Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, December 18, 1880, Image 2

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WIlBIIIIWlltBI hll'm
BJltililil i I i i
T 1 1 E b S P B HI A N S T U I) E N T
: t i
Published saml-monthly by tlio students of" tho
Nebraska stnlo University.
Sati'iiuay, Dkcicmiuck, 18, I8-S0.
May II. Kaiiu'ikli), II. W. Haiuunoton
Looai. Kditoii, II. 11. Davik
ti:hu r wmscuiPTioN.
1 copy per college your - -
1 " I. months
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- .95.
All article fur publlcstl n should lie Addressed
Kditor IIwmuikian iTeiKNT, State University.
I.incom. Nehrnikn. All ub8criptlniiK nnd bust
nose cnimnunlcntioiiB, with tlio address, should
be sent to 1). V. VIS1IKH. Subscriptions col
lectod invHTinbly in ndvnuco. Advertisements
collected nionllily.
proving our opportunities in lliis diroc
lion nnd provide for us a rcRu'ar profes
sor in elocution.
tho good old times Hint in ninny respect
were not so good an our fatheis would
have us thiol:, uo.s, youths and young
men of all ages weie bronglil up look to
those wiser and older llian themselves
lor advice and guidance. Now it is llio
The groat boml of America, is thnl alj wllh mustaches of two-hairs oma
men are in the eye of the law free mul j " w,, Slvo B"ntuilfus advice to their
equal. But we must now, modify that lvor.hended fathers. Hut even among
proposition :uul say; provided they have an lli-"li- own associates these conceited
equal amount of money. The crown- j youths I themselves scarcely loss lu.
iug virtue of every man who draws dicrous and not a whit loss disagreeable,
the admiration or our day, must he wealth. indeed they are oven mora so, for older
Great benefits to humanity, noted achieve! people eome lo look upon the self.com.
mciits in science or invention, lanie into, pincency oi those sott-itoaded i Is with
insignificance whor. incapabloof being used
a sereno pitying philosophy that is akin,
as an instrument for amassing wealth-1 perhaps, to contempt but, at any rule, is
Tlio hand of the law it seems cannot fasten J "t compatible wllh youthful impatience
tightly enough upon a criminal thai is well
covered with money to hold him within
nnd choleric temperaments. Edward
Everett Hale in his advico to young wri-
the reach ot justice. It does, seem its though 1 U'l's "d lo tell them (hat whenever they
one who is well fortified with wealth' had written a sentence that sceme 1 to
would be sale in the commission of al" , them especially appropriate, learned or
j mosl an crime. II a poor liitin InKes unuiaiu m cm u inn mm nine nines out
monex lliut don'l belong to him, he sun 1 u'li their productions would be im.
fers the penally of the law; but one who 1'ioved by a rigid enforcement of this
has sullleienl wealth at his command may "'. 11 would not perhaps do to carry
Tho idea that oratory is u gill ol nature
and needs only to bo used is one of the
heresies to some extent provalont at tho
present day. Jfo man was over born an
orator any more than a machinist or a
bnse-b.,'1 player. Tho result of such an
Jde i? the blatant style qf our political
speakers as also of ninny court pleaders
and the ranting of many so called divines.
To this ono error more than to any other
perhaps is due the decline in the power
ami ascendancy of tho christian churches.
The preacher is seldom an orator. Al
though his influence upon the lives of his
fellowinen depends as much upon the
manner in which he presents the truth
as tho truths Uiemselves the theological
.student neglects almost entirely the culii
vation of voice and manner. The natural
awkardness and timidity of first npcaring
upon tiio rostrum wcnis away into settled
habits, unpleasant and often even disgust
ing ton cullurod congregation.
Ilis'mind carefully trained in the hair
splitting points of difference in doctrine
and filled with the beauties of art nnd
Hieralure: his fooling charged with nil the
vast needs of humanity: his bean burst
ing willi the great truths of his rcligiun,
he lacks only the art that given grace and
elegance to his appearance and lorce to
his words yet lie fails. Lacking the re
snonsu of fluig mid the apprvcinti it that
feeds tho energie. and inspiration ol the
orator, he falls into the habit ol enforcing
dogmatically liis own icws and opinion
ns though they were great truths upon
which test Hie welfare of humanity.
Wo learn from (he old Romans as well
as from the words ol the most eloquent
moil of every age Unit oratory is an ait thai
must bo acquired In the most diligent and
earnest piactlce. It is an acqiiuemeitt
that is important to ever citizen of Xcb.
and should be made one of the elements
of a full and rounded education such as
-ir University is supposed lo provide.
'Jnccicly hope the Regents and Fuc
hay oon sue llio iniiortaiico ol ini-
murder in cold blood and yet go uupitii.
islied. Tlio murdcier Olive wlio has for
the last year been administering a sleeping
potion to justice was given the freedom
of tho city a day or two since, and has
now gone homo to demand a new trial, or
in other words procure legal absolution
from his terrible crime. It is an outrage
noon the ooiiiimnwcalth thai a few paltry
thousands should blind tlio oyos and par.
alyze the hands of those who arc dealing
out justice in our state. But 'ho bit is in
Hi" mouth of the people and the legal
jockeys kiu.w well how to ride.
Tlllt KKSTIV .
this principle too far in writing but
surely a slight modification of it would
accomplish most beneficial results when
applied to conduct and thought and the
estimation wo make of ourselves. Before
such a rule of life ninny of our "smartest"
acts and sayings would receive little atten
tion or thosneor which is duo them. Few
tilings aro moro discreditable lo one than
this over confidence and self assumption
which will listen lo no reason, take no
advice, give no justice lo, place no con
fidence in, llio merits of oilier people, hut
selfishly claim all honor, all consider
ation and all praise. And the word phase
of the matter is lliut a conceited person
seems never to think Hint other people
The joint festival given by Hie literary '' . "'inj; except Unit they
societies sometime ago is woiih of some praise him and all the praise and honor
comment not merely thai it was in every f tli:tt i,rr bestowed m-ciu only to add fuel
way a complete success, but that it was ' l ,la' l5iu nJ ',l' jneedily calls for more
without ajar of discord so Tai as our cure nml ,s "l'V1,1' satisfied.
have reached. so one would have siippo ' - " " :
set! thai two opposing elements . the At the lust meeting of the Hcspciian Slu
University were equally represented in the dent Assochtion an ninemluienl lo the
genial social company gathered at the :nMiiutioii wat 'olTm-il wnieh meets the
dormitory on Friday evening. The hearty wnnil approval of the Student. The
good fellowship there displayed proves amendment was to the cficct that twoeorps
thai the hard strifes which occupied the f yAUuns be chwfU eacl, coge y0K.(
societies during the last venr. giving rise one ln oe0einber to seive from January
and utterance lo many questionable art. lin,t , jUIie flr-li ,lu. hCe,(1 chom n
ions und hitler words, havo left no truces ijjay to sm.t. ,,, jll0 Hl jHMMr
of personal emnity between members ol We ho,,e Uii aimnUinoiit u ill pans. It
(he opposing-imrlies. Wo are glad Urni wi eimble more students -o enjoy the
such was the result. It shows many hom. o UeUif, edUI. of ,,.,,. co,e.r(.
prophetic remarKs made helorehaiid by ,,,.,. ,.,, 1VC tll u , mimber a very
disinterestetl parties lo be flse. It is evi. B,r ex,ierK.,lc.e In lulllllllg a ,,,,.. TJ,
deuce of honest purposes, that opoiitioi. duti(JS lf ,0llll.Ulll,., 1m,ioi j,,,,,, nIld fn,
shtiiid Oe)romineul when dUlerent (Iijcotb
ale to he gained, and cooperation when the
g'derniiiii m 'noir next meeting and have
the eon. ing ofileets elee'ed only for
six instead of twelve months.
Tlioro is some comfort in belonging to
a small Senior class and attending a com
pnralively small Institution. Our ex
changes from tlio old and large colleges
arc bristling with those dillcretices of
opinions which seem of so much account
now in the last months before Coin,
nionconieiit and which dwindle into
such ludicrous insignificance when the
buttle of real, earnest, active lifo rages
around us. Cornell, Princeton, IjtiFuy.
otte, are one and all the battle grounds of
their Senior classes and though the
weapons uio pen and in It and tongues
Ihe first are used with all the shaipuess
of Susan JJ. or ihe cutting sarcasm of
Gail Hamilton while the lalter would do
credit to a Xuntippe. Wc have re -con.
grid ulated ourselves anew upon the bar
mon though some illnalured Soph,
omore suggests that it N sheer indiller
ence that prevails in the Senior classes
near homo It is too bad that the best
year a class spends together should be
marred by the iiinuendos and insults
which either side heaps upon the oilier
without stint and with no regard for
truth and fairness. The last day the
class spends together should not bo cloud,
ed by tho discontent and illnuinte and
anger necessarily generated by a light
among the meinbeis for ihe honors of
class day.
and fre
quently tedious when taken in connection
wllh the regular school duties It j H
object is Ihe same. We may now feel as. ,Vub , M.M.liflce llm, M1,3 (uduiI u w,
suied that Mroug pciuiial frieudship iiihn
have coexislerce with slmiit: ojjposition
itor for a wleie i ullege eai, and Ibis new
aineiidnient, i.y niikiog his lerin of ofilce
A M.t !. Ul iKl.lll.l lt..l I'.ll.. ... lll.tltl.ifll
,,....,.,.. u w..,v...w. ...,v 6... ..,.,..,,.,,; 8lx lllU,t iufcu-mi of twelve would he a
inllucnce of an occasional election cam-jvcry wdcome ,dil.,. Nw mt ,e Stu
imigii, were the above not m,; for one true ,mKT ib iw,ued lw,ce u ,, in ih1,1uI. o
enemy is worth a host of false friends. ;do ,c ,mner ,, ,illw. .Um
j spend two or tluoe evenings every mouth
In preparation. By holding two elections
each year the burdens and honors too if
there arc any would be more ovonly dis
tribuled and Ihe Sti'oknt in all probabil
iiy would be Ihe gainer. Wo hope tho As
sociation will give this matter careful con.
If there is one churactcrislic which
moro than any oilier combines to make
the present typical American college boy
very disagreeable to his contemporaries,
follow students, teachers and friends gon.
eially, Unit characteristic is conceit. In I
The Bute Student has u plc.isunt ar.
tide on Charles Ltuub. .rjves a pi,,.
gramme d the PolMuiiiiui society and a
"simultaneous discussion" js (IIU. ( ,(l,
exeicises. We don't know just what a
simultaneous discussion is but have an
idea that it then- is any question that
ought to be dismissed simultaneously it is
the one they have chosen: "Is it belter to
be a boy than a girl "
The Asbury Monthly in it character ol
the "outstanding member of the college
faculty" raises Us voice against certain
"villainous abuses" in Xi h(.)100l. y.
give uii account of one because it will
strike- responsive cloud in the br. asts
ofstudetilsofN.S l Oiii3 IIS, t.Ve.
ning Plato soeiei 0i,icli iiuinbois ( .
nelly 100 niemb-r-) neaj the e,c of )U)
excellent meeting, was rudely iiiierriipleu
by the noist of that fellow's (Ho j.mitor
voice outside the uo,i (Ji,jc "lenoVh.ek
b( s, ten o'clock, I, .. s r 'i j. g,.n, MU.I
ol the society not being thioiii;!, v.;,-,
some impoitaut business wiU.ji lhe
wished lo transact, ignored His Highness
and went on. Hie then cooly locked the
door of the society, and kept it M, nil
siine time after li.e adjoin nnieiu," ,
the boys were compiled to make their
exit through the windows. "The patience
Willi which these thing, wwi: home might
be i omineiided foi some reasons, but it u
is icpeated wefear there will be serious
trouble. The janitor claims to be acting
under outers from tho faculty. We know
iiot. We only know the abuse; and Ave
know this: if his notion is an independent
one he should be turned oil' and a gentle
mini hired in his place; if he l!t ciII;
under such rude orders, they must be
t -
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