Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, December 01, 1880, Image 4

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ttmammmtnmmmKmtmrmmmnmuL i " m ij i -..... . .
biggest "bnrM" will stand llio bost show.
All returns will probubly bo in buforo our
next issue.
David May still koopi a largo assort
muni of flno silk handkei chiefs. Ho ulo
keeps a mammot'h stock of neck-wonr,
and a lino lot of tbo lulusl styles of Now
York.llats, Ulsters, anil Ulslerollos.
Those interested or who can Interest
others In the work, aro Invited locoinmu.
uicato with It. L. Dtti;dule, Secretary for
the East and Acting Treasurer, 70 Fourth
Avenue, New York or M. Jj. Soudder Jr.
Secretary for tlio Norlliwost, 10 Portland
Block, Cli ioago, 111.
We mildly suggest that iho boys who
take Mich lleiitlisli pleasure in burning
names and dates into the chapel scats and
lloor find some other way to use their or.
gan of dostructiveness; cliop wood,
maul rails, or maul the Local Editor
any way, in fact Hint they may do good to
the world.
Scene first'. Society night gas turn
ed off a rushing to arms grand stum
pede for the outside.
Scene second : - Out in the moonlight
"Oh John, your voice sounds so quoorl"
"Why Jennie, 1 aint John!" Confusion,
explanations, and a redistribution of prop
Tha Geology class this term is having n
hard time. The members want to male
an excursion in the interests of science.
At first a trip to Milford was piojocted
but was given up. The next contemplat.
ed survey was an expedition to Pouch dur.
ing the Thanksgiving recess, but Iho Rail.
Road companies were not sufficiently lib
end. Salt Creek will probably be tho
most distant point reached.
The Palladlan society was the recipient
of a beautiful picture from Prof Sladier,
formerly of the University, representing
himseirjust finishing a painting of Mal
tha Washington. The picture is at once
u monumont of the Professor's artistic
skill and his good will toward tho sooicy
and will serve as a constant remembrance
of his gentlemanly treatment of all stu.
dents while he was here.
The syllogism was practically illustra.
ted a low days since in a "way which will
uot soon be forgotten. The professor sta
ted it as follows: "All men are mortal;
Garfield is a man ; therefore he is moral."
Republican Student: I suggest that Him.
cock's name would be more appropriate."
Proscssor: "Hancock is dead already.
I used him by the inductive method, lo
prove the major promise, that all man aro
Did you attend divine service last
Thursday morning V One of tho students
did, and he was so bubbling over with
thankfulness that his feel flow out from
under him and ho sal down with more
force than dignity. Perhaps this may be
misconstrued by somo into thi belief
tliat it was not thankfulness that upset the
gentleman, but we assure you that lie it, a
person of strict sobriety.
The caclots have rocioved a mortal of.
fense. Not lon; hinco ono of them, ban.
pening to stray unarmed within tho picket
lines of the "Broom.stick Brigade," was at
tacked and might have been taken pri&on.
cr but, recollecting that according to
modern tactics "discretion U the better
pint of valor," retreated In good order,
Willi no w.irao injury than a black eye.
Wo learn that the cadets demand an
apology and II it is not given it is feared
that two groat opposing forces will bo
marshaled. Now is tho time for d.plo.
malic envoys.
Tlorotoforo it lias been generally con
ceded that tho Seniors and Sophomores
carry most of tho dignity of the inslitu.
lion; bul a Junior iho other day prompt
ly walked awa -villi tho belt, llo walk,
ed into the Library with all the pomp of a
newly Hedged Soph, and sat down in a,
chair. Bul this particular chair, not being
dignity proof, gave way with a crash land
ing our hero in the middle of the lloor.
Henceforth the Juniors will be the meek,
est kind of students.
Called Homo.
Last Monday morning when the unex
pected announcement was made in
Chapel that the wife of our esteemed
teacher, Lieutenant Webster, had been
called to her long home, sad indeed were
Iho countenances of iho assombled stu
dents. Although in precarious health for
s-onie months, no one dreamed that Mrs.
Webster's domise would be so early.
Hard would be the heart that could re.
main unmoved by the sadness and lone
liness in which our Lieutenant is left.
The University Cadets expressed their
sympathy for their commander by es
corting the remains to the U. P. depot,
Tuesday morning, lo be taken to their
final re-ting place in Ml. Vernon, Iowa.
Brief was their married life, but the stir,
vivorhas the consolation of knowing that
tho departed ono was a true Christian and
was prepared for I lie groat change.
Ofllco Llttlo's lllook. 11th St.. South Comniorotnl,
LINCOLN, - Neiikaska.
B. L. Pnliio, M. 1.
Are Invited to Call and Examine
, w; Hmm
I Entirely New Stock
Boolvs, Pictures, Stationery .Vc
J In Lincoln Solo Agt. for tlio publications oftho
Amorican Hook Exchange.
A lino Lino of Goods Especially Adapted
for Presents, Society Room Decor
ations and all kinds of Uni
versity Requisites.
tar-Any Goods not In Stock obtained on tho
shortest pofolhlo notice.
J. II. Worloy, '80, visited the city lately.
II. K. Wolfe, 'SO, has entered the nod.
agogic profession.
Oha. WHbridge is now running a gro.
cory store in Kansas.
Miss Buffington spout the Thanksgiving
recess at her home in Glonwood, Iowa.
Miss Mettie DeCou went to her home
in Palmyrato spond tho recant vacation.
P. B. Hall is visiting his old Univorsity
frionds. Ho still takes great interest in
our welfare
Miss Flora Wimborly a former student
of the University, is in tlio city. She in
tends to re-enter the University ntAi term
Dick Appiogato, an old-timo student
bus started a private school of his own.
It's a boy. Many congratulations.
Prank McCartney, a former studoi.t of
tho University, Is now working in th
Clerk's ofllco of Otoo county.
Wo acknowledge a call from Mr. and
Mrs. Tobbetts of Des Moines Iowa and
from tlio Misses Tobbetts and Simington
at our sanctum tho other day.
Miss Kittio Jackson, of Illinois, is visit.
Ing in tlio city, and was an interested spec
tutor oftlio "Broomstick Brigade" drill at
the Dormitory a low evenings since.
Make a Specially of
School Books
A. W. Mold. K. P. Holmes.
JiUodtft & IK'oton.c.d
.lllomcis at Imiv.
Office in Stale Block,
Tccl3 imertod on Gold, .Silver
mid Celluloid.
All Work Guaranteed.
Office ovor Newman's store on O Stioet
(Botwoon Tenth and Eleventh streets,)
w. 8. .virjiiMr, w. n. s.
(Formerly nftlio'llrm ofKorn A Murray)
Cor. Oniid 11 Stn.
Preservation of the I
Natural TcotH n Spsclalty.
Cor. O mid 10th Streets, Union Block.
vflmi 3ftfw,
Tenth St., slv doors south Stato National Bank,
Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Canned Fruit,
Itesl Spring and Fall Flour
J J. SUl.lCIi,
North Sldo QoNornment Square, .
Lincoln, .Yrbraska.
Josh Billings cays "(Jit odlcaohun and nhoca;
If you knnt git edlcaxlmii. git boots and nhoes
, i; WMn,
Academy of Music, O St.
Xi,of. JO Ull, S !, j
lias the
Firstclass Tonsorial Emporium, well fur.
nislied with the bust brand of Cigars.
O St. Three Doors or Toiilli.
StudonL plonso reraomher your old tonsorlHl
O. K. Bwi'bev Shop.
K. . MASOX, Prop.
Ho has recontly moved into liis neatly furn
islied Shaving Parl6r and is now ready
and fully prepared to give gonorul satis.
Special Kntcs'tntlctkct OnMomorw,
Twelve Shaves Tor a Dollar
I have in my emphn two first class
workman; G. W. Holiday of Washington
D. C. and J. II. BuooMKiKLDofN. Y. City.
VSTOn Tenth St. one door touth of Quick's.
jrjrp"jRi" peck.
Wholosulo and Retail doalors in
Stoves, Hardware, Tinware
Woodenwarc, &c. &
A specialty of Pockot Knif
IWJPinUclass Hardtoari
East sldo tho Squaro. Lincoln'
9Bfm nJWBl