THE HESPE1UAN STUDENT I ! book.s The worthless ones wore made to bring in 11101103' ami not to be read. The influence of these silent companions is great. One's character is, to 11 coitaiu ex tciil, determined 1.3- his reading. The common novel unfits the mind for more substantial (ood. This will be remem bered by all, who have road, oven such as Dickon's novels. On the contrary the reading of George Elliot's novels have an influence and training akin to that produced b3' the study of mathematics. Nnpolcon delighted in Ossion and Pin lurch's Lives. Goethe was so taken with Goldsmith's Vicar of Wnkofield, that hd was not satisfied until he hud found a family corresponding to the parson's fain, ily in Goldsmith's description. Learn what 11 man reads by prefoience, and you have, in part, the key to his character. Alany have, in a great measure, been made by the influence of books. In every stu dents own experience some one book plit3's an important part, as having caused him to turn iiis attention to study and system, atic reading. Books like friends arc suit, nble to different mood and purposes. To 0110 we turn for rot-re tion and rest; to an. other for enjoyment, pleased with its gos siping style; to another fur consolation in lime of sorrow- to still another we turn for infoi million- Over tho sentences of the last wo ponder, and arrnnge the thoughts in-order lor future use. Jit is not necessary lo rend some books word b3' word, in order to know their contents Some one lias said the object of reading, was to llud out what was in a book with, out reading it. Edwin Whipple possesses this power in a remarkable degiec. By reading n few extracts from as many different pages lie becomes master of the contents of the book. No rule, as rogatds tho number of books to be read can bo laid down. Dr. John son said: "Whilst you itnnd deliberating what booh your son shall read fli t, an other hoy has read both; tend anything five hours a iluy, and 3011 will boon be learned." Many eminent men have attri butcd their succors to the fact that they mustered one book. On the other hautL men of such universal knowhdge, as Na poleon and Chntierlon, rem I cverjtiju, that enmo in their way. In working up his first Uw suit, Thomns (Wwiii's oniy reference wat an antiquated volume of Milton's Paradise Lost Book are of lit lie value unless sy-teuMlical)y ubcd. Were we to icatl ten hours ench day, for seventy yeais, we could only ivad u miiuII part of some libraries. From this will be seen tho necessity of rending only repre sentative books. The value of 11 book to anyone is measured, not by tho amount of Information contained, but by the amount of information that this one can get out of it. gotnls, Tlioy call him "Column linlll " now. All kinds of students' supplies at Fa woll's. Hiilchins & Hyatt beats them all on coal. Choice novelties in fine stationery at Pawell's. The University fonco is in a shocking condition. Boversablo overcoats it Kwmg & Go's emporium. ' The best pliico to got coal is at Hutch, ims' & Hyatt's Call at Ewing & Go's omporlum of fashion for fiuo clothing. All tho students go to Fox & Strove for their books and stalionoiy. Hallowe'en night brought tho younger larks of the school out in force. All the goods found 5" a first class genu furnishing house, at Ewing & Go's. AlissAIatlo Trcmau and Alyrtn Osborne have returned from a visit to New York. "The CupUiiii," is the name of a fine stylo of shirts at tho Boston OJ) Cent Store. Nobby lino of scarfs just received at Ewing & Go's mammoth olothing house. Use Glycerile of Hoses for chnpped face and hands. For sale at Tho Little Store. For fine dress goods and trimmings Aahby'a is headquarters, 0. and liJth street. Something's wrong about tho oollogo bell. Whon it rings it shakes tlio whole building. Student's head quartors for coal nl of. lice of Downs & Wobstor, 0. street 2d door wei of 11th. Cloaks, dolniuns, ulsters, circulars and jackets, an immense stock at Ashby's, 0 and UUh street. Ladies men's, and children's underwoar in all qualities and prices at Ashby's, 0 and I81I1 street Have you seen those beautiful Fischer pianos at VanAIetcr's music store. Go and hear them. You can rind anything in the shoe line at Goodrich Bios. Goods the best, and prices the lowest S.udouls will find everything thoy need 11 tho way of stationery and text books nt Fox 6i Struve's. Largo invoice of lints and caps latest novel ties, just received ac Ewing & Co's clothing emporium. Air: VanAIetcr has a line Mtppl of gout's furnishing goods of all kinds, it greatly reduced prices. T. Ewing & Co. has the largest assort ment of overcoats, uUlcietlcs, dress uud business suits in the city What's nicer than a walk home with her on a rainy night with a small inn brollu? B. wants to know. li. C. Lett & Son will stand by the stu dents and give them bottom prices on everything they buy of them. Students aro invited to call at T. Ewing &Co's emporium, whoroHvioy will receivl tho best goods at reduced prices. If an agent of the Student asks you to subscribe, remember that you are one Willi us, and fork over tho dollar. Air. VnnAleter's variety of plant's and organs is most Completed in all respects, and prices lower than the lowest. We have our suspicions of the young man who pronounced tho fracas witii the cannon as "quite too positively bully I" Ladies and gent's gloves and nulls also Germanlown yarn a specialty. Ciikap Stoub, Cor. 10 & Q. The next thing tho Unions will be hav ing tho old cannon up in the front win dows firing nt intervals to draw a crowd. Senior, (explaining' tough kntt to a lough nut,) "Now, that's a line" Tough nut, "And now you're a lien, tool" Tho Student ofllce has got a stove up and the intelligent compositor can no longer blame typographical errors to the cold. On the evening of the 21st. Palladinn Hal' was so crowded witii visitors ihat admittance could not be gained by late comers. The Palladians talk of treating their friends next Friday night so the succu lent oyster for money. The place is the Academy of Aliisic. Piorco's folkb and Wheeler's folks will movo lo Lincoln soon, that they may keep a sharper 030 out on their progeny Both those boys nood looking after. To the students!! II. 0. Licit & Son have a complete stock of dry good-, n" lion, etc., and will make it to ihc mien 4 of students to trade willi them Go to Airs. A. P. Slum's for fine niillin ery and choice fancy eoods. Ifemovi-.l to the room foimully occupied by A. M 1 Davis, north sidoO.St. bet. U& 12 otiecU English's history of "Jo," the little terra cotla image on the pedestal in Pai In dian Hall, was very interesting. "Jo" Is tho household divinity of the Palladians.