Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, November 17, 1880, Image 1

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ESPERiAN Student.
wjifF"JBsjri or .rvttn.isx.t.
Vol. IX.
Lincoln, Nrh., Novhmhkh 17, 1880.
No. 10
m.' . fi it 11 7i
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El X . i r . zs J--"
Jw Jbti$Mt
.IOSKIMI Ol'KLT, 11101'.
llitowNvn.i.K, Nun.
Lincoln !c',
Commercial Hotel.
Cor 11 nnd P Sta.
J, J. IMIIOFF, Prop.
G0O9 ti.vmMJK0OJK0 OjRrjrtfrJfxeojrt
TiHush, Russian,
&uul Salt AVator Baths
in the Hotel. Rheuma
tism enroll by Turkish
Wntolinmker, and, Jeweler,
i jjEW" Ik's u ydCJL ?
O St., but. UHli anil 11th, couth fide
Conservatory of Music
KHtubli.shcri by authority
and under tlicsauclion
of the Board of Begems.
Instruction given in .i thorough and
systematic manner in all departments of
Tuition rmiKlt'K from $0.00 to 915.00
per to nil.
ear-Tliu Vocal Elunionlnry C13h In fukk to all
KV:ulralr anil llrtall Mltaltr In
Oll-31otli, MnttliiRH, ItUKK,
MutH, AVall l'npor,
Window Shades, Laco Curtains, Damask. Ac,
No. S3 East O St. Lincoln. Neb.
fcAF the events which took place at
-CliicagouringlheKiugils TAilp.
lar Triennial Conclave last August the
Grande lieception Musicale ct Diwaante at
the Exposition building, was next (o the
procession in the morning, probably the
biggest show nnd certainly the most itn.
comfortable of all. Tickets of admission
for two hundred thousand had been iisu
ed, altogether moro than could come in
to the hall. As early as six o'clock the
crowd began to gather around the eu
trances nnd by dark the hustle and jam
was furious.
By nine there were nearly thirty thous
and people inside the great auditorium,
eddying to and fro, drifting aimlessly
around, unable to obtain scats and pant
ing for air. The windows were open only
here and there, where somebody donated
a cane to hold them up. The thirty
thousand uallons of lemonadcrapjjc that
was made for free distribution was speed
ily swallowed and no water could be had.
As to speech making, nobody knew
there amis any, although the orators
slraimd Iheli' Mny-,voices"lrttlu7-utmOSl
Then the dancing, to which Ave had
looked forward with such great expecta
tions, Avn& not begun until very late, and
it Avas attempted only willi the greatest
bravery. The music, in truth, Avas
hciiveuly, and it seemed a great pity that
its strains could not be more comfortahly
Outside the building, doAvn Michigan
avenue, the crowd was quite past number
ing. Twenty thousand or more were
pressing against l lie exhausted door keep,
ers and clamoring 'for admittance. The
black tickets printed in gold had un
doublcdly been counterfeited by thous
ands and retailed at hiuh prices.
At ten o'clock the doors were shut to.
The building could hold no more. Faint.
ing ladies were carried out by side exits.
Strong men Avere overcome. One prom
enadc around the Avhole length ol the
room, uboul twelve hundred feet in all,
was enough to make a chair appear a
very desirable article. Guests had to
light and battle witli the crowd to get in,
and then they hnd to fight and battle to
get out
The trouble was just this. It seemed
that every counter jumper in the city had,
by hook or crook, come in good posses
sion of a ticket. Of course these came to
the bnll very early and helped (111 up the
room. The really credited guests did not
arrive until a more fashionable hour, and
as soon as they had alighted from their
carnnges they found themselves tossed
about in a mad sea of humiin waves
which surged up against the walls of the
mammoth building Avhtch it could not
The scene upon the lloor Avas strange
and amazing. From the gallery it was
brilliant and wonderful. Myriads of gas
deJ&SbrtQnwLbav globus of-ralobow.ujilors ;
beautiful decorations hung from pillars,
posts and wall; Knights Templar, thous
ands of them, in their silver and gold
uniforms; handsomely dressed ladies and
pretty girls; little jets of cologne Avalor
under the galleries and the great fountain
in the center, banked Avith llowcrs, ihroA'
ing its silvery stream to the dome, and
falling back in irridescent mist upon the
sAvans swimming lazily in the basin be
low. Such was the largest ball e'cr given in
America. An incomprehensible kaleido
scope, made up of living human parts,
Avhose drifting changes hcAvildered the
observer and moved him to speculative
dreams upon the number of people in the
world, who they arc and avIiciv they all
Ulflliu lltuu. ji.iv.-, r.i . i tlll . , ,
i no permit mat a young man or woman
spends in passing through a college course
is eventful in more than one respect. The
actual amount of facts that may be gath-
rcnPTR m,,.,. seivi.d with nn iitiiink icu logeiner snouiu ue mailo the Instcon-
of.theiirAVj-4irelu.rcQOV(iiv .- Smiio. ,sjration in such a course of tndnjug..
small and emaciated beans, evidently used
for soup before. 2 Salt, good quality,
in pieces varying from the size of a
quails egg, easily visible to the naked
eyo. 3 Pepper, frequent, but bearing
clobc rusumblance to that used, in drying
English currants. There Avere also traces
of albumen. The presence of this very
puzzling substance can only be accounted,
for on the hypothesis that some meat had
been boiled in the soup. They found no
fault with the potatoes which happened
at the time to be served in the form known
as "Boston' Chips.', The coffee Avns
thought too strong, and they recommen.
ded that it be reduced from its present
semi-transparent shade to one of invisible
persons have a theory about students'
diet. The are impressed with an idea
that the Ichk a stdudont eats, tlio more he
can study. Their theory is no doubt a
good one, although they never practic it
themselves. It is difllcull for one ad-A-anced
in years to assume new habih, of
life. Some of the more liberal allow a
little oat -maul and mush Others a sof1
boiled egg once in twentv-four hours.
One exireniest has advocated a system of
pneumatic tubes from students' rooms to
a central oflice, through which should he
transmitted the odor of cooking victuals.
The amount paid lo be regulated by the
length of tune and character of the odors
Avhich Mie enjoyed. The bill of fare
Avotild be something as follows: Soup,
five minutes. Veal with dressing, -uven
minutes. Coffee, three inin. Codfish, two
seconds. Cocoauut Pudding, 1 hr. ."!)
min. 38 seconds. Lhe time Avuuld be ex
tended 10 per cent to parties having slight
colds and 20 per cent for severe coliU.
Recognizing great variation in size and
capacity of nasal, organs, an instrument
called the noseometer has been devised,
which gave very satisfactory results, but
unfortunately the instrument was entirely
destroyed while experimenting on one of
lhe class ot '81, who wantonly IiIcav his
Some of these theorists visiting tin
Dormitory perceived that the students
there were daily overloading their stom
achs with loo rich food. To test the mat
ter four gallons of soup Avere taken to
Prof. Aughey 'vho confirmed their opin.
ions. The result Avas as follows. I Three
I'lie influence upon the character, the
development into strong and rugged man
hood, into loA-cly and pure Avomanhood,
ought to be the first consideration that
a college curriculum arrives at. The char
acters of many of A merica's greatest states
men and orators contain the rellex of the
men who had the guidance and care of
theirearlier years. To many aone, reward,
ed for their years of labor by national
fame, there is no more pleasing, more
satisfying recollection than lhat of their
four years intercourse with the amiable
and noble men Ihey associated with in
thcyoulhlul ardor of a new pursuit. The
reminiscences of a student escapade, the
bold tricks which escaped detection
and a well merited punishment, may of.
ten be recalled in an exultant, boastful
manner, but the moment the relntions of
lencher and taught are mentioned, the
change of manner and tone shows
that underneath the wild exterior lies a
soul of true, noble qualities. This feel
ing of respect for the ones who have la
bored so long for them, is the most grnti
fying result that can he AVorked out, as a
pari of lhe frequently too small reward
given to these noble and disinterested
men, men avIio have in view only the
diffusion of knowledge, the improvement
of those committed to tneir enre.
When such feelings of reverence are
ontortainud for the "Alma Mnter," by a
young man, his future success will be his
most constant care, his memory his most
potent restraint and trusted guide.