Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, October 01, 1881, Image 4

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Tlo college vote vis sought for eagerly
in the lute bond election. The college
vole is one by no means to be despised.
Was the dog mid? Yes, the dog was
mnd. Was the dog shot? Yes, the dog
was shot. A bravo Ca del shot the dog
with a ri-lle.
Yon can iind anything in the shoo lino
at Goodrich Bros. Goods the best, and
prices (lie lowest 0 St., one door west of
Opera House.
There is no Chapel on Saturday morn.
ingB foil some reason. Students who re.
cite on Mint d"iy hnvc to depend on thcac
cumulated grace of the week-
This paper is rcutl by every student in
the college and by a laige number ol
the down-down population. Careful ml.
vcrtisers should make a note of this.
It might be well to make ihe new cir.
cular itself an elective and employ a
professor to teach it. The diiliculty
would bo to find the professor.
The rumor that George Hitchcock was
" all broke up " by a railroad accident,
down east proves to bo a canard, gotten up
by a bold rival. George is still able to
attend Methodist Church.
Charlie Pierce "withdrew" for the
sake of harmony in his society. This is
soiucthiug very few members could think
of doing, and Mr. Pierce's otiquette in
the matter is laudable In -the highest do
giee. Myron Wheelcr.IIenry Ncwnuni.Hillard
Hickok and Walter Davis are ushers at
the Opera House. Their gentlemanly
deportment and pleasant courtesies call
forth much praise from visitors to that
temple of the drama.
The Palladians arc discusssng a propo.
sitiou to hold thou literary conclaves on
Saturday evenings after this. By the new
course recitations are had on Saturday and
and this necessitates, for many, the use of
Friday evening lor study.
In order to catch Messrs. J. B. Triokey
& Co. (our popular jewolors) for an ad.
vertisomont, wo would suggest .that our
students making purchases of these esti
mablo gentlemen, to gently intimate the
fact that they are students.
The prize flag, won by our battalion at
the Lincoln Fourth of July celebration,
iu competition with the Vork militia
company, is now in the University armory.
It i'a uboaut'ful banner uf ribbed silk with
heavy gold fringe border and gold cord
c-iu ,mh1 tnssols. The cost was $150.
Eb. Fairfield, '83, has been employed in
a responsible position in the office of the
general manager of the B. & M. It. It. at
Omaha for the- year past. IIo resigned
and came down to cntor school again, but
received a dispatcli from Mr. Touzalin,
asking his help three months longer on
double salary. Eb went.
Dan Wheeler, '8U, wrote up tho late G,
A. It. reunion for the Lincoln Dkmocuat.
The young ladies visiting camp .seemed
possessed of a sudden and intense interest
in journalism.
Livingstone is bound to bo a natural ist or
taxidermist or a surgeon or somcthiu g
He'll talk learned!) for two hours on an
old bone and just dotes on stuffed birds
to say nothing of exstatic bliss over a sur
gleal operation. ..
"Here's your fresh roasted, double joint
cd, baby Mphant peanuts: right this way
for your California peanuts!" It was only
Marsh at the G. A. It. reunion, working up
his lungs for for the next season iu the
Pa 1 1 ad i an.
A beginner iu Latin was overheard
reading the dramatis pcrsonm in a Junior's
Terrencc the other day. "Glycerium gly
eerhic, muliera mule. Good name for a
undo; ought to have had 'nitro' prefixed
though; wonder how they bring the mule
On the door of " Modern Languages,"
the morning after the President's death,
was a card announcing that there would
be no recitations. Beneath it one of tho
more advanced German scholars, who hap
pened to know hov to spell the word,
" Gut," and a French scholar " Bien."
Tremendous linguists, they.
During llio summer four of our stu
dents were lost to us, and saddest to re
late, two of them by drowning. Miss
Minnie Williams perished in Salt Creek
and Mi. A. C. Brown was accidentally
drowned while bathing near Tocumseh
Mr. Frank B. Hall was taken away in
September by consumption, and Miss
Nellie West in July by typhoid fovor. All
those were bright members of our coniinu
nity, whom wo most sorely miss.
Those three rules have just boon laid
down by tho Faculty: Substitution of
studies shall be on the basis of year for
year and fraction of year for fraction of
your. Any student who has completed
the equivalent of any year or years shall,
in the next catalogue, bo ranked in the
next year ubovo. Ropuired studies not
tukon must bo niado up instcud of elcc.
College was closed on Monday last in
honor of Garfield's funeral. Lieutenant
Webster had charge of tho procession
to the Opera House and at tho hoad wore
cudts to' the number of sixty who up.
pearcd well although for tho first timo
under arms, half being " recruits." Tho
college band also shared honors with the
city band, with whom they compared
favorably. Tho cadot colors wore seen
caught up with crape. Tho University
did not a little toward making the mem.
orial exciclses complete. Tho Univer
sity, in truth, is usually a prominent and
acceptable factor in public celebrations.
Some practical diflloultics have arisen
in putting tho revised course into oper.
ation. Freshmen cannot find any four
hour elective and arc obliged to go im0
the Sophomore yuar. As there are no
eleclives in ihe classical course available
for scientific and literary students, and as
there are no three-hour elcctivesin thesci
entitle course, literary students find it ul
most impossible to elect tho required num.
Nothing denotes refinement more than
propriety in dress. To young gentlemen
who want fashionable and neatly gotten
up clothing, we recommend our popular
clothier S.Schwab. He excels by far,
this full, in stylish and nobby suits as
well as in winter outfits; his prices arc
the lowest in the city. Those of our .Pad.
crs who Imvo to dress tho rising gonera.
uon, wo advise to look at his boys' and
children's clothing. His stock is erinnt
large, and cheap.
A. very well attended contest was hold
last week at the Opera House between the
pupils of Prof. Chamberlain's classes in
elocution from Crete. Phutsmm.ii, ,i
Lincoln. Tho University was represented
ana two ot our students carried off prizes
Miss Minnie Lett and Mr. Dan Wheeler.
Considerable dissatisfaction was express,
ed by tiie audience in regard to thedecis.
ion of tho judges, and it was amusing to
see how people differed iu their estimates
of respective merit.
New Prep, girl: "Oh, see that horrid
bkeleton in Prof. Thompson's room!"
Teasing brother: "Yes. vou'll iinvn to
take that apart and nut it totrethor nmiin
It's a part of your study. Nice work.
Only been dead about a month, so there's
some Interest in it."
Consternation and horror on the part of
the little Prep. girl.
Puzzled Fresh, (picking out his studios,)
"What do theso x's and o's mean in the
time table, anyway?"
Wise Senior: "Why, stands for'opta.
tive,' I suppose, but x x "
Fresh, (with a gloain of hope,) "Oh, I
guess x must bo 'oxective.' "
Mutual admiration of each for the
Junior Physics. Excited student, (aftor
racking his brains for an hour on the
"boat problem "): " Lot's see; If A was in
tho immovable shore and the post was in
tho . boat, no, if tho ';oat was on the
shore and B was an immovable post, thou
tho shore, oh, thundor, no; If the shore
was in the boat and both A and B were