Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, November 01, 1881, Image 6

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tions nf crisp doughnuts, succulent tails
and fluffy spoiler enko. Every day he
vis nt the postotlloo and every (lay (Us.
appointed until his chum made up a nice
little bundle for liim and put it in the
box. Face of despondent Froshio lights
up us he finds and opens it. Looks like
maple sugar; little off color though.
Takes a bite; spits it out; smells, ball! il
was an old cookie that had been kicked
around their room for a month.
The "artillery squad" took Hallowe'en
by the forelock as it woie, and performed
their brilliant little trick on Sunday even
lug, we blush to say. They probably
thought' George would be wide awake
and armed with a blunderbuss Monday
j night, so they look advantage of Ills ab-
t senco ill church or prayer-moeting or
' something and laboriously hauled (lie old
I cannon around behind the building, load,
j ing it up to the brim. Then they trained
1 it in u westerly direction and scattered.
The old piece of ordnance scattered a mo.
1 meut Liter and worked shocking destruc
tion. The scene the next morning beg.
ganl description. The cannon trick 13
not only getting n little old but is always
ncompauicd with 11 certain amount of act
ual danger. Possibly thill's what makes
it so interesting.
The fall appropriation for the Univer
. j sity library amounts to about $600, and is
being very judiciously expended by the
I faculty. Eich Professor lays out about
' $10 in his department, choosing books
be deems most needed. There have til.
ready arrived and are being placed on the
shelves some choice reference books on
mathematics, chemistry, and history.
y ' There is Clarendon's History of the Rebel
lion in seven volumes, ind Stubb's Hug.
lish Constitution, in throe volumes, which
include facsimiles of many famous old
d'icuuicuts, among them the Magna
Uharla Then there are Hodgkin's "Italy
and her invaders," and Norton's "Church
Building in the Middle Aue-," and Leslie
Stephen's "History of English Thought."
.For bcicnlific works we have Gordon's
"Electricity and Magnetism," Worm ley's
"Mioro-Chemisiry and Poison," Fourier's
'Analytical Theory of Ileal."
Ono of the most popular as well aB the
most profitable departments of the Uni
versily is that of "painting and drawing
The standard of art culture, both in the
school and in the city, lias been wonder
fully raised by the efforts of Mis Emma
lUchardson, who is so thoroughly in love
with the study horsell that she imbues all
her pupils with ail her own earnestness.
In I. or studio, at any lime, can he found
sainphs nf productions of her class, in
oils aii'i ciajons. The work is largely
lluht and fiui'illul, plaques and panels,
bin nevertheless well done. Now and
then a more pretentious piece, portrait or
landscape, is attempted, and faithfully
executed. Miss Richardson's own color
work is exquisite. She has just lluUhcd
a sut of porcelain, every piece difl'etent,
for a friend in Crete, that would compare
favorably with llavilaud, wo are sure.
Step into the studio and see for your,
Below we give the score made by the
cadets at rifle practice last Saturday.
1). L. Clark 34033-13.
E. F. Peck 44444-20.
F. J. Benedict 40504-13.
G. M. Gregory. . . . ! 44 J33 17.
E. Hall 42331-10.
. S. Miller 8050412.
II. Bell 34323 15.
J. V. Parker 5233 117.
N. T. Iligglns 44433-18.
B.B.Davis 4131110.
Rogers '. .02443-13.
Company B.
G. T. Sprec.her 4232314.
D. T. Smith 8304414.
13. C. Wiggonhorn 3332415.
B. W. Holt 43223-14.
F. H. Myers 35541-21 .
Frank Oarlock 3314317.
.lesso Holmes 32040 0.
Geo. A. Ilawlev 4223314.
V. II. Lichty 02323-10.
F. B. Harris 430431 1.
Lieutenant Webster, 17.
There are 2,850 books In the library, and
COO at the farm. The number is constantly
increasing. The demand for books and
for the best books Is growing significantly
larger every day. Professors give their
classes longer lists of references than
heretofore and there is more looking up
of authorities and sources. The great
and unanimous complaint is tltat the
library is not accessible in the mornings.
If the faculty could make some temporary
airaiigemiMit by which the library could
he open, say from nine to twelve every
morning, until Iho rogentt. can appoint a
regular librarian, it would bo a boon to
the students. AVJirm a man is referred to
a-'mo work in the library lie would find It
an easv mailer to step in between classes
and look il up, or during a vacant hour,
while very few will conpj down from their
distant rooms to tho library in the alter,
noon in search of a single point. The
reading, too, which can lie dono or could
bo dono in a vacant hour of the morning
amounts to a grout mass during a. tomes
tor. As to order, the advantage of a quiet
nook to read ors'udy would bo sufficiently
appieciated by sludonls, young or old, lo
warrant quiet behavior. Moved by com.
plaints from upper cities students Hint
tho have no place tONludy and by others
that thoy cannot eomo 10 the library in
the aliornoou, it is hoped that the faculty
may conclude to grant our request,
It was the cat. Prof. Thomson's class
room was as quid as usual when suddenly
a monster cat came plunging in over tiio
transom of the door. The gentlemen
wor startled, slightly, the ladies screamed
and said, "Oh, my I" Professor smiled
quietly, and looked out into the hall to
sec whence came the animal. The hall
was unoccuple.l. He then looked at tho
cat and the class looked at the cat and
altogether, considering tho suddenness of
her arrival, it was very embarrassing for
tho poor thing. But she recovered her
thoughts presently and was sufljurcd to
remain. That wasn't the worst of it
Coining out of the door the funny Soph,
started to remark that " Il was nearly a
cat-astro " when Miss Mil 111 us inter,
rupted him bluntly with " Oh, gracious,
don't inflict that old pun on us, at least
not on pur.pussl" whereupon ho replied
with great spirit and not the least una.
bashed, "Now, don't go too fur, it might
hurl your felines." You'ie right, it was
the cat.
The Union Society, by the loss of so
manyol its valuable members, has, during
the last lew months, suffered great 1. 133
and Mary A. Hawley, a young lady ot
much promise, died Friday night, tho
14lh. Her career at the University was
marked by btudious application to her
work, and earnestness in till that slio
undertook. The Union Society, of which
sho was an active member, adopted tho
following resolutions:
"WiiKtiKAS, In the wisdom of our lioav
only Father, our loved class mate and
earnest co.workor, Alary A. Hawley, ha
been called from our midst, therefor0
be it
licsolml, That in her death the Union
society and Sophomore Class have lost
one of tbe.lr most ollloiuit members, whoso
noble traits of character tiro well worth
imitation, and
Jlaolved, That wo hoioby express our
m.isi lender sympathies to the bereaved
family, who have thus lost a loving
daughter and slMor.
Resolved, That a copy of theso rosoliu
lions be llirnished Hie imn-nij. m il. ),.
ceased, and that they bo published in our
college and oily paper.
Papet and envelopes very cheap at
Fa well's.
Largo stock now books just received nt
"However groat my fall my spirit is
unbroken," remarked the overturned bU
cyclist, tooling in Ills coat-tail pocket.
A bad-tompored man; Ho had lost his
knife ami they nskod Iimu tho usual quo?,
lion: "Do you know whore you lost it?"
"Yos, yes," plied, "of course I do.
I'm morelv himtmir t,, iiu.u.. n,,,. ,,i.
1 b ..uv uiuui iiiuuvn
'for it to kill lime."