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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1880)
THE HESPERIAN STUDEA'T. Inez J We noticed several students doing active Lnh i sfivici' nl tliurucont lire in llils city, and i nr by their assistance considerable property kn wt saved. Mr. Frank Marshall deserves I special mention. Ho was one of six i nun who were standing on an awning helping up with the lioso, when it guve .way, and all of them fell through to the j idewulu below. Tlioy escaped without lious injury. Mauri M it I lor. I aid MiiIUt, on oxnmlnntioii tiny. li r imuUi't tuckail nvvuy i bnok enth lur bitim ulovrod t ho vvonltli pun i lif k nud lolcniilj good Honlth. iii it h k c . 1 1 1 1 1 it the lihick liomd up nud down. nti ut.dhldoounwlih ? It eeoiuod to flown. vn clu-erhil unil no vnguu unrest r iium '--! iniuiiiu mien nor mount; or .lull I1.0K ii -in- M'tircidx dared to own int .'liKl more than Mniitlhnd ever known. li tli ' ol the uin-n-pei-iintf Mnud tt lny. Mi i'iitc i'!i I'mi i-hniirrd to look that wny H 1 1 ti'nl tin ii -iild "Mnv I be chnvvod fl t I 'in uk miu n mi awful fraud " Ol (iii 8il word of tongue or pen, Tin nidi hi nro. 31 mill unlet bo oxninlnod ngnln. lilcction Kemilln. '1 Itil.iw is irivi'ii tint rnmilu nf clnrliuns '" l nr next term, so far as we have boon able ",i: tn learn: u ' Palliiiluut'Jtlha Anna Shuokman, pros. i tlit iidi'iit; G. O. Hitchcock, vie.c president; Gio. McLean, secretary; W. A Tris, treasurer; 11. L. Marsh, critic; MissNollic West, corresponding secretary; Miss Ah hie Williams, cliorlster. Union C. A. Pierce, president; Miss Taylor, vice president'; S. 1J. Mallory, Miss Helen Holmes, secretary; Miss. Jon nie Grihwold, corresponding secretary; Mis Dora Swisher, historian; J. S. Uii denbHUjrh, critic; II. MV. Harington, ser genu' ai anus. ', rilmiH A. Warner, president; Miss I)e C nil, viee l i. -uleul ; Win. Gregg, ire- retat'X . Mis i,,. II n'-isurcr; Miss Teb bets, hi-.inriun have n u turns from the Sopho iii-'t- sii niiir in1 Juniur clnsues, us the MKOHJAIj. A. H. MITCHELL, M. 1). Olllco Littlo'B lllock. 11th St.. South Couuuorohil, LINCOLN, - TSTI5llItA8KA. 15. li. line, IU. 1. Ol'KtCK UNION llt.OCK LINCOLN. N 1511. wXfiv 4M i -F- M. DelJRUNNBR, wfawi itJw, BOOKS, STATIOXUKY Azv. '(Sill?, Ulte a uutinu f'-.N.Z. ditm in :'ni-i'ii, cli Mis.s klu same i slants tt the i nan 1 par- P tllCM it re ce. Ii.i g.viiin:iiiim in running order '" ,u . imt fleet olln ers until tho oneuitiir of "ll' ii' t term. Tin' Hi sju'rian association ' pos mi, tv lu-xt wii'k. and the result wili up ' ' 'hi. (it ai in one liuit .is UIC AMlllC tli Student would like o v" Ptt ' I- 1! ol iM.l. pr.uiil i inert in '-"" niiiul ii (puie si niiieh bitterness at clec 1 ilnp '" ou-s. mil i student who wouldn't take an olllco I)' lis l n' could get it 1 ,l" A lull alti'iidanee of the Faculty at '"v' ' ( 1,-iptl. I'll' Siudeni's Lecture Assuriutiou i v i 1 1 iii l term. Tint pile nf brickbats moved away li.-Ui tin- I'usl shI ol tlie Univeisily. 1'lir Mtuleii' vlin can conseicntiouslv s,i tliui the i iiiiinntioiis were easy. A pood nil t.isbioiied sociable with 'i'i'' nji mt m nml not lucre for its object. 1 J" ' Abmit a hnii'liiil or two of its deliiu ijni mi MibhCi iiiei-. riiine forward and pay ll A in vv stud- nt who i is been asked ,ivi tli.iu lil tinier in "join our soci . tY " Tin- pei son who doosn'i iliink ho could gittroln ihr;iirn l! &cm epai UNIVERSITY STUDENTS, Are Invited to Call and Hxiiniine Entirely Netv StooJc JJoolcs, Jiotrt's, Sttititmcry Ac ALSO In Lincoln Solo Agt. for tho publications of tho American Hook lclinujjo. A fine Line of Goods Especially Adapted for Presents, Society Uoom Decor iillons and nil kinds of Uni versity Requisites. 5JrAny Oowln not in Stock ohtniued on the wliortext ponsililo notlco. Tontli St., six tlooM ooitlli .statu National Hunk, MNOOl.N, NICU. BAKERY ! AIO rititplo and Fancy (.1 rocorios Coiifcutioiivry. Oannrd Fruit, ISosi Sprint? and Fall Flour i. ,!.-; US. BCSi, North Sldo (iovurmuuut Sqiiaru, Lincoln, .Yrltrasktt, WHijf BIOOTS &SllOB.i. c,v t0D9 & BnwA Mnki' a Speeialiv of School Books 4l'hc jstfnthmcrn Ssz-rr Josh Ullllugf xayv ''Gil islU-anliun nud shoos; ir you ktut git cdicahun. git boot ami show OF Aeudentv of Music, O Pi. i ?" 'ro!vso.ii i.. A. Hold. K. P. llolnu- Fi:ii yhoiiiio-r tlltoriiris at l.d iv, Ofllcu in Stale Block, LINCOLN, Situ. DKVI'Ali. VI i i.r.. li) llli lis . V- 1 lln llgl,. I I II ll.l . Ill .1 M. HARRIS, DENTIST Teeth inserted on Ciold, Silver nud Celluhtid. All Work Guaranteed. Ofliec over New uiau's store on O Street ilietvvcen Tenth and Klevonth rue -i.. UNfOI.N. NKIiltAHKA iii-. ims ami ..l. Ill ill-- LMhl I iii-pin i in' inoii', Hi- in i i lun H'ls paper heller lliau it is now con. i-i drum dinted w. s. .yjt'itn.ii', . . s. fFormorh ol the Hi in ufRVrn t Murray) Cor. Omul 11 Nth. LINCOLN, NIC II. Preservation of tho I Natural Tueth a Spucliillj . f J. M. LUCAS. DENTIST, Cor. O mid 10th Struots, Union II lock. LINCOLN, NKI1RASKA. .1 iof. Job US IX j Mm Ibe- Fiislclass Tonsorial Emporium, well fur nished wit li thcbfsi brand of Uigurs. O M. ThrtMs looi of Tenth. Student ploiiuo rantcmbcr your old tontorlal rlend. O K. Biurbav Shop, E. . MASOX, Prop. He linsroocntly movod into his noiUly fin n islu"' filiavinir Parlor and is now ready and fully prepared to givo general satis faction. ? -elut ltutoo toltuJc! vclve Shaves Tor a Dollar i . nave m my ompby two Ural class 'vorkinaii; G. Holidvy ofWusliinpton D. (' and J Hy300MKih..i)ofN. Y. City. -0n Tenth touo dor i-outh oT Quick's. . - jL. - ' IMOV1J1" i 1'ECK. W'holoHnle and ItutQllilenlcrs In Stoves, Hardware, Tinware Wooden ware, jfce. tVe. A specialty of Pocket Kniles. t3T First-olasa Hardware Store Kant Hldo tho Siiuaro. Lincoln, Noli. 4tiRt: :' . ter-" rt !mBti A