Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, November 03, 1880, Image 4

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BV1 ,
Tlio societies uru soon to moot ouch
other on tho bloody nronn for u literary
contest. The champions hftvo not yet.
till boon choson. Their iminos will bo
published in our next.
Tho next time vc make a quotution
from the Genniin, it must bo very tin.
portnnt. One of our Gorman instructors
says that it is a disgrace to the language
to have it Haunted before tlto oyos of tho
public in such poor company as plain
United States.
When the Cadets declared that they
would not go to Omaha and thou unani
mously decided to attend church in a
body on Sunday evening, it looked very
much as if a reformation was beginning.
But when one boy apologetically re
marked that "of two evils wo chose the
less," our faith was somewhat shaken.
If the scissors and paste-pot editor of
that metropolitan sheet, the Lincoln Daily
Tunes, will come back to the University
and relieve us of our onerous duties, the
faculty and students will arisa as one
man and call him blessed, while wo will
sneak away to our "native corntiold" for
the improvement of our complexion.
A pedagogic Sophoinore.'boing seated at
table by the side of one, was requested by
another young lady to pass the potatoes.
He answered "Yes, if it is about your
lesson." An explanation developed the
fact that the gentleman had imagined
that he was "leaching doestrick skulo"
and that the young lady had asked to
speak. Query: why such absent-mind-cdncss
And now tho fact obtains" thai if two
boys' are seen quietly throwing and catch
ing a ball within tho campus, they are at
once summoned before the Faculty; but
if a herd of cows sees lit to come into the
enclosure, tear up the walks, trample
down the llowers, and browse the trees,
it is treated as a matter of no conse
quence. Verily tho physical servitude in
winch we arejhold is greater than that of
Tho question as to whether mental cul
ture increases moral courage has boon
settled in the negative. For proof of the
above lot a mouse loose in tho same room
with a certain young lady Senior. When
the experiment was tried the y. 1. S.
screamed two or three times and then
quietly went on to explain "that tho time
down a scmicycloid is always tho same."
She will jo enrolled among the heroic
women of history.
A few days ago two members of the
surveying class were ordered to calculate
the distance from the University to tho
Capitol. The next day when asked il
hoy had performed their work they re
plied that tho distance to the Stato House
was of no practical use but that it was
just 1100 feet to tho Dormitory Tho host
part of all is that one of them began
boarding at the Dormitory the very next
Boone county must bo a Utopia. A new
student from that county had frequently
heard the boys talk about bring "7mmnZ."
He reasoned that, as University students
used the word, it must bo found in tho
dictionary no looked for it, but strange
to say, had o give it up. Now he goes
around inquiring of every olio he meets
the moaning of tho word. To settle all
further diillcultios wo would say that
"mashed" is syiionomous with sleepless
nights, long meditative walks, sweet
dreams, bad lessons, absent-mindedness,
summons to appear before tho Faculty to
answer to the charge of neglect of duty,
wise nods as you pass by, with a sudden
awakening to the fact of a term mis-sponl,
a cause lost, and one f;inoie fool in tho
world thmi you had before thought. (Yc
Local has evidently "boon there him
self." Printer.)
At a meeting in the Opera House a few
days since gioal amusement was caused
by tho highly original method with which
a certain gentleman treated the Opera
chairs. Ho quietly sat down on the
round without taking tho trouble to un
fold tho chair. Hut man's endurance is
somewhat limited, and alter tiring the
llrst chair he quietly escoiised himself in
the next one in the same manner. Then
it was that his countenance was brighten
ed by a smile ol triumph. But his effort
to appear cheerful was a melancholy fail
ure. This chair grow lired more lap idly
than tho first one. He thought: It unad
visahlo to change to another place so soon,
so he began a systematic shifting of his
position! This was kept up at regular
intervals throughout the lecture. The in
stallment plan may be a very good one
theoretically, but practically it "- not a
success. Of course this gentleman knew
well enough how to sit down, but he
wanted to be eccentric. If ho enjoyed it
as well as the rest of us there is no cause
for complaint.
This issue It is necessary to perform one
of tho painful duties of life. It is tocliron
iclc lite death of our much esteemed fel
low student, Mr. Owen Q. Adams. Mr.
Adams was born in Goshen, Elk Hart
County. Indiana, Jan. 0th, 1852, and died
Oct. 18th, 1880, aged 28 y'rs. !) mos. anil 12
days. He had boon connected with tho
University a good pari of the time since
1871 and, if lie had lived, would have
graduated next June. Mr. Adams was a
faithful student and from boyhood has
been an exemplary Christian. In the
University none knew him but to respect
him. To be cut ofrjust at tho opening of
a promising career seems hard, but it
must be remembered that our destinies
are controlled by one wiser than we.
During his sickness of nearly four weeks
ho was rational only at long intervals;
hut sit those times he showed that lie was
prepared for death and when the sum
mons came ho met it with tho faith of a
true Christian. He leaves fond relatives
to mourn his loss.
Tho funeral services were hold in the
Chapel Wednesday morning, Oct. 20th.
After tho sermon a procession was formed
to conduct tho remains to tho B. & M.
depot for removal the home of his parents
at Hastings. The procession was he-ded
by the U. C. Band followed by the Uni
vorsily Battalion, of which the do
coased was a member, the hearse, mourn
crs, Faculty, and students and friends.
It made a very beautiful appearance and
was a tribute of the ostoom in which Mr.
Adams was held by tho members of. the
Ofllco Little's Mock. 11th St., South Commorchil,
Lincoln, - Neuua8Ka.
B. L. Paine, M. 1.
Are Invited to Call and Examine
Entirely Neiv Stock
Book.s, Pictures, Stationery &c
In Lincoln Solu Agt. for the publications ofthe
American Book .Exchange.
A fine Line of Goods Especially Adapted
for Presents, Society Boom Decor
ations and all kinds of Uni
versity Requisites.
tSTWny Goods not In Stock obtained on the
shortest possible notice.
mhmi 3!tfw
Tenth St., six doors south htato National Bank,
Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Canned Fruit,
Best Spring and Fall Flour
. North Side Government Square,
Lincoln, vVcbraska.
HOOTS & snoi:s.
Make a Specialty of
ScJiool Books
Shc Sixfionqri:
A. W. Field. K. P. Holmes.
alitor ncija at Lata.
Ofllcc in State Block,
Teeth iiiNcrtcd on Gold, Silver
and Celluloid.
All Work Guaranteed.
Ofllcc over Newman's store on O Street
(Botwccn Tenth and Kleventli street,)
if. s. jruiuuijr, . . s.
(Formerly oftho Una of Kuril & Murray)
Cor. Oand 11 St.
Preservation of tho I
Natural Teeth a Specialty. J
Cor. O and 10th Streets, Union Block.
Josh Hillings ayb "Oil edlcashun and shoes;
if yon kant git cdlcnuliim. git boots and shoes
Academy of Music, O Si.
Jiro:C. .Joloioji,
Has tliu
Firstclnss Tonsorial Emporium, well fur
nislied with the best brand of Cigars.
O St. Three Doom of Tenth.
. Students please remember your old tonsorial
O. K. Barbei Shop.
13. G. MASON, Prop.
He lias recently moved into his neatly furn
ished Shaving Parlor and Is now retfdy
and fully prepared to give general satis
faction. .Special Itiitos to ticket CuMomerw,
Twelve Shaves Tor a Dollar
I have in my employ two first class
workman; G. W. Holiday of Washington
I). 0. and J. 11. BuooMKiKLDofN. Y. City.
5ryOn Tenth St. ono door soutli of Quick's.
Wliolosalo and ltctall doalors in
StovcH, Hardware, Tinware
Wooden ware, &e. &e.
A specialty of Pocket Knifes.
tSTFiraMaaa Hardware Store.
Kast Hldo tho Square. Lincoln, Nob.
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