THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. goails. Boots and shoes tit the B. B. store. Ladies' and Gent's kid mills at Kicr's. Cut velvet scnifs, the nicest thing out, at Kicr's. Silk pulse warmers in beautiful shades at Kicr's. Bcvci sable overcoats at Ewing & Co's emporium. Drydcn objects to being called "witty." Well, he's dry ill n. To cure corns : buy a glove calf shoe of Bnrklcy & Briscoe. Downs & Webster sell hard and soft coal. Give them n call. Call at Ewing & Co's emporium of fashion for fine clothing. All the students go to Fox & Struvc for their books and stationery. Our line of silk hairlkcrchiefs arc just immense. Kier, the hatter. Album', portmonies, lockets, rings, etc., etc., at Boston 00 Cent c tore. All the goods found in a first-class gents furnishing house, at Ewing & Co's. Nobby line of scarfs just received at Ewing & Co's mammoth clolhinghouse. Olason & Fletcher's is an elegant and cheap place fcr students to buy Holiday presents. Send homo some of those beautiful articles now ou exhibition at Boston 09 Cent Store. Yes, W. J. Turner's Holiday display is fine and complete, You will bo pleased to buy there. Students will find everything jhey need in the way of stationery and text book? at Fox & Strmc's. II. C. Lett & Son arc the merchants nil students should buy of, as they will give more for their money. Mr.T. M. Wimbcrly was looking around the University last week. Ho intends to come back next lorm. Professor Aughcy is off again on scien tific business. Ho has been subpeoned to Washington this time. Pianos and Orans at VanMclcr's Music Store at prices lower than the low. est. Call and examine. Students wishing fine fitting, stylish cut garments will find a full variety at tho PlioenJx, O Si. bet 11 and 12. Tho Ciidct battalion, with tho Baud drum major and all, did escort duly to Gov. Si. John, of Kansus, when ho lec tured here. Students arc invited to call ul T. Ewing & Co's emporium, where they will receive the best goods at reduced prices. If you intend making a Holiday pres ent of a seal skin cap it will ceilaiuly pay you to sco Mr. Kier and get his prices. We will go and sec why everybody is buying so mnnj Holtd ly goods at W.J. Turner's. Must be quality and price docs it. The "ciy of tin " is an expression that seme one is s'.uinhled on every year that Chemistry is studied. They say it tripped M. up badly. About two hundred of the college stu dents, more or less, hcaul the famous Clara Louise Kellogg warble at the Opera House on the 3rd. One of our most industrious students has left and gone to Colfax county to teach school. We refer to G. T. Sprcehcr. Hope he'll be back soon. Tlic class which graduates in '83 now numbers Misses Palmer and Parker; nml .Messrs. Pierce, Culver, Foole, Hitchcock, Chase, Wheeler, and White. More may come in. The professor in German nsked, the other day, ' What is the gender of ncuil. emy'V" A bright pupil replied. "That depends on whether it's a male or female academy." Holiday presents at one half price. You can get all sorts of Christmas presents at Boston 09 Cent Store it for less price than other places in tho city. Try it and sco if we are not right. It is astounding to s'.t in the janitor's iorm for an hour in tho morning and sec how many run in there without any nppar cut aim and out again. The rapping on George's door is incessant. Fischer pianos now in use. Van Meter has ii fine variety in stock and lias been selling a goodly number of them in Lin. cu and other places. Il is the best Pi ano now made for tho money. The local editor intends in the next is. sue to offer a prize for the best original pun handed in to him by n University student before January loth. Dig, now boys, dig. Be pungent if you can. John Silvcrnail is rapidly gaining rep. ululiou as a civil engineer. He is now working on the Utah and Wyoming rail, road, ami receives one hundred dollars per month and expenses. Good pay, that. Is not this a rousing number of the Stu dent for Chrislmis? We have tried our best to uialfj il such. There will ho no inlerriiplion in the issues on account of the holidays, and the next number will appear January first and welcome you back to college. Tho handsomest, stock of furnishing goods, neckwear, silk handkerchiefs, sits, penders, suitable for Holiday presents, at Ihe Phooi.ix One Prieo Clothing Hall ever seen in Lincoln. Call this week and sco them. "Duffy" and half a dozen or the invct. crates of this oflloo were earnestly discus sing the Little Longfellow arrow problem, when "Dully" gravely remarked that ho wouldn't try Hiawatha's scheme- might get stuck in the back. Officers of tho Union Society Tor the coming term: President, J. II. Holmes; Vice President, Nellie Lett ; Sec'y, Nar cisnSnoll ; Cor. Sec'y, Alice Carsc; Critic, Flora Frost; Treasurer, E. O. Lewis; Scr gcant at Arms, II. W. Olmstend. The French of it was, On fait, boiro ies sergents," which means, according to the proper translation, "Ono makes the sergeants drink," but it was icndcrcd in the French class Ihc other day as "Ono makes them drink the policemen." Mr. John N. Drydcn, the irrepressible gentleman "from Custer countj," left for home last week. As il lakes ten days to maku Hip journey each way, John is com pelled to start early if he expects to get back bcfoic the winter term is over. The illustrations in this number aro pronounced by a cynical fellow to be only "wodd-culs." Wc confess they arc uot steel plates, wc would not steel plates if we could. It wo thought ho was trying to plate on us wc wood cut him dead. At considerable trouble and no little expense we have secured a corps of till, ented artists to contribute sketches for our " Children's C himii." which will appear hcicaftcr in every number. Wo hope our readets will appreciate Ihis, and give tho Student credit for cnlcrprise. The Student keeps on winning pop. u'.nr lis subscribers away from town sn,, "How it makes mo remember Ihe good old times of tho University," and its patrons hero in college do us the com pliment to remark, " It tells us everything Hint happens in school, anil in a breezy manner." Senior B. B. Davis, who has taught Prof. Auqhey's classes so well during tho pis', lonn has been oleeled as assistant principal of the Platlsnioulh High School. He has accepted the position, but will keep up his studies also and graduate wilh the class of '82. Our students make famous teachers. Wc discover Ihc following pleasant notice of an old University nutrient in tho Hillsdale 7mrW, ihu organ or Hillsilalo College, Michigan. We expect to hear greater things as Ihe years roll on. "B. J Arnold has beon sought out and hired by SBSS.