TiM KM UkMM THE HESPERIAN STUDENT. IV ) uumber contains n communication innk. ing some good suggestions on the method of conducting societies. Tlio faculty of the University lias received the addition of six new members and short biographical sketches of cadi is given in the interest of the students. Long ago it was forgotten in this new world that the cumin nci'ineiit oration wus traditionally Latin, and one by one the European institutions are making a sacrillcc of the classic tongue. The Sor bonnc in -Paris has thoroughly revised its method of primary instruction, throw ing out Latin entirely and substituting mental arithmetic, natural history ami ex perimental sciences. For the last time the Ciceronian periods have resounded through the vaults of the old Sorbonne, and hereafter the University of Prance, will salute right royally the world in the maternal tongue. The last Latin oration was rendered by M. Cartault, on Aug. 4th, M. Jules Ferry, Minister of Instruction. &cnte, suuscuum fok the student m Full line, latest styles at Ewing & Co's. A job ollice has been added to this in stitution. Wilson Bro.'s shirt are sold by Ewing & Co. Who could study when a state election is in jeopardy V Books and stationeiy for the students at Fox & Struve's. No bbjr ulslcretW's and overcoats at Ew ing & Co.'s. G. 13. Hotchkiss has concluded to nc cept a clerkship in Palmyra. Students gel a discount ul ten pur cent at Ewing and Co.'. Don't you want some of those nobby cards printed at the Stuubnt ollico? For style and make up of goods, Ew ing & Co. lead the clothing trade. Students will find all the books at the bookstore of Fox & Siruvo. The handsomest line of fashionable hats and cups in the city ,al S. Schwab's. Elcgaut line neckwear and fancy hose at Ewing & Co.'s. The water in the well of the University has an effect similar to that of Dormitory oatmeal. A smoky stove in one of the recitation rooms a few days since almost caused an alarm of lire to be given. Go with the rush to Ewing & Co.'s pop. ular ololhing house for latest styles and lowest prices. The members of the German class swear vengeance against their ignorance of the German language. Try one of Dick's Best, equal to an imported cigar, for 10 cents, at Herming hause's. If the members of the class hi English Literature did :wt pass, a pretty satisfac tory reason is that their nerves'have been AyVpaktm'cd by ' the eminent sweetnesg of k. ." ' II. II. Easterday is slowly recovering from his fever. For a time his life was despaired of. Students, you arc invltell to call at T, Ewing & Co.'s clothing emporium for fine clothing and gent's furnishing goods. 'li-reafior a policeman from down town will keep the halls clear of roughs on socioty nights. A verv pretty line of overcoats, ulsters, etc., can be found at the store Of S. Schwab. Young lady student in anatomy (look ing at the plan for a new building) "Where is its spinal column V" The members of the Junior class do not average much more than 1)1) per cent in their examinations this term. The Union society has decided that the Democrats and the Deity have no con nection. The Alumni are respectfully and re spectively informed that they owe us a dollar on subscription. If the band instructor which the boys now have does not do his duty, what pre vents tcm from making a change? A class in chorus singing has been organized and its good effects are already perceptible in the chapel music. S.Schwab can show you the lategt styles in men's and youths' clothing for fall and winter wear. If you want a lluvaun-llllod five cent cigar, call for the celebrated "W. W." manufactured by Woltemadctfc Wolf. If any reader of these columns does l.ot know how to spell Jemts, just call on a lady of the Freshman class. She spells it with a G. Notwithstanding the terrible stale ot the weather last Friday evening the Unions had their meeting us usual Noth ing like pluck. The Slate Agricultural College of Illi- nois lias forty live Seniors this year. Just wait a few years and Nebraska will come to the front. When University students conduct themselves in such a way as to bo spotted by the police, it is time for them to "swear off." It is an interesting study to obscrvo tho ninetet'n.year.old boys training down on the upper lip preparatory to the 2nd of November. One of our noble Seniors has offered to bet fifty cents worth of peanuts that he can eat a soda cracker in a minute and whistle. The students had the pleasuie of again beholding the bonign countenance of their old school fellow, D. II. Mercer, '81, a few days ago. At last, after all patience had been ex haustcd, the now chairs for the Palladian Society arrived. They are beauties though. Perhaps it wasn't a blood and thunder dime novel that" the Chancellor recently saw a student reading, but more likely it tvyaa one of tfioso paper cqvered elocution 'books. Miss Laura Guy, an old student jt the University, Ima not been able to bo in school thlfj term. She is quite sick at her home on East O street. Wanted. Halt a dozen more pianos placed at proper intervals through the University building to assist the studonts to prepare their lessons. The University Battalion makes a very imposing appearance. The boys are striving to make themselves proficient in the martial art. We take pleasure in informing the pub lie that it snowed last weok. Our poet is sick and consequently our readers will not bo inflicted this issue. Students desiring acic simile of their physiognomy, prepared in the latest style of the art, should visit "Wheat & Ford. Special rates are offered. Mr. Adams has had a very seveio run of Typhoid fever. His recovery is still doubtful. His relatives have the sympa thies of every student. The largest assortment of Meerschaum and Briar pipes, and a full stock of mokingand chewing tobacco at Wolt omade & Wolf's. Erratum. In our German sentence of last issue for harz read harts. We make this correction for fear we may not be al lowed to pass in Doutch. Prof. Aughoy has been ordeicd to make a government survey in the western part of the state. During his absence ex-principal Palmer will hear his classes. It is said thai the Prof, finds the aver age essays of the students this term high ly amiialug. We did not know that we had any humorous essayists in school. No, young gentlemen, you must not slay in tho gymnasium dining the fore noon. Ton disturb the classes above, which is a very unpretty tiling to do. Pi of. Emerson has taken possession of a room in the third story. It is larger and will accommodate his numerous German students hotter than the old one. Mr. A. W. Field, class of '77, made a lolling speech at the grand republican ratification last Thuisday evening, in lion or of the happy state of affairs in Indiana. Groceries clump, Fruits swoot, Syrup clear, Fishes suit, Oysters cove, Apples tart, l!crrlct blnuU, Uuiries oiun All you'll llnd ut llormuuce's stand. t Tho Faculty of llie University seems determined that no one shall puss muster in any study unless ho has mustered it. Wo heartily agree with them, but Oh, my ! Since Mrs. Dearborn caino to the Uni versity a general improvement in the ouuuoialioii of the studonts is noticeable. Her classes arc making rapid advance ment. We could not see any difference in prices from foitnor years at S. Schwab's store. He appears to soil as cheap as he did last year. It will pay you to give him a call. We would mildly suggest to those young men who are iu the hadit of furnishing shoe-leather appjause during chapel exer cises, Unit they invest a few dimes in a minstrel show and do their stamping in an appropriate place. That sort of noise in chape) is very improper, to say the least. Quite an excitement was raised the other day by a lire at the house of Mr. Harrington. But, by the coolness of a Junior, a destructive conflagration was prevented. Eureka! Eureka! Hcrmance & Cook hare moved into their new storo in Rich ards' Block, and are disposing of their groceries so cheap anil rapidly that every body buys. Now when the Chancellor announces a hymn in Cliapel, four young ladies and gentlemen bravely step out to the front, make their little bows, and open their little (?) mouths. Boys, go to David Mays and get some of those fine silk haudkorohiels. He also has the best assortment of neck wear, and a fine lot of the latest styles of New York IlatSs As. wo remarked in u recent issue, what has become of our bass drum V Extremes seoni to bo in order. Last spring it was was all bass drummer, and now, "oh where is lie?" We acknowleuge a call from the Misses Tebbots with their friend Mrs. W. H. OiabbofNow York. None of the staff was present, but they were duly enter tained by our angel. is not there something iu the Book, News, Periodical, or Toy lino to-day If so Clasou can supply lie also keeps a full line of University text books. Call on him South side 0 bet 10 and 11. Commend us to the practical sense of that prep, who, for the passage from tho Latin, "True glory has a place among tho stars," read "Grasshoppers live in glory among tho stars." The Junior class has formed a league and the next time nu.ione asks about their examination in Mechanics or English Literature, the University will at once take a vacation to attend a funeral. Uncle John Monison, the best tailor in town, has just received a line lot of French goods- Those nobby suits of our last year's graduates were made by him. Give him a call boys. Tho Palladian festival of last Friday was not conducive to tho good temper of those who were engaged all day in mak ing preparation. Their only consolation is that "The Lord loveth whom he ohas tonoth." Tho ladies frequently remark while at The Little Store that they get much more for their money than they expected. Tho low prices on Laces, Neckwear, Corsets, Hosiery, fancy work, etc., is tho cause of it. Since our notice of last issue in regard to tho assistant sweeper which was ex pooled, the girls have all gone back on George. Foi his sake we will say that it was all a mistake and he has never thought of an assistant. It becomes the studonts that while thoy are absorbed in the interests of their lit- & I if iTm imm gij WMBk m BVIH