Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, December 01, 1880, Image 3

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Amoifgthe editors of the Yale Literary,
appointed i'or tiio coming year, is tho son
ol'Scorotury Evnrts, tliu founder of the mag
The sludonts at Asbury, at the late el
ection, voted Tor six of the alumni, inclu
ding governor, lieutenant governor, con
gressman and statu senator. Other gradu
ntos were candidates in other districts of
(lie state.
'Another 'mash!'"
"Do you want to die?"
For Holiday goods go to Turner.
Full line, latest styles at Ewing & Co's.
Nobby college caps at Ewing & Co's.
For Holiday goods go to Turner.
You will find bargains in everything at
Books am' atationeiy for the students at
Fox & Struvo's.
Wilson Bro.'s shirts are sold by Ewing
& Co.
Custom made suits, and ulstcrellsatEw
ing & Cos.
Students will Unci all the books at the
bookstore of Fox & Strove.
Holiday styles in silk, stiff & soft bats
at Ewing & Co's.
The Cadets have concluded not to in
ilicl the pooiPlnttsmouth people.
Nobby ulsterettes and overcoats at Ew
ing& Co.'s.
Turner invites you to call and see his
line lino of Holiday goods.
"PloiHy to do" is the song most pop
ular with our students this term.
The celebrated Marble Head 5ct. cigar
at Ryan Bros. Red Front Giocory.
Students gel a discount of ten per cent
at Ewing and Co.'.
Students are invited to call at Ewing &
Co's. for nice goods and low prices.
Several sludonts contemplate swinging
the "birchen rod" the coining winter.
Elegant line neckwear and fancy hose
al Ewing & Co.'s.
Go to Sunday School and you will be
good but you'll lose your pie.
For style and make up of goods, Ew
ing & Co. lead the clothing trade.
Have you seen the "Obolisk" shirt?
She is a beauty. Kier, the Halter.
The lluost vases and toilet sets you over
saw may be bucii at W. J. Turner's.
Largo assortment, latest styles of silk
handkerchiefs al Ewing & Co's.
My lino of neckwear is of the latest
style and very desirable. Kier the halter.
All tho latest novelties in ncck-woar &
lino furnishing goods at Ewing & Cos.
Was Lord Bacon moan or unmenu ? that
is Uie-oliestion.
''$$ 'qvl need anything in tho way of
tobuccoes go to It. Hoiming-
street, opposite the Academy
hHl oigarsJiSJ
The class in Elementary Physics lias
about completed tho work ot the term.
New stylos in Windsors scarfs and
handkerchiefs to match. Kier tho Hat
ter. For Holiday gcods go to Turner.
It will pay any one to visit our store
when seeking for Holiday presents. Kier
the hatter.
"Tho now University Catalogue will
probably be published within the next
thirty days."
"Bricks Without Straw" By tho". author
of 'The fools errand," just out, Porsaloat
Fa w el's.
For the remainder of the term Prof.
Church will continue Ills lectures, before
the Junior class, on Philology.
Ewing cfi Co. have the ilnost slock of
clothing and gents furnishing goods west
of Chicago.
Be ye therefore pcitcot, oven as the
inembeis of the Chemistry elass are per
fect in their examinations.
Visit Kier's hut store. Ho has a largo
and elegant stock of hats unil furnishing
Go with tho rush to Ewing & Co.'s pop
ular clothing bouse for latest styles and
lowest prices.
All of two Seniors accompanied Prof.
Augliey on his trip to Ponca. Tlioy re
port progress.
Large invoice of neck-wear from New
York just arrived at Ewing & Cos. empo
r For Holiday goods go to Turner.
We arc making a big display ofelegaiu
and useful goods for Holiday presents.
Kier tho Hatter.
Students, yon are invited to call at T
Ewing & Co.'s clothing emporium for
line clothing and gent's furnishing goods
The Professors all use the- celebrated
Havana-filled cigar manufactured by
Wollemade & Wolf. Students try Ihem.
Notwithstanding that so nnny were
absent from town, both societies held
their regular meetings last Friday even
ing. Wollemade & Wolf's is the place to go,
if you want a Meerschaum otBriur Pipe,
or any variety of smoking or chewing
At Ewing & Cos ClulhingiUiupoiium,
you can always find a complete stock.
Latest styles and lowest Prices.
The society contest which was to occur
tho tenth of December will probably be
postponed until the lirst of next term.
Tho contestants cannot get loady.
The "Obolisk" Shirt is the best mude,
best fitting shirt in America! Seeing il
will convince you of the fact. Kier has
As an illogical sequenco of a little squib
in last issue wo received tho ungrateful
and scathing sarcasm of a well, neither
Senior, Junior nor Froshie.
Wo have some specialties In shirts,
collars, cit fib and silk handkerchiefs, not
to bo found in any other house in Lin-
I Qoln.--Kiei' the hatter.
Have you tried any of that Alpha Brand
of Flour sold by Ilcrmunco & Cook. It
rises as If by magi c; makes sweet tem
poral wives and kind husbunus.
It is suggonlod that a subscription paper
bo circulated for tho purpose of raising
funds to puicliaso a new door for tho Pal
Indian stove.
Ladles! Tho Littlo Storo makes a
specialty of fancy handkerchiefs, novel-
lies in neckwear, etc. It willpuy you to
visit it and got the low prices.
This is tho sage remark of a stalwart
Senior: "It is impossible to adopt social
ism in Ibis country; but if,it was possible,
it could not bo done."
I lmvo some especially new styles in
Huts, Caps, Underwear, Shirts, Collins
and neckwear not to bo found in any
other house in Lincoln. Kier the hatter.
One of our students lias turned mission
ary. The oilier day lie offered to steal
kindling wood the rest of tho year for u-.
friend ol his, if he would join the church
A new word has been invented by an
ingenious student; when asked if lie used
a pony in the study of Plato lie was iudigf.
mint at the affront. He calls it a bicycle
Our German instructor did not think
that his class had very much to give thanks
for and consequently assigned a lesson to
thu class for Friday.
Wo could not sco any difference in
prices from former years at S. Schwab's
s'orc. He appears to sell as cheap as he
did last year. It will pay you to give him
a call.
As tho classical Seniors approach the
time when they must bid good bve to the
study of llio Greek, many bitter tears are
shed. "We long, oh, wo long to see
Boys, go to David Mays and get some
of those line silk handkerchlels. lie also
has thu best assortment of neck wear,
and a fine lot of tho latest styles of New'
York Hats.
Several students who were not so fortu
nate as to take their Thanksgiving recess
out of town assembled at the Dormitory
and had a very pleasant sociable Thurs
day e vuning.
Eureka 1 Eureka! Ilermancc fc Cook
have moved into their new storo in Rich
ards' Block, and are disposing of their
groceries so cheap anil rapidly Unit every
body buys.
Every day that the weather is too in.
clement for out-door drill, Liout. Webster
lectures to tho Cadets on military sub
jocu. Wo find them very interesting and
Hunnur.ee & Cook keep a full stock of
Groceries, California Fruits, fresh, dried,
and canned. Give them a trial and take
our word lor it, they will not be found
During the snow-storm tho other day
tho surveying class was engaged in com
puting the distance between tho Universi
ty and the Capitol. That's right boys,
learn to endure inclement weather.
Somo indigent negroes, tho other day,
convinced our Democratic friends that
cents to got themselves something to cat,
Buying that servitude was preferable to
slow starvation. There arc few rules that
have no exceptions.
Tho miss-guided youth who attended a
leap your parly not longnli s iceasconclu
ded to bo his own guide henceforth. He
was kopt out in the cold too long at his
father's gale.
Bonj. Frnnkl In's sago remark tlmt when
over he saw any one with a cane he took
him to be infirm, lame or a fool ought'not
to obtain in these degenerate days. For
too many of our number nic thus.
A Soph has shaved off his mustache.
From our experience, wo would advise
him to let it grow again as quickly as
possible. This cold weather is more than
one can stand without some facial proton
tion. Prof. Chamberlain is giving the stu
dents an opportunity for a fiee elocution
ary "diff" every week, to those so in.
cllned. Several arc taking advantage of
the chance to develop their powers of
The old friend of the students, Dr. S. M.
Weller, formerly pastor of tho Presbyter,
ian church of this city, now of Morrison,
III., lias been visitingLincoln, and preach
ed at the Pros, church, Nov. 21, morning
and evening.
Tho ice on Salt Creek lor the past two
weeks has been " good, and the stiu
denls seemed disposed to profit by it. No
more healthful exercise can be found and
wo challenge any ouo to Invent a more
destructive lesson-killer.
Several Seniors have concluded that
Phrenology is a true science and arc
walling anxiously for a one horse Phrcn
ologist to come along to tell thorn what
they are goal for. This will decide their
destiny beyond appeal.
About half thu sludonts, as far as can be
judged, spent their Thanksgiving recess at
home. A very thankful crowd they were
too. But thobu w ho stayed in town were
very well satisfied that the vacation was
no longer.
Prof.: "Which is the most delicate of
the senses?" Soph.: "Tho touch." Prof :
'Trove it." Soph.: "When you sit on a
pin you can't see it you can't hour it
yon can't taste it you can't smell it; but
it's thcre.rEx.
A Soph, spending tho afternoon in tho
Library exclaimed with animation: "tlmt
singing up stairs is just us sweet as all get
out, and if the perlbrmois don't 'git out'
pretty soon ." The rest was lost in a
volley of angiy looks and sophniorical
Is the Students Lecture Association over
to remain dead? It is high time thu
something was done. There has not been
a single lecturo in the city this season.
Tho first socioty in tho fluid will have
control of the lectures of the winter. Let
some acliyo student got up n forensic
And now llio political cauldron begin' W
lb to effervesce. Candidates for society dBfi
emoluments aio as numerous as students Hf!
on a circus day, and patent button boles mM
tho yvar was a failure, by boL'clnc five arc in demand. The man who has the SMS
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