:. j !V;aUY J .lUCOl.U. NEBRASKA. JfJJO-LSC - J I t Hesperian Student M wip-KKffTr ry jiEitn.isK.t. tf K HP' Vi. IX. Lincoln, Nwi., Sm'ti-miimi, 1880. iSo 0- IIU1ML8. JOSKIMI Ol'KI.T, PROP. Lnta of" tlio MARSH HOUSK, UltOWNVll.l.K, Nku. gintohi Qch, Commercial Motel, Cor 11 nml P St8. LINCOLN, - - - NEBRASKA. j, j. iMiiorr, Prop. Good BsmphmKooxb QH?tsar&x.aoxt Turkish, Russian, nml Suit Wider Baths in the Hotel. Rheumu lism cured by Turkish But lis. E. HAL LET, L Wlmtclinmkcr, nml Jeweler, "2 a sS&tfaJk - O St., bet. 10lli mill 11th, south side. LINCOLN, NKB. Conservatory of 3usic Established by authority and under the .sanction of the Board of Regents. Instruction given in a ihnrough and systematic 'manner in all departments of Music. Tuition rmiKins from $0.00 to 815.00 nor term. , C2rTue Vocal Elomonlnry Class la fkek to all 8. B. HOIIMANN, Director. Bit i F f i iiiMiiiiriMii hi iMinri !!' imftinr""'"-" -"'""" Manufacturer and Dealer -1N-Finc. Boots and Shoes made from the beat material and warranted. Repairing sica'ljr done on aliort notice oconddoorfromP-9nTcat;8Ui,.ii t,-, ,.v Qilvtnnj. SOCIAL F011UJSS UY 1). II. MKltCKU. w I? live in an ape of action. Rich in thoaeeiunulaled strength or uentu ries our social forces are applying their agencies clTcetunlly and with a will. Kingdoms are decaying, empires loiter ing; and in the very midst of a silent rev olution repuhlics are growing. The slrciim of destiny dashes 011 and on, re moving from its channel every obslruo tion, every harrier, anil hurrying alung with it progressive humanity. Science, philosophy and art; discoveries, inveu lions and conquest-; education, religion, legislation and philanthropy; crusades, rebellions, revolutions and wonderful let', urinations, all these and a thousand oth er social forces hear Ihe headlights of so cial progress, throwing iheir guiding rays along the pathway of the future, pointing oul to humanity the inevitable destiny marked out for her by the hand of incxm ablf fate. To-day these forces are at their utmost tension, and w; rush along with a speed charaelerisfic"bnn'ngo. Thisnip--id progress is not due to Nature; she has shown us no partiality. These are Ihe causes. The past worshipped ihe winds and the waves; we make them our ser vants. The past theorized and dreamed; we execute and leap Ihe benefits. The past wandered in a metaphysical atmos phere; we labor in a praclical world. In eoiscquenceof Ibis difference there is im puted to us a too practical age by con. tempories who cling to Ihe cherished old with the desperation of drowning men and cry down the new as an unwarranted innovation. Let us bear with the imputa tion and glory in the charge, and when the time comes or us to leave this stage of action, instead of handing down to pos terity a few blank pyramids, a ruined col. o.ssi'tiiu and some broken columns, 0111 legacy shall be the telegraph, the steam ship, the railroad. Instead of bequeathing to future genenlions simply the remem brances of i powerful government, we shall entrust to their care that grand and massive palace of architecture, founded upon civil liberty, popular ediu' Ition and human 1 ighis American Republicanism. Let us particularize a few .v.eial forces. An education pure thorough and com pre hensive; an education purged of superflu ities and pregnant with culture and refine ment; an edueat'on for woman as well as formau an education for the masses and not for caste, such an education is a so. cial force, and it behooves America to fos ler and support it. The chief work of this government is the education of its subjects, and the safety and permanence 'ofiOurpublio JusMUUlous demand that a popular knowledge, rich in culture, re plete with the deepest thought, shall pen etrate and permeate Ihe whole social ss lem, elevating nl' humanity to Hi I high, cr plane now occupied by the privileged few. To reach Ibis unprecedented stand mnnd, our public school system must be developed and improved. This crucible of the human brain should not have the hardness of adamant, but rather the flexi bility and elasticity of the air, allowing the immortal mind in all its power and grandeufu,nlhnited scope in infinite fields. The sliuLshoul'd he its guaidlau, the na. lion its protector; and if any political party, or icligious organization shall raise its hand to stiikc a fatal blow, let the vaulted heavens reverberate with the cries of just, iuuiguation, while public opinion consigns the assailants lo an unworthy tomb. The school soon develops into a college, a university. These to be social forces must conform to the requirements of the limes in which they have their being. This age demands less theory and more pi act ice less Greek and Roman, more science and modern language. If we would educate our youth for ihe responsi hil'itics attached to American citizenship, if wu' would inculcnlc in their minds Hie sncrfflliftes of'lhe ballot, when and how to '. . . . . 1 11 . use .1, we niiisi icioini inc. coiiege curric ulum. My this we do not mean a total ex tiusion il the classics; far from it, for we recognise in them mines of 'rue woith. But we do object to their wearing Ihe badge of privilege. The diet s of Idols dis appeared with mlhnogy, and we shall 110 longer pay homage lo them. If we hail the lives of our biblical I 'ore la I hers, a decade or more devoted lo a study of Hie ancient world might not be amiss, hut threescore ears ami It n is too short a lease on life for such a sacrifice of time. The tongues of Homer and Virgil are 110 better than III- t of Milton and Shakspcare. Then let us do as din the classic Gicok, make our indigenous language of the first importance in our publ'c schools and col leges. Let us lalhom its depths, exhume iis riches, analyze its complications urn! realize its full value. Thin possibh America may erect such a mouumeiil of national literature, grander, nobler, more imposing than that which graced Grecian or Roman soil. This education slruld he madccompul sory. Both the expense incurred and Ihe welfare of ihe republic warranl Ihe de inaml Such a culmination will lilt inii verbal mini from ihe hovels ol bi.is an. I il literacy into the higher and holier realms f social cultiiit) and progress. The bar wi 1 llieu inculcate I lie learning and wis dom ol Justice; ihe pi ess will panake 01 ihe dignity and cultivation of Ihe scholar, and the pulpit will boast the reverence ind holiness of the Creator; religion and science will be made to join hands in one common cause; sectional slrile will go Hie way of slavery; capital and labor will lav aside animosity and recognize the fact that each is necessary to the other. Out of this compulsory education will come forth another social force, an im proved political system, and then will hu man legislation cease its monotonous 'Met 10 amend un act;" then the American Congress will be the. congregated wisdom instead of the assembled foolishness oi'tho nation. Then a knowledge of political economy and science of government, in- siead of skill in trickery and intrigue, will he the criteiiou ol a man's fitness, to wear the robes of stati siuiiiiship. In spile of volumes wriliiu in Idlers of hitter expeiienee, in spile of the warn luus ol Peel and Gladstone, American Congres'-ineii are spieading their mantles of influence over Hull "bane of agricul ture," protection, and r bbiug free"" initio of im merited recognition. They a'recon linuitlly thiowinir into discord ihe social world bv their blunders anil inconsisten cies. They have a mania for legislation, They would ! glslale Irom human nature all her desiics and passions, and fill the v.iciium with a ilnoiiznl prohibition. They would supercede the regency of sup. ply and i!i maud, and do wlml man was never expected to do reuiibite Ihe law of wages. They would make two divisions o litis republic diametrically opposed to ch oilier in many particulars, think and act as one. at the same lime stirring, up with thai olliclous agent race piejiidice, Ihe caldron of sectional animosities. The day is not far dislaii', unless ibis appetite for political picstigc be appea cd, .wieii Ihi'se prominent srtiiibs of uiir republic's destiny, saturated with the conceit ol'ego. lism, will piesume to legislate ihe Souls of men into other woihls. The graudi si social I'm ee of all b'is not yel been mentioned Her past has been mys It rious, miraculous, woiiileilul, her p'e.seut isamazing, her future is unfathomable As slut led the woild-lrom ihnkness.lo light her hitler fies lore off her gaiineni.s of light, stilled her animated voice and bound dow 11 an assisting nu. Although she lay f. ir.su many enluries at the feel of priestcraft and siipeistiiion, her Ireinliliug spiiil 10 inaiiied undaunted lo the list. Recover ing herself from this siibsei vieuci, sho glided on and on iiiiiil today her scepno touches every zone, tier converts enlight en every clime. Now and then m her journey down the ages, ihrmigh ihe rash iucnnsideralcness of nil fitiltustu-t, her reputation has been sullied, her funic tinged with shame by viiialiug those very principles which sho all blmig has been contending for; but as the liluiy scales fall from her eyes and human reason broadens and liberalizes, her supreme in telligence will weli'nine ! the class.ioom Ilcrbcit Spenser as well as Noah Poller. But this liberal tendency should u.it mean sensationalism. Some of nin lead ing divines claim high salaries and lofty praise. The are amhiiiotis nr universal adiuiraiioii, seeking applause and lauda. lion in every seiinon, but by thus pander, ing lo the passions of men they are under mining the foundations of goveiuiiieui by tearing down the walls of molality, and let'ing in all the disorders of tin time. Without the pale ofiln- church lliissii.su lioiialism is Inking a similar cours". Men seek pioininence ami ecliit by attack, ing Christianity and blaspheming its Cre ator. Have we so soon forgotten the lei ling warnings of Frame Y Shall man commit suicide on the eve of icachiug his Pisgah of renown ? Oil. something is so much belter than nothing! and we have 110 ib sire to he stranded on the dcsolalo shoics of nowhere, hopeless, sliiouded in despair. If we could escape Ihe errors nf preceding aires, the youthful mind must he tutored and disciplined in the precepts of truth, and the poisonous breath of sensationalism and infidelity, whet herein-' minting from the social circle, thu library sanctum or the professor's chair, should never be allowed a lodgment there. I .'ii HftttHMMmjUM v Ai