. Doaue't you see ?
Front steps of the University and one
of our girls, (i. e., University girl, no rcf
erence to the local editor.) Appear two
stranccrs and stare around, up and down.
Finally address our girl, " I er aw, beg
pawduwng.er, is this a the 'Sane Asylum,
or what?" Our ghl, "I guess it's
what? " Strangers go down town.
About the most shocking bit of obituary
poetry we have ever been pained to read
was sent out from an eastern homo on
hlnck.i'dged cauls, announcing the death
of a Utile boy. It closes, "Tho Silver
Cord was snapped,
"Then like tho rocket In Its upward IllRht,
With lis ovor varying nnd incrtmsiiiK light,
IUsIiir far beyond tho bounds or vision.
Lufi nothing but tho ohnrrod and broken etick
for contuinnliition."
Tlmt youthful shy-pnnror must have boon
fooling with (i can of dynamite or a
Commercial restaurant. Two Hush
students. First flush, "What's your
check?" Second flush, "Sivonty oeni,
is yours more?" First flush, " By the
exact sum of man's comprehension "
Second flush, "A- hoy, what's all that?"
First flush, (with a gleam of superior
knowledge) " Why, tho five ccntses! "
Theodore Livingstone has packed his
pocket book and bled himself to the
bucolic regions of Plattsniouth, never
more to be be a Unlvcrslttte. HiB loss is
our oil. no. wo don't mean Unit, his gain
is our loss, no that isn't it, either; but
anyway we're just too awfully dreadfully
sorry he's gone. And so nro tho girls,
poor things.
Prof. Howard never handles a study but
in an interesting manner, but if there is
one class that will excel another in inter
est it will be the class in French Rcvoln
Hon, now well into the work. Tito sys
tem of study pursued is very interesting
and covers a wide field. There are some
ot the t,cst workers in the college in Unit
French History class.
Students are quick to avail themselves
of the new but long desired library hours,
which are from 0 lo 12 a.m. and 2 to 5 p.m.
Librarian Howaid is consulted constantly
by students for this and that reference or
book and seems to be always able to
bring to light the required authority. He
is invaluable to those who have not yet
learned how to use the library.
Charter day at the University will be
celebrated this limo as it never was before.
The boys have taken hold with a will to
do honor to the occasion. On this Weil,
nesday evening a very entertaining per
formance will be given in the University
chapel, by gentlemen only. A stago Is
fitted up with all the latest scenic devices
nnd there is no doubt but that tho hall
will bo filled.
We print eisowlie.ro the resolutions
passed upon the dealh of Mr. Hutchinson.
Among the many who have been cut
from our ranks during tho past twelve
months, none bid fairer than "Hutch" to
become one of our most valiant students.
Youii'j, full of life, a favorite among his
fellow' soldiers, he was just buckling on
the armor of science when dread consump
lion shattered his youthful strength, made
prisoner of him, and led him to the
"ttuni.ti.duniiny.diddle, iiim-ll dummy.
diddle, iiim-ti-dninmydiddlodal" It was
Hie over cheerful janitor singing to himself
as ho transported tho ash-bucket through
tho halls ami deftly balanced a broom on
his nose and a bru-h on one ear. "Clang
tc-clnng. blank.te.blung !" It was tho old
bell on the roof, the rope pulled by tho
Qiinning little devils that inhabit llie up
per floors. Broom and brush fall and
nbhes arc lipped over, whilo George stints
lor tho bell-rope, only to And it idly
swinging lo and fro and the spirits gone.
In a down-town store is tho Intestdanco
music, with Oscar Wilde's plcturo for a
frontispiece We looked thcin ovor with
a young lady friend. There was tho Jolly
Utter Waltz, tho Too all But Waltz, tho
Too Utterly Utlor March, Dream of tho
Lily Waltz, Sunflower Polka and Oscar's
Schotllschc. " Why," she exclaimed,
simply. " I did not know that Mr. Wlldo
wrote all of these I"
They say that Livy Thcdingstono is
going to the Omaha medical college to
finger stiffs; that Bross, of Crete, writes
very fair poetry; that Dannie puts on a
clean collar every day and secretly waxes
his mustache; that Prof. W. faints now
when lie's taken for a student; thai tho
"man who laugh's" mouth s'milo long;
that (ho Lieutenant goes buggy riding;
that Crcte.onno Is popular in tho studio;
that dear Myron's new uniform is just too
cuto; that tho band will go to Crete, (Lord
help 'em); that Barnard comes up here
whenever ho can got away; that Miss May
is afraid-to-death of that horrid mouse;
that J. Anllor George has lungs; that tho
Student is a clipper, every lime.
The student who goes outside of his
text-book is tho ono who will have tho
widest knowledge of tho subject under
consideration at the close of the semester.
In the modern languages is this especial
ly true. Take Gorman for instance. It
you can read readily a newspaper articlo
you can read any German. Thcro is an
illustrated weekly printed in Now York
"Um dio Welt," which contains interest
ing matter. The German weekly of Liu
coin "Siadt Anzeiger" well edited nnd
will repay reading, not only for its
thoughts but its language. In the French
line students cannot do belter than to sub
scribe to "Le Frnugnis," published in
Boston. It is spicy and original.
The Palladian prizo debate which has
been so long pending was finally tacked
on to the regular programme of last Fri
day evening. The meeting opened with
a "criticism on tho Laoocon" by II. W.
Oluistend. This was followed bj a well
delivered declamation, "Karl the Martyr,"
iiy Dan Wheeler, an impromptu by D. T
Smith, and "Oscar Wlldo" by C. 0. Chase'.
The music iuter.-persed was a piano duet
by Miss s Dooliths and Fisher, and a vocal
solo by Miss Kate Kimball. Tho debute
was then announced, but although it was
intended for the entire society very few
were prepared to pi'iik on the merits and
demerits of the M mroo doctrine. Tho
gentlemen who occupied tho floor, how.
ever, discussed the question in an able
manner and kept tho audience interested
until time for adjournment. The follow
lug marks were given tho del'atora by tho
judges: Ed. Yuea 00; CO. Cunso 50;
D. T. Smith 35; D. L. Clark 50.