Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, December 18, 1880, Image 1
mt vm rTT-v-rr.tTY if NEBRASKA- M ! !r'u '.RY NEBRASKA ,11.' A 'I. Hesperian Student lTvVi1"KItMTi Or .YJKIUl.tSK.l. v' T-. .. . -cwrx B n Vol IX. Lincoln, Nicn., Dkokmheu 18, 18S0. No. 15 IJOkflLS. $h jktlh$w, J0S1CIM1 Ol'Kl.T, 1M10P LntooftlioMAP.SU IIOUSK, IllUWWWI.t.M, Nun. hy iitt'i 42?. f(l commercial, n.otet. Cor 11 nml P Ste. LINCOLN, - - - NBimASKA. J, .?. ljtlllOFIF, Prop. Gqpd SArx'xitJ''Qavr Q.vJfjrxirx'fiRapr, Turkisli, Russian, niul Suit Water Baths in the Hotel. Rheuma tism ourcd by Turkish Balhs. 13. II A L LET, . AVateTunnlcor, and Jeweler, .- - -r v" ' . .H ' I tfZJ? $T i3i? - 0 St., bet. 10th and 11th, sooth -lilo. LINCOLN, N1C. Conservatory of Music liMublisIicd by authority and under the .sanction ofthe Board of Regents. Instruction given in a thorough and systematic manner in all departments of Mtuic. Tuition rmiKiiiff fJ' $0.00, to K15.00 jor lui'iu, I. tTk Vocal Klemontary Olnat i rittn to all 114! S H. I10HMANN, Director " A.M. DAVIS, WUolfkalf ami Itrtail Jfealrr in -sxph b& OII-ClotliN, IuttliiUh.ltiius, AlutM, Wall Pupor, Window Shades, Lace durlalnfc I)ama&k, &o No. S East 0 St. Lin $vf iUjI. A .MODICIIN UltRKK CIlOIitTS. Wo nro tho diiitrhtort" OfUoddosa Mlnorvn. Wo nro prnrtoleiii In ollinticnl onrvo. or Tho ecienco botanic And Innlgnngo Oermnnlc. Froncli nnd theology, Snunkrit, geology, TIiohu aro but imMim-- to ninidrni liko ns. Diuitc nnd (Joe' lie. "The aorrowa of WiTUier." Wo easily road with no Oil.. Algebraic quadratics, Advanced iimninintlc$. And chemistry, too, wo delight In: Hnt as for astronomy Ami domestic economy, Those wo nro wondorliilly bright in. Then honr, 0 Jllnorvn. Knoll diligent fervor Of llbuml studio nnd thoel Grant that each malflon With worship deep laden Por ovor lliy vwtftl inny be! QvrMn Mills. petent to do all the meruit mil required ol now, will continue hoarding at the Dor him. It is not U all likely that any hoy mitory next term. Some think that he of common sense applying for a situation cause this is'a public building they "have would decline to give u specimen ! a right to call il a "hash house" and of his handwriting, for there are numbers j similar slang terms, but they should re ol boys who can write a much plainer . member that not only are they throwing , PltOil THE FXKXril. Poor leaf of tho frrn. Where gotl thou" 'I know not Unit. 1 ow. The Htonn hatti broken the iroe. Whii-h alone NiiM.uni-d me: With its iuruuMnnt mind The Zephyr or tin- i-ant wind. Since t tint day haf blown uu- Prom llii' mountain to tin- uillej, Prom the forot 'o the plain. My road and the wind's Hit- name. I RO hilt never complain ; I go wbero even thing goo, The lunf of ihu luiiiol; tho loaf of the rose." and neater hand than the nverago editor, titid yet not bo very wise. So a merchant wishing a clerk would hardly be willing lo take an applicant on the neatness of hib penmanship alone. Then again, bus iness men usually attend to thc math ematics of partial payments and notes thoinsolves. Now if this boy had been through the grammar school, and after, wards attended high school four year, and had passed satisfactory exam in al ion in the studies mentioned, he was educa ted far above the average clerk, and n great many editors. It can be noih. ing less than malice or stupidity thai OCU30S a man in these days to decry .our plihljc schools. It may bo thai in some platxts the schools aro mismanaged. Il may 1)0 that an incompetent board has Qmployud incompetent teachers, or it may bo for various ruinous thai tho schools 1 fhil to do their work, its well ns U might T6Twnt'T!tjrti6trt-bdiir. happens, is no reason why a fire of abuse nnd derision should be constanlh levelled at litem. When, for any good luitson the schools are lame, it is the duty ofthe public press to make the matter know ii. But the right way is to endea ot to find the bottom of the fault, and then nppl ihe remedy. This indiscriminate t iiiit iiir will never do any good. This TUB PUBLIC SOU00LS. Nebraska newspaper, not pub lished in Lincoln, we ire glad to say, is venting a prolonged howl al the public schools. Hardly a day passes that it does not contain an trticlc or iw deriding the schools and charging them with inefficiency. In a recent issue it quotes from an eastern paper a conver sation which is supposed to have taken place between a merchant and a young man, just from tho high school, who wiu applying fr a situation in tho merchant's btoro. The dialogue developed that the boy had studied reading writing and arithmetic in the grammar school, and had afterward spent four years in the high school, wheiehe had studied rhetor ic, literature, civil government, history. Latin, Gorman, etc. But nevertheless ho was unable lo write a legible hand, could not figure in partial payments, and was deficient in other points, and so was told that ho was uot Avantod. Now this story is, so to speak, "thin." If the boy had only Stioh tuLjjOduoaUon as the grahimar sohnojigavo him, he must-have been com- r- harriers in the way of poor students who arc enabled to remain in school because of this cheap wa of boarding, but, also are doing a great injustice to the Uni voreity and placing themselves in an un desirable position. All that is asked of any one is to find out from those who are boarding at the hall how they arc pleased with the way it is conducted and thou snapo their criticisms accordingly, and not do that which is so unjust to this iustitu. tion that the people of Lincoln have so generously donated for the students of the University. uiiuBti mr "?'! sue siffiiou Dr Schlioman has commenced opera tion on the site of Orchomenos in Boetia. They were walkingby tltc sea-side, and he sighed and she sigited ; and she was by his side, and ho by her side, and tlicy wore both beside themselves, beside v:il llii; cjQiisuIp whnn ho. sifht A nml TT' - -J-A . , 9v -, m-m- Oriental cducHii ui is growing broader every enr. Al the last matriculation examination of Madras University 8,5109 (-.mdidtiu presented themselves and 1,004 passi-d. Two thircK of this number came from non-governiiienl schools, and it is said that the schools managed by native gentlemen are large'y increasing. The newspaper knows, or it ought (o Know, I maioritv of the candidates who r-'iseed the vety well, thai if it were not for our pub. lie bdiools, two-lhirds of the childron of this c unt y would never receive tho shad ow of an education. There is no element of our advancement so potent as the pub lic school, and there is no institution of our our countn that should be so care fully and jealously guarded. We are sorry to say that by some mys terious way reports have gone afloat that me very damaging to tlie University boarding hall. Because of some of these Inlsic reports a few of those who were rooming at tin Dormitory lefi it, and others hourding there were induced to go el-ewhere. Those perxout who have said anything 'iainaging about the way the hall it conducted have done so from some maliciottb purpose unexpalinablo, or pei haps, more huh irom p'Tsoiial inter est. It is to Ik hopi-d that in the future the truth, al all times will be spoken about the boarding hall. This term the students have conducted the Imll on the club system to the entire satisfaction of all persons connected witli il. Tho cost 1ms been much les thr.u tho studen's oouid Imvo'had the sifmo board olsowhoro, and nearly nil, if not all, that aro thuro B. A examination were Brnhims. Pro I. Watson, ofthe Washburn Observ atory gi otitis or the Wisconsin University is electing at his own expense a novelty in the way of iiblroirunicnl investigation which is known as tho Watbon Solar Ob gervaiory. Taking advantage of the well known fact that sinrs can ho se n in the middle ofthe da from the bottom of a deep well. Prol. Wat&ou lias carried out tois thoorg in his new structute, and lias sunk a cellar twenty feet beneath the sur face ofthe ground, over which a five story building ib being elected. At the top of a hill near thebpol, sixty lie! above the bot tom of ths cellar, powt-i fnl reflectors are to be placed, throwing rus of light down a large tube ending in the cellau, where the observe1 is stationed. It is thought that by hi moans bolter observations of the sun cm be obtained than ever before; and astronomers and lotieib of the science will await the results of tho experiment with interest. D. R. Ha' soy of the Senior class at Cor nell, committed suicide. The cause ofthe act ib unknow. He has oppoared very gloomy all this term. He was an excel lout student, but &ocmod to have lost interest in his studies. : miw- m"vwsmigJkEiM.Mim-jmiMBmMm mmmmmamimawmmamwm i- 1 i t-i ?a J