Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, December 15, 1881, Image 2

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"This science tends to clip tlio wings of
our conceit, and to make us feci, by a lit
tlo floundering and llotincing in deep,
bottomless sens of speculation, that Hie
world is a much bigger place than wo had
imagined, and our thoughts about it or
much loss sigiiillcuucc."
Mr. Hlnokio then asks us to cultivate
Imagination, and points out tho fact that
the highest class of scientific men have
been led to their most important discover
ies by the quickening power of a suggest
ivc imagination. "Have 3 our fancy al
ways vivid, and full of body and color,"
ho remarks, "A man may live and live
hravoly, without much imagination, as 11
house may be well compacted in keep out
mud and rain, and lei in light, and yet be
ugly." And, after recommending to t lie
young man ambitious of intellectual
excellence to look at fine buildings and
fine pictures, ho s-iys, somewhat boldly,
"If there arc dextrous riders and expert
tumblers in the cirrus let him not imagine
thai their supple summersaults are lucre
idle tricks to amuse children; they arc
cunning exhibitions of the woudorlul
strength and liihoncss of the human
limbs, which every wise man ought to
admire." This is reuse, to say the least,
and very comforting to those who have
had scruples on the subject. Then on ad.
miration, in general, this excellent teacher
proclaims Unit " the orl thing u young
mnn can do, who wishes tou'dncato him.
self ojsllieiiea'ly, according to the norm
of nature, is to begin criticising, and cul
tivating tho barren graces of the niladmi
rari. Young men, of course, may
and ought to have opinions .in many sub
jeets, but (hero is no reason why they
should print liiem." Hut these extracts
arc sufficient for this number; in the next
wc shall have some on Memory and Phys
ical culture. 0. C.
Published eomi.monthly by tho students of tlio
Nebraska btoto University.
Hotter far thnn arts msthctlc,
Cruwcl work ntul ponenck fnns,
Aro tliuso studies (llntutfc.
Carried on 'mid pot ntul pnns.
This Is womnnV truo position,
In (ha kitchen's Inmost nook;
And n lady's noblcet mission
In to cook.
Tlio University of Des Moines opened
tho present jenr with u new president in
the nnmo of David Forrester Call, A. M.,
n graduate of Madison University in 1880
S. Piank Hamblyn, A. Ji., professor of
Latin and History, was also a graduate of
Madison in '80. " Young men and ener
gy " seems to bo the motto of the presi.
dent in selecting his assistants. Wyoming
Literary Monthly.
The University of Des Moines must be
in need of young blood. With such
striplings it ennnnt but bo enthusiastic nil
over. There seems to be n touch of sar
insm in tlio closing words of tho above
Kdsion Ition. v '' Snkli..
Local Knrroit, y Chase.
TKiiMS ok HimaanirTioN.
1 copy por coIIoro year $t.O0.
1 " fix months. ......... ,50.
Slnjjlo copy .03.
hates or advriitisi.no.
1 column one Insertion $3.00.
2 squares " " ,75,
1 l ' ' . An
All nrtlclos for pnlillcntl in should be addressed
Editor IlKsruiiiAN bTtiniiNT. Stnto University.
I.lncoui, Nolirnvkn. All subscriptions nml busl
noss communications, with tlio address, eliould
bo scut toll. I-'. MAUSIIALIj. Subscilptlonscol.
loclcd Invariably in navanco. Advertisements
collected monthly.
Byiion IJ. Davis, n inember of the pics.
out Senior class, has accepted tlio position
.t Assistant Principal of tlio Pl.itlsmoulh
High School. As ono of tho foremost
members of the Palladian society, as a
.student of good standing among all, his
inilueiice and presence will lo missed by
those with whom ho has been so long
associated. The Student wishes him all
iho success and good it can, and lias its
reasons to believe the board of Plaits,
mouth will never regret the steps it has
The students, in certain of tho classes,
aro rejoicing over tho return of n profes
Bor who has beet: nlisuul for some time.
During his absenco his classes have been
tossed about from ' pillar to post." In
tlio lilllo lime loft for sludy-.Uiis term, the
Geology class hope to learn something.
Tho professor who heard tho recitations
in tliis study iho first part of tho term,
either has no skill us n teacher or knows
nothing about tlio subject. Tho day has
passed when membership in soma church
entitles a man to a position. In this day
and ago all men must stand on merit
alone and not on creed.
The students aro evidently considered
objects of charity by tlio ladies under
whose auspices the late lectures have been
given. Ten cents is a small admittance
fee, and n lecltirc is worse than nothing
that is not worth that amount. There may
be nnolhcr way of looking at tho mntler.
Tlio Indies may think that If tho students
are converted to their maimer of thinking
all is well; that their measures will, in
the future at least, receive public sanction.
If tills is their view, sludeiHB surely ought
to leel llaliered that .so much is expected
of them, Ihiil some people look after llicut
with Mich maternal kindness.
The various elections in tlio University
during the pal year have marked n new
era In its history. Many of tho older
students can recall Iho time when mi up.
proaching election was tho signal for
strife. All this potty quarreling may have
been foolish and needless, but it certainly
added wM to mailers, and succeed.d in
partially awakening some of the students.
It may be, our present Q cikcr elections
indicate an advance of some sort; if so
souu! of tho other department aro loosing
ground. ft would seem l.owtwr that
theses later elections, are an advance in
the wrong direction. In former days the
eleciion gave au opportunity for both
menial and physicd activity, which in
somu degree compensated for tho lack of
intcllectual'life among the students ns a
A oeut.vin class of students seem to
considi-r the halls for their especial hen
elll. Although its against u rule of Iho
Faculty for anyone to talk or make any
uiiuoeessan noiso in tlio halls, still stu.
dents desiring to slu'dy would not com
plain if whole hours ul a time were not
devoted, by this class, to (hulling and
talking as if tho cast or south ends of (ho
halls were parlors. It was only n few
mornings since that chapel exeisiscs
were interrupted by the hilarity of theso
so-called ladies and gentlemen. Wcrolho
rules enforced for a lime, just for n change,
it might bn of profit to thoso who make
the halls, during recitation boms, resound
with tin if merriment and pleasures.
Wliat lias been said does not apply to the
great majority of students. It is for n
f-w only. For Unit class who hold their
.Nlu.iies a sucond.-iry mailer: who, as s'u.
dents, lake privileges not extended to
ilioni at ii'imc, and hence, consider u Uni
versity life, burdened with none of its
laborious study, preferable to n homo
We hear It iiiliinaled, not officially how
ever, that tho preparatory depnrlment islo
ho abolished. At present it comprises n
course of two yeais. Let any ono take n
catalogue and glance over tho studies re
quired in this depnrlment nnd thou say,
if bo can, that they ought to find u place
in n University, What have Elcmenlnr
Physics, Chemistry and Algebra, Ilvgiene,
Physiology and Grammar to do with a
stnlo University? If this institution is
tho High School of Lincoln, yo have