T II E II E S P HI A N S T U 1) E N T. KAST SIDH 6QUAUE. GREEN FRUHT, FRESH CAM)V, BEST CIGAKS. No. 9, O Street, News, Books, and Toys. Carrying llic Inrgcst slock of period! cnls In Nebraska gives them an advantago in filling oulcis promptly. A great Bargain for the next Thirty Days!! ZC North Side PostulHcc Square. LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA, liRflll Mrs. F. C. FINCH. Hair Bazar r MnnuTucliiicr of and dealer in all branches of Human Hair Goods. Tlio only place in llic cily whore you can get natural hair waves. All goods Warranted. Up stairs Noith side 0 St. bet. 11th & 1211). A. E.HARG-REAVER I'AOKKIt OP CHOICK AND FANCY Winter Apples WHOLESALE DEAT.EH JN 3m"1! rocciics, iQnrsi, mid hj;t8 FreshOysters Dozlor-Wcyl Cracker Co's Celebrated Goods LINCOLN, NEB. ILU - -J'Smte Above Oigni, v, in, fi Slops. Oelavo Coupler and Sub bass, for onlv $00.00. This Oiler can not he Duplicated in II, o Cot.nlry, and is made nr only U0 Days. Rcmem her 1 have moved my s'ore to 0 Sireet bolwecn lllh and 12lh, wheie you can trot bargains in anything in llic music line. B t& So my ton cunt Series of Music. US3 ir xk. rassoow, Commercial Hotel, Cor 11 nndP Stc LINCOLN, - . . NEUKASKA. J, J. IMIIOFF, Prop. GOQDSs.vrzaKoo.vi, OjrFijrsrBzaoB. Turkish, Russian, nnd Salt Water Bntlin in the Hotel. Rhcuina. . . Usui cured by Turkish Hut lis Conservatory of Music I'Mublislicd by authority and under the sanction of lie Board of'Rcgcnttt. Instruction given in n thoiough nnd systematic manner in all departments ol iMUf ic. Tuition mucins from $0.00 to SI 5.00 pur term. Efir-Tlic Vocal Elomontnry Class Is fjieb to Ml 8. B. 1101I11ANN, Director