Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, November 03, 1880, Image 1

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    3 ",V V
vtwjhl ouvig:
Hesperian Student
UvVIVEMlSITJ Ojp JkiyitH.lSK.l,
Vol. IX.
Lincoln, Neil, Novkmukii 1, 1880.
No. 12
h j&rffagtau
.lOSKl'II Ol'ELT, IMtOl'.
Lnto or the MAKSII IIOUSK,
Hhownvii.i.k, Neb.
Lincoln qb,
Commercial Hotel.
Cor 11 and V Sts.
J, J. IMIIOFF, Pron.
9 Sxrx.mIioQxs QirirxjtarJFz,&9a,
Turkish, Russinn,
and Suit "Water Baths
in the Hotel. Rheuma
tism cured by Turkish
Watchmaker, and Jeweler,
O St., but. 10th and lltli, nouth hide.
Conservatory of 3Tusic
Established by authority
and under the sanction
of the Board ofKegeniK.
Instruction given in .'i thorough and
systematic manner in all departments of
Tuition raiiKl"K from $0.00 to 81.1.00
per term.
-Tke Vocul Elomuntary Class U fiike to all
8. B. H0HMANN,
Wholttalt anil Jltlatl Jttaltr in
Oll-GlotliN, MattIii,KuKH,
Mutu, AValiruper,
Window ,Shudos, Lace GurtoluB, Damask. &c,
( Nd:JEaBt6t' ISSdoiwJNiB.
fllltOUGHOUT tlie frayed -iiul un.
even weft of the English revolution
the thread of Falkland's life runs tragic
ally black. There was not a life or cai
ling In all that age, so newly awakened to
science, that was not tangled in the un
happy web. There was not a jurist but
must leave his codes; not a scientist but
must lay aside his microscope and ham
mer; not a preacher but must forget his
parish : not a farmer but must leave his
plow In the furrough ; not a weaver or
uiincr but must drop his spindle and
pick-ax and go forth to lend a hand to
guide the ship of state ; not a poet or man
of letters even but must leave his books
in dust and forth, too, to add his vision
ary zeal to the cause of the public wel
Milton complained that he had been
"born an age too late," and he shows in
this how well ho understood that labor
spent upon his art must be one long
struggle against the spirit of the age.
But his life shines like a thread of gold
in the canvas; Tor he" is conqueror; hft
spirit is never disma'yed; Aw sword never
falls from his hand. This age produced
statesmen before whom the world stands
reverent, as before the true princes and
sovereigns of mankind. Before Falkland
it stands in pity as before a great genius
aiming at statesmanship and leaving be
hind only a series of splendid failures and
fruitless efforts. The quiet life at Great
Tow had unfitted the scholar for the war
ring of factions; that life in the realm of
mind "in which was no compulsion save
that of light and reason," in which no narrow-minded
king curried on a hopeless and
unjust cause to the bitter end rather than
abate anything of his .arbitiary will; in
which no fanatical parliament freed itself,
from religious persecutions only to inflict
the same persecutions in turn upon others.
Recall Clarenden's description of that
circle of literary men, Ben Jonsou, Carew
Davcnaut, Suckling, Hales, Chillingworth
the list does not end until you have in
eluded all the eminent scholars in or out
of the Universities. Men who each, like
Hales, might have said, "The pursuit of
truth hath been my only care since I fully
understood the meaning of the word; for
this I have left all friends, all hopes, all
desires that might bias me from driving
right at what I aimed." Men who, while
others willingly enough took up the bur
den of the what of tlni great struggle, took
up the greater burden of the wherefore and
the why, held in uncomprehending
scorn by the fanatics of the wMt. What
cared they and Falkland for the divine
right of Bishops? Whut cared they for
the scripture origiu of presbyterianism ?
f-Wliat they foresaw was freedom of wor.
ship, was freedom of thought. However
much thoi, wo may pity Falkland as u
man who, in spite of the rarest gifts and
graces, was unfortunate, upon whom we
may clearly see the finger of doom laid,
lot us not pity him for the clearness of
his vision and thu Irrgenessof his temper.
Let us not pity him that he took his he
roic stand against the inadequate ideals
of his age, for the truths to which his
fate seems set like a seal were the truths
that were secured of ultimate triumph.
Ho was the founder of all the more en
lightening tendencies that survived in the
church after it had been loosed from the
"dark prison house of puritanism." He
was the very life and soul of the circle of
rational and moderate thinkers whose
principles steadied the course of the ship
of state after the storm of rebellions had
ended. Sir John Eliot is the central fig
ure of the earlier parliamentary struggle,
Hampden and Pym embody the later
national resistance. Cromwell is the
one grand leader of the victorious move,
ment, but it is by none of these that the
true spirit of the revolution is interpreted.
Pym was a conservative by nature and
thought only of resisting innovations up
on the tW order- of.-thjngs; the narrow
bounds of his ideas never included the
full significance of the revolution the
great revolution that was for no single
generation, and no single land. Indeed
wo do not find among all its leaders a
single man who docs. The figures in the
drama are constantly changing, as one
man accomplishes his work he moves
from the scene, and another is found to
take up thu work and give it a new phase,
while onward it sweeps, blotting out its
old impressions by its later ones, as the
waves of thu sea do iheir old murks on
the sand. There is no stemming the tide;
the people are in earnest; Eliot is in ear
nest when he says the Commons are wise
enough to rule England. Pym is in ear
nest when he says that Romish supersti
lion shall not again replace the religion
of their fathers and that the king shall
not suhvort the constitution. Hampden
and Cromwell are in earnest when they
say the puritans shall not bu persecuted.
N'ivcrti.eless it is not through these that
toleYatimi, the true meaning of the revo
lution, c mes in. It is with Falkland,
and not Eliot or Pym or Hampden that
openess of mind to new ideas and a desire
to reconcile conflicting force t lies. But
the hand of the ago was u'jxm Falkland.
Those men with their resolute purposes
and thjir ovoiy aim within compass irid,
in the need of tho time for action, an im.
mediate and immense advantuge over
the moderate and visionary scholar.
Pym was the embodiment of law and
his intense reverence for that led him to
his course; where there was no precedent
in all history for such a relation as then
existed betwcenaiie Icing and the people,
yet with his unerring perception of the
"proportion" of the constitution, as he
called it, ho saw that tho parliament must
he tho predominant power in the govern
ment. Falkland cared nothing for what
had been simply because it had been.
When Charles' oppression of the people
mounted to sheer midsummer madness he
was a resolute champion of liberty, but
on the other hand tho passion and vehe
mence of Eliot's words and implicit faith
in the wisdom of the Commons seemed
to him mere politic moonshine. He
strove as long as he could to effect a com-
promise, and when a choice must be
made it was a choice, with him, between
two evils. There is a time in all the op
erations of the human mind that lead to
great revolutions when such a spirit of
wise compromise and moderation as his
might have prevented them, but this tide
In England's affairs had not been taken
at the flood and all the voyage of Falk
iuud's statesmanship was bound in shut
lows and in miseries Sick at heart of the
violence and fanaticism of the puritans he
had gone over to the royalist's cause.
Sick at heait, too, of Charles' selfishness
and the evil cpunsels'lowhiclrheiistened
lie lost all heart in the cause he felt him
self in honor T)OuV(Fto",sup'port. " Books
and quiet at such a time were not for the
man who loved his country. It seemed
as if no There was room for his voice;
against no foe was his buckler and shield
needed. A melancholy which to his
cheerlul spirit was unknown before came
upon him. Weary of the long war he
would go about muttering "peace, peace,'1
and fearing lest this longing for peace
should be taken for want of courage he
exposed himself recklessly in every ac
tion and early fell at Newbury, fighting
in the front.
Theodore Winthrop, whose spirit was
as rare and beautiful as Falkland's own,
and whose death was like his, has said:
"There is no better fortune than a timely
death ; who can fail to rejoice wlier a
worthy soul meets it." Falkland wavered
no more now between king and parlia
ment; between tyranny and fanaticism.
The present was Pym's and Cromwell's,
but the distant future of moderation and
toleration was. Falkland's still. He had
"gone oyer" for the last time, and this
time lo tfiat silent majority of the wise
and good among the dead" whoso influ
ence is always shaping the long resulls of
time no matter what counsels may carry
away the present.
MHRJ mill mo nliinf niwl ir ,...!! tr.
.. ... ,...., ...... j U IUI IU
call her chief who for twelve lone
years lias met upon the rostrum every
shape of tho woman question that the
brain of man could devise, and who nev
er 3 ct lowered her voice. If there be one
among you who can say that ever in pub
lic discussion or.prlvate bebate my ton
. tl
' VI