ifiimn'iihuiim HESxJ THE HESPERIAN STUD EWT. 11 IV M M i" David May sllll keeps a largo assort ment of flnu silk handkerchief He also keeps a niaiumotli .slock of neck-wear, ati'l a line lot of the late.st styles of Now York.Huts, Ulsters, and Ulstereltes. Students wishing to gel their features struck, and polished oil' according to the latest, discoveries of the art, are requested to call on Wheat & Ford, I he first class photographers. Special rales are ollt red The Preps are an innoeent set; one of them being asked in Sunday School what "Gabriel's Trump" indicated, indlgnntnly replied; "I want It distinctly understood that I know nothing about cards." We are sorrry that this issue appear so late, but it was unavoidably delayed. Our foreman attended a "candy pullin' " at the residence of Rev. Mr. Williams and had the skin pulled oil' one of Ills lingers. Uncle .lolm .Morrison, the best tailor in town, lias just received a tine lot of French goods- Those nobby suits of our last year's graduates were made by him. Give him a call bnjs. T.s not there something in the Book, News, Periodical, or Toy line to-day II so Clason can supply He also keeps a full line of University text books. Call on him South side 0 bet 10 and 11 It is mysteriously whispered among the students that the new Catalogue will be out inside of tliiity days. Remember Unit this is not aulhoritaive. This local will be repeated every issue until its urophecy is fulfilled. The ladies frequently remark while at The Little Store that they get much more for their money than they expected. The low prices on Laces, Neckwear, Corbels, Hosiers', fancy work, etc., is the cause of it. We call attention to the fact that Jus Holiinger, the 'students' friend, lias re moved his Popular Shaving Parlor to lllh staect, next door to the Commercial Hotel where he is prepared to meet all of his old customers and many new ones. We suggest that a chair of Scriptural Theology be established in the University or else that every student bo compelled H utteud Sunday School. The ignorance of the scripture daily manifested is truly alarming. A. classical scholar was reading of a King who embraced the country. Prof: "What do you understand by the wor-1 embraced?" Student (earnestly): "Weill do not suppose that he put li is arms clear around it at once; that is not the idea which I had of it." We would suggest that those ragainuf fins for no students could have boon in such a crowd who made such sad hav. oc witli some ol the University property not lung since are watched and a ropetion of the oll'ence will be treated in a manner not conducive to the liberty of the perpe trators. Wo were much surprised and shocked the other day to receive a note from one of the instructors in the University stating that the object of hi classes was to "prepaic tho young ladies for marriage." Accepting tho maxim that "The practical is of more value than the theoretical," tills gentleman expects to make his classes very popular with thr Indies. We append a list of tho persons who are to champion the societies in ttie coming contest: Unions; Invective, Miss Minnie Codding; Declamation, Miss Carrie Pal uier; Debute, II. W. Hariuglon; Oiutlon' B. C Arnold. Palladium): Invective, Miss .losie Chapman; Declamation, Miss Abblc Williams; Debate, J. II. Sllvernail; Ora tion, C. C. Chase Nothing can surpas tho bud example of one of our Profs. Not long since he entoied his class room a little late, pulled Ills overcoat, throwjit across a chair, and, actually, a cigar loll out of his pocket and rolled over to bis feet. The gentleman just then reminded one of a full blown rose. The class at once voted him 'ten censuio marks." The Faculty have a rule prohibiting students from smoking li, the power of example in this inslitu !( u very great! One of the German students caused much excitement at the Post Olllce a few da)ssin e. Ho was wailing for the mail to he distributed and having a German book under his arm, opened it and began to read in a low tone. The theme was in. spiring and as lie gradually warmed to his subject his voice rose to a higher key. Those standing around became interested. Hemarks such as "when did he escape from the asylum J" "Is ho dangerous, do you think V" were heard repeatedly until one of the student's friends calmed him and lead him away. Obituary. Wo have the sad dun to perfirm ibis issue of announcing the death of Miss Clara Stadelman, w hich occurred at her home in this oily Friday, the 12th Inst. She was born at Plattstnouth and was a little over M years of ago at the time of her (loath. Miss Clara was a new student ol the University and her untimely (loath is sincerely mourned by all. Her parents have the sincere sympathies of the stu dents. This make no less than tlnee of our school mates who have been strick en down by Death's cold hand since the opening ol the present term. Truly God's ways are past finding out. Call oil Home A recent issue contained a notice of I he severe sickness of .Miss Laura Guy. For several months Miss Guy had been grad ually failing under the dread disease of quick consumption. The ravages of the disease completed ils work on Wednes dav, the !Jrd insl. The sull'erer, through all her sickness, showed that true Chris tian valor which can only be found in the truly good. All feel tlial she did not die but only passed over to that better land whore is no suffering. Her former Uni versit) friends unite'witli her mother and other relatives in mourning her loss. In lUcmorluiii. At the last regular meeting of tho Sen ior Class the following Resolutions were adopted and ordered to bo entered on the Records of tho class: Wiikukab, III the inscrutable ways of Divine Providence, our fellow student and classmate, Owen Q. Adams, has been stricken down in the prime of life and lias been taken from our midst, and, Whkukas, He was a kind friend, and faithful fellow student, whoso actions were always governed by his duties to others, Therefore, Jte&olced, That we tender our most sin c.cro sympathy to the mother and friends of the deceased in this their great afllic tion. iheih;ai,. a. r. mitchell, m. d. Olllco LIUIu'h Muck, lltli Hi.. South Commercial, Lincoln, - Nkiihaska. 1$. L. Pulne, M. 1. OFF1UK UNION III.OOK LINCOLN, N Kit. ,M. DcBRUNNIOR, ISOOKS, STATIONARY A:e. $incohi gitqmu C wu cyot UNIVERSITY STUDENTS, Arc Invited to Call and Examine BE , V. Mmtin Entirely New Stock -OF - Hooks, Pictures, Stationery &v. ALSO In Lincoln Solo Agt. for the publications of the American Hook Exchange. A fine Line of Goods Especially Adapled for Presents, Society Room Decor ations and all kinds of Uni versity Requisites. C3T"Aiiy Goods not In Stock obtained on thu yliortcftt popstlilo notice. ttthml Uflw' Tenth St., hIx doom HoiitliStnto National Hk, LIN;(HN, NHU. BAKERY : ALSO Staple and Fanoy Groeerles . oiifcetioiiery,j Canned Fruit, test Spring and Fall Flour North Side (tovcrnnient Siiuure, Lincoln, .Vcbratika. IIOOTS&SIIOKS. Make a Specially of School Books -tjyt guc fntiauqri: A. W. Field. E. P. IIoIinuH. illorncts at I At iv. Ofllcc in State Block, LINCOLN, NEB. DENTAL. 31. HARRIS, DENTIST Teeth imerted on Goll, Silver and Celluloid. All Work Guaranteed. Ofllce over Newman's store on O Street (Hotwcun Tenth undEloventh Btiuots.) LINCOLN, NKIIHASKA if. s. Jfiuiuuix u. n. s. (Formerly of the linn of Kern & Murray) Cor. Omid 11 Sts. LINCOLN, NE11. Preservation of tho Natural Teeth u Spoclulty A J. M. LUOAS. DENTIST, Cor. O and 10th Streets, Uulon Block. LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA. JohIi Hillings snys "(Jit cdluiislmu and shoes; If you kiint git I'dlcaHluin. j;lt boots and hIioo OF & W, WMnt ' Academy of Music, O St. TOXSOKlAI,. )f,r o f . .T o lijtB on IIiih the Firslclass Tousorial Emporium, well fur nished with the best brand of Cigars. O St. Three Doors of Tenth. Students plcsao remember your old tonaorliil ilcnd. O. K. Barber Shop. 13. . MASON, Prop. lie has recently moved into his neatly furii islied Shaving Parlor ami is now ready and fully prepared to give general satis faction. Special ItulvN to ticket GtiNtomtirr, Twelve Shaves Tor a Dollar I have in my employ two first class workman ; G. W. Holiday of Washington D. C. and .1 II. BuooMFiULDofN. Y. City. 3&-On Tenth St. one door couth of Qulck'8. JJOf JEI" If 1'JECK. Wholesale and Kahili dealers In Stove, Hardware, Tinware Wooden ware, &e. &e. A specialty of Pocket Knifes. tiSHTFinUlaas Hardwire Store Kast shlo tho Square. Lincoln, Nob. ApU. 4Mti&l BwwewMiiiaiLitijj'iiiiuiiiii.