THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. VA The University telepono came near do" slroying the friendship which exists be tween George McLean and Don Clark, of the Telephone Exchange, the oilier eve ning. George had just returned from prayer meeting and was sottlingdown for a quiet hour's reading when the little in st nun out across the hall spoke up, long and loud, Tingu-ling-ling ling!! George put down li is paper, got out his keys, and started to see what was wanted, "Hello!" No answer. "HcUoo!!" Still no answer. After u pause he rang up the central ofllco and demanded, ""What do want, Don? Did you call the University V" " N ii-w ! " "Well, the thing rang, anyway," mid George returned to his room; before he could seat himself comfortably again he heard another imperative Ting-a-ling-a-ling-ling-ling-ling!! He started and listened, half believing it was the wind, but another sharp ring assured him that it was tnc telephone. "Hello!" Again he could get no answer, and rang up the central oftlce. "Hello!" "Hello yourself! What is the matter with you?" " What do you want?" " I don't want anything," replied Don crossly. " What did you ring the University for, then?" "I didn't! Havn't rung at all for at least. an hour! " "Well the old thing hns been ringing, and I know it, anil if you don't let up I'll see about it! " shouted George. " Oh, go oil" and soak your head, you've been dreaming," was tbe consoling reply, and here tho conversation ended. Meanwhile, a young man concealed in a dark cornei of tne hall was hugging hiniM'lf over the success of his scheme, nearly choking in his efforts to keep from laughiiig. In hi- hand was an innocent looking little alarm clock. It had caused all the double. jjcrfoniilin. MUs Nellie Reed is visiting at Hastings H. M. Worley is teaching a fine school at Unadilla. R. N. Piper observed Xmas out on the Republican this year. Mixs Kate Jones spends the recess with In r sister at Villisca, Iowa, R. L. Marsh is in New Jersey, where his best giil resides. Ho will be absent two weeks longer Fred Clark, formerly of the University' is now n stock man at Weston. Miss Emma Richardson, of the art slu. dio, is spending the liolidays at Crete. Our business manager, Mr. 11. F. Mar. shall, spent a part of the Holidays visiting friends at Greenwood. R. R. Davis is in the city, crnmming for examinations. He seems pleased with his position at Plaltsmouth. Eb Fairfield and Frank Parks, old stu dents of the University, spent Christmas under the paternal roof. Dan Wheeler and Clem Chase will re turn in time to make their New Years calls in the Capitcl City. Sheridan and Sullivan yoked up to gether and ambled off to Saline county to browse during the recess. Wash. Rare, '70, is farming near Syra cusc. Rumor says, well no matter whnt it says. Wait for the cards. Frank Myers will not return to the 'vcrsity next term He will .spend a few months in agricultural pursuits. Miss Orissa Swisher is' in the city visit ing friends. "Rissa " is nssistanl prlnci pal of the Unadilla schools this year. Mr. Don Clark spent the whole of last weeic pasting up in the back of his head the contents of several ponderous his. torics. Mr. A. E. Hargreavcs, one of tho Stu niJNT's most genial city patrons, leaves in a few days for a three months' visit in Europe. Tommy Fralim will not he with us next term, but will attend school at Hast ings In the springs he expects to return to the University. Our fat friend William Henry Liclity takes his lay-off at Red Cloud. A scar, city of provisions is already icportcd from that quarter. II. IC. Wolfe, '80, and J. S. Rridonbaug! '81, were in tho city last week. Roth are now pedagogues, tho former nl Edgar, the latter at Dakota City. Chas. A. Rising, alias "Duffy," has gone homo and will probably not return until spring. Ho will be missed by tho jokers who congregate in this den. Mr. Irving Sncll, once a student here, was married last week to Miss Heltio Young, of Lincoln. Tho Studknt wishes tho j oung couple unbounded happiness. Among those we noticed taking tho train for the east, on the 21th, were Messrs. Snell, ('huso, Wheeler, and Wlggenhorn, and Miss Narcissa Snell. A number liv ing in Hint direction had gone before the close of the term. Children's olmnn. CllAl'TICK I. This is a pic-lure of Piol. Church's horse and Rug-gy. It can id-ways be seen stand-lug at tho east Door. This horse is fast nu-i-mnl. Ho is fast to a post, and has to fast all the morn-ing, and when there is Fac-ul-ly Meet-mg, all the after noon, too. Must ho not have a fac-ul-ty for fast. ing? Can the Horse uu-der-stand Lal-in, like his Mavler? Yes, the Prof-es-sor says, "Jge Equo Gcltupihus" and the Horse moves, when he Whips him. ClIAI'TKU II. This is the Lin-coln Street Rail-way. It runs from the Uni-ver-si-ty to the Chan-ecl-ior's when it is built. The Car on the left is not wrcck-ed; It is a Mi-rage, that is, a Cloud cf-fect. The Lin-coln Street Rail-way is all Cloud effect. It will ncv-er effect any-thing else. K3 wm?m s&Qm CllAl'TKK III. Hero we have a Scene at the De-pot. The Trains have just come in and tho Russ-es arc nu-mei-or.s. (Russ-cs are al ways 'round where there are Trains.) The Coach on the right is the di-rcct lino lor Sal.til-lo. If some Slu-dents don't coach they w ill go to Sal-til-io. Queer, isn't it? The Picture in tho mid-die rep-re-scnts Rar-nard on a Rus(l). Ho goes very of ten. Then he is el-e-va-tcd. lie Imnd-lcs the Whip very grace-lully, does he not CiiAi'Tim IV. This is our Ed-i-tor's pri-vnto Rui-oucho. It is an exact mod-el of George Washing ton's family Car-rl-agc. There is mor age than carri in this, how.cvor. Would it not bring Tears to the Eyes of the Father of his Country? Where nre tho Horses? Oh, they have gone to feed. Thoy live on (n)"tos. ClIAl'TEIl V. jtt&C: la Heigh ya! hi! heigh ya! Here they go! Wlio aio they ? Why, Soph omorcs, of course, go-ing through OoMego on their Po-uics. Novelties in fine slalioncn at Fawcll's.