Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, December 18, 1880, Image 3
jggjggj "" 9 i . S" K v IN Wft ;y T I U3 II E S P E, H I A N S T U D B N T 11 changed for more gonllcinnnly inslrue lions." A reporter of the Monthly started onl lo interview sonic of iho Asbury sliult'iila on the leading topics of the day and among tin interesting tilings dieted are a Senior's opinion that Iho extinction of the Engl Uh sparrow will be the prom incut issue of '81 in view oflliu alarming prospect thai at the present rate of in crease I hey will cover the earth to the depth of a thousand miles in so many years; also a Junior's delluition of a Soph. A student with a strong pair of lungs und a head whose brain attachment is so constructed that it can be laid aside lor nine mouths of the year. lie it under stood that we extend the hand of syinpi ihy to you, Plntoniaiis, who are weekly subjected lo the tyranny of the janitor at lei1 o'clock. We have heard of l he Polyhymnia n Monthly bill have never 3een it before this month, win n it comes marked "Please exchange," and wc couldn't be said to have seen it then as it is no longer the Polyhymnia n but I lie Gliontan. The Vlionian professes Itself greatly aton ished at (hiding in one of its exchanges an article on Sarah Bernhardt and. can only account for it on the supposition that the editors are. ignorant of the ante cedents of Miss Bernhardt. It is too bad that Mich bad papers as the Alma Mator, The Hiyh Sc'iool Journal, and others, should be permitted lo invade the clois tered innocence of iho Valley Female Seminary. Doubtless those papers go even to Oborlin and the sight of the name i't'n'i. ttlmiidouod woniHti will CUlstt a blush to come to the faces of the modest ouths and maidens there. We call upon the exchange man of the Niagara Imlex to join with us in condemning this out liige His tender solicitude for ihe child ren at the latter college is well known and we are sure of his sympathy . Another papei thai is shucked is Ihe W'txtminut' r Monthly ami it is at iwo things; first at the proceedings ofthc Na 'i. null Liberal League; secondly at the m:i- whirli I'lof. Winched advances, Hun there iuu have been men ptevimislo Tin- time of Adam. It snys: "Pi'ul. WiuchellV idi as are a Utile ah--md but it shows what men will ihiuk in spite of religious surroundings." We will shake with the Monthly over what it says about the mistakes in tjpo laphy. We too are willing to give the pi inters deit his due, but we lliiuK that when proof has been read twice the great (ishiiieot blame for all mistakes is his pit iue, and we are not willing to shuul " - such ns appeared in our lusi number, l'oiit.une sas: "The desire of peifeeliun is tin vvuisi disease that ever alllieteil the iiiunaii niiizil." We know of no class a Her lroin ibis disease as those whose iu u it is to correct proof. This is staled is ,i general rule but we make no excep tion of those in our ofiice, and it ur spi-liiiig is -ouietiiiics a little queer, do ii. .t suppose that the Student is an miv- ate of some reformed method bui try .old excuse us, and If ever you have experienced a similar aillictiou lei a fel low feeling make you kind toward us. The holiday number of the Wittenberg, cr comes to hand neat und lusty in ap pearance, containing a variety ol original and interesting matter. "Another 'mashl'" decltf Fine Holiday uoods nt Turner's. Ohristinas goods at Fox & Slritve's. A rich and rare variety at Fawoll's. Cheap and elegant presents at Faweil's. An elegant stock of Christmas goods at Fox & Struve's. Useful and beautiful presents at Fa well's. Go to Fox & Struve's and buy your Christmas presents Students, get your Holiday presents at F.vwell's. Every one should soo Turner's- line line of Holiday goods. Christmas and Now Year cards at Fa well's. Turner's is the place lo get value re ceived in Holiday presents. For fresh groceries of all kinds go to Hermnuce & Cook's new store. Fine line Christmas and Now Years cards at Turner's. The University closes on tho twenty- fourtli. Vacation two weeks. If you would see lino Holiday goods go lo Turner's. When soaking your Holiday presents visit liter's Hat Store; it will pay you. The display of Silk Handkerchiefs at ICior's Hal Store is simply immense. Prize conundrum: Why don't the devil skate; Answer in our next. Beautiful new hats made expressly for the Holiday Hade at Ihe Hat store. As line a display of gloves as one should v lsh lo look at. at ihe hat store. About the only poetry theie is in exam ination is tiiat it rli vines uiih vacation. -The new University Catalogue will probably he published williln the next tinny days." The Sitdknt heartily wishes its read ers and mends a merry Christmas and a happy New Veal. Evvlng & Cu's clothing toi style, boaiity mid csiiccinliy tit can't be beaten in the slate. B. B. Davis, ye local, is teaching near Salem, and will uu missed around llics$ parts next lerin. .1. II. rj.ist 1d.1v left last week, to lake charge ot .1 iii ii" store in Tecuinseli dur- Esaiuiue Ueiiuiughause's line line ol lobuecoi-, cig.iis, anil smokers' a:iicles 113 the University brand of cigars. The first nice ling of the Frcaluunii class hex lerin Will le held al the resilience id' Ml Tebhells. io later styles ot collars and culls in the market than is shown by Kiel Ihe Hatter! Adam and Eve obtained their sweets by raising Oane but ilermauce & Cook can supply you with sweets cheaper than you can get them even by tliat method. I am making a finer display of neok wear than any other house in Ihe city If I er, the Hatter. New designs in Scarf Pins, Sleeve But. 011s, Pulse Warmers, Suspenders, Collars and (lull's at Ivlcr's Hat Storo. Tho Professors all'. use tho celebrated Havana-filled cigar manufaclured by Woltomado & Wolf. Students try them A lino display of Holiday Hooks at ll big book storo. Any one who can't suited thoro can't be suited in town. A new student asks us what kind of table they sot at the Dormitory. A woo en ono, probably; we can't say, positive!, 15. P. Unagnsl has gone ut into t' southern part ol the county to teach du ing Ihe winter. The uncertainties of examinations ar elections are keeping most of the studen in a eold sweat just at the present writing Hermance & Cook are now selling gro ceries so rapidly and cheaply that they will soon need a larger room and more clerks. Woltenuule & Wolf's Is the placo to go, if you want a Meerschaum or Briar Pipe, or any variety of smoking or chewing tobacco. Ewing & Co., just received another invoice of those beautiful custom mado ulstcrctls. See them before they are all gone. This is the season when country news papers clamor for delinquent subscribers to bring in wood and settle up. We don't want any wood, but Ladies! The Little Storo makes a specialty of fancy handkerchiefs, novel ties in neckwear, etc. It will pay you to visit it and gel the low prices. ' Jm ami' l In, dci oxa Ev IIIUIl it duced coived you ctu of your Darin ' henting j equal U ami w to be le seals e Hirv e If all those who have la'.ely been elected j to fill olllce and all Ihose who wauled to be elected come back, we may rely upon, j j ,, were having a pretty fair nt'cndnnci m M term And now some of the envious cadets say that the baud boys curry lltelr pockets j notliinj full of brass bullous besides those that ills play on the outside. But we don't believe it. Boys, go to David May 's and get sonic of those Hue silk handkerchiefs. He also has iho best assortment of neck wear, and a fine lot of the latest styles of Now York IlnU. Students will confer it favor on their parents and sw el hearts if they wiil se. cure theli photographs of Wheat & Co's nud (iiesent them uh-n liiev return home this vacation. The ignorance displaced in that Higher (MiMiiistry class is- astonishing one of the members lalely quest iomd Tutor Little as to theideuly ol "Tubal Cain, who is mentioned in the Hie lext." David May till keeps a large assort meiil of fine sill; handkerchiefs He also keeps a luammoib slock of ueck-weai, and a fine lot of ihe latest styles of New York. Hats, Ulster, and Ulsterel.es. Mr. Frank Parks, ol ihe Senior class, was elected editor in choif of the Student fi out thcPalladiaii society. It remains to be seen who will leprcsoul the Unions in the Studkxt corps. they hi euiinei. l'lie I progra the tcr. the eve ossny, lroin 1 ender grain Ev line sl-llll ilol All All 1 All I and m. liuuiio We ChalllL busy d give so are to tt teachers, tinuiug lessons lo and oollcg- r , 1 4 -VV, m r -'iSi -. m t K-. 1 V WMt WM 1 KBmrZKW mm mmm mm mi 1 wi . uWtveM S.M&& 0C(. iiSwlXll SiBBM liuuiio hH We KS (i...nii SB ituiii. !! give so SE are to tt Iwili teachers, IKlK tinuiug lfi lessons 10 lsJS and col leg- tt iils' toini,!, BflMi K-Jfftt1,, tlri'tr Vl&j4f& m Joe? W "SwhHIK ' MM $V' ' " " "-', ff?. !'V 'irft ; ii 11 iir " tti i 1 ' irtlMMiBHiilTiUllfrii IlllMMll raai3'-,: ii wmiw h in i i i n rsmw&mz't T&tmmaaaKKnmMKamatiBBmsKKmm