HESPERIAN STUDENT. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Voi,.X. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, FEBRUARY 15, 1882. No. X. tjffliscclhng. JUST THREE. Three tomcats, one night when the world was at rest, Were tuning away on tho garden fence: Each sang in the measure that suited blm best, And the music they made was simply Immense, For the cat, as you know, sings Its rythmlca song. From the sun's latest glow through all the night long, Though the neighborhood all be groanlug. Three boarders were walling and gnashing their teeth. And hurling their furniture out of the room With furious oaths, at tho trio beneath, Whoe melody deepened the midnight's gloom. but the cat's life in charmed, and lurougti an tne long night They ang nnalarmed amid shots left and light, Till the people with rage were foaming. Three cat with a smile of content stole away Through the morning light, ere the sleepers came 'low n ; Three landladies mourn aud desire their pay Of those who will never come back to the town; For three boarders rose early to count tho cost Of tho furniture they out of the window had toscd Then they all slid away through tho gloaming. Chronicle S1IAESPEA11EAN PllOGltASL A clever liit ol I i (entry light work, is llit lollowing Shakespearean bill of fare, ualil to lmve been pit-pat cd by Archbish op Trench : "Lndlen, n general welcome." "Henry VIII." -i., 4. ' Try you bid those unknown friend to u welcome, for it U a way toiiinko us better friends, more kuown," "Winter' Tulo IV., 3. ItOAbTTUItKHYtf. "Why, here he comes awelllug like a turkey eock.' Htfiiry V," v., I. I'KA fowl. "A vry, very poucook." "Hamlet" in., 8. ItPAhT FOWLS. "Tlure U a fowl without a fMaiher." "Comedy "f Eirors tu., 1. CA.I'OKH. "Item, n cpon, 2. 2d." "I, Ilonry I V,-n.. A. DUCKS. "Oh. dainty duck!" "Mldiuiumer KlghtV Dreain,"-v 1. JtOAIl'H HEAD "l.lk ii lull-ucurncd boar."--"0yinbolliio"-II- 5. YCUH. HAMS. "S'et Htuuj from York's great btoek." "I, Heury VI." n., 6. TOWJUKH. 'Sllenco Is onl) coiumeiulable in u ncut' ongue dried." -Merchant of Venice"-!., I. rilENCH n.WXED FIC9. "They arc both baked in that plo." "Titus An dronlctis" v., 3. MATONAI8E OF SALMON. "Epicurean cooks sharpen with cloyless sauce his appetite. "Anthony and Cleopatra" n., 2. MATONAISKOFLAMB. ' "Was never gentle lamb more mild." Richard1 -ii., 1. braised lamb and beef. "What say you to a piece of beef and musttrd, a dish that I do love to feed upon?" 'Taming tho Shrew" IV., 3. DESSERT CAKES, JELLIES, AND CKEAMB. "The queen of curds aud cream." "Winter's Tale" iv 3. BITTEIl ALE. "And here's a put of good double beer, neigh bor; drink, and fear not your man.' "II, Henry VI," ii., 3. THE COURSE OF TRUE LOVE. She cninc tripping from (he church door, Iter face Hushed with emotion by (he just-utlcred discourse, and her eyes brighl with loving expedition. He slnv. ered on the curbstone, where for an hour he shivered impatiently, with a burning heart palpitating in his throat, and frozen fingers in his pockets. They Jinked arms and started for lite residence of her pa rents. Afier a few moments' hesitating silence he said : "Jane we have known each other long. You must know how I feel. You must have seen that clear down at the bottom O, Moses!" He had slipped down on the ice with so much force Unit his spine was dtiven up into his hal, and his hat was tipped over his nose, but she was a tci.dcrhearted girl. Shu did not laugh, but she careful, ly helped him to his lout ami said; "Ym were saying, John, when you slipped, that the foundation--0, good- IK'Skl" Slioslippul herself that time, and saw little feiius enmu down to dance before her eves, but he pulled her up untl went on: "Yes; just iw I mid, clear down at the bottom of my heart is a lot vent love, on wlueli I build my hope. That love has lielptd me lo stand faco thunder 1" He wiis down ayaiu, but scrambled up beiorc she could sloop lo help him, and she said, breathlessly : "Yi"., yes, John. You remember you jithl said a love that helped you to stand and face thunder. And that you founded your hopes on this pesky ice!" There she sat. John grasped the loose part of her sacquu between the shoulders and raised her to her feet, as one would lift a kitten from a pail of water by the back of the neck. Then he said, with increased earnestness: "Ofcouisc, darling, and I have longed for an opportunity to tell you my love, aud hear those whispers whoop!" Somehow John's feet had slipped from under him. aud lie came down like a cap. ital V. with his head and feet pointing skyward. She twined her taper fingers in his curling locks and raised him to the stature of u man, set his hat firmly over his eyes with both bauds, aud cried in breathless haste: "I understand,, and let me assure you, John, that if it is in my power lo lighten your cares and make brighter your jour ney through life to Jerusalem J" "O, my precious, anil thus it shall be my lifelong pleasure to lift you from the rude assaults of earth aud surround you with the loving atmosphere of Texas!" And there they both sat together. They Had nearly reached the gate, and hand in hand, and with the bliss of young love's first confession, lliey crept along on their knees up the front do irsteps, and were soon forgelful of their bumps on tho soft est cushion of the parlor sofa. Yale Echo. Trllohlte, Graptolitc Nnuilllt'8 pic, Seas woru calcareous, Oceans wuro dry. Koccuc, Miocene, Pllcoccno, tuff, Lla and Trias, A ii.l that is enough. A bludcui's excursion is the latest get up; at a cost of $300 the student can make a lour of England, Belgium, Ger many, Switzerland, Italy and Franco. The excursion starts June 15th, 1882, from Indianapolis. Tho batter takes hi stand, '1 ho pitcher with u leer Projects u curve, With linvurd swerve, Aud takes him in the car. The Freshman class at Cambridge, Eng laud, numbers 7G7 students.