Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, May 15, 1880, Image 2

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5 1
in tho monastery, in society among (ho
rich ns well as poor, shall we heap nil Ihe
blame of their existence upon their bonds,
or shall wo lay part of the blamo whore il
seems to belong, upon society V If so wo
must then sot to work to remedy the ovil
by removing tho cause. While 1 do not
want to uphold the tramp in any souse
whn'evor, itseoms to me that those of us
who are In more favored circumstances,
should not always curse; we should pity;
sometimes we should aid, sometimes we
should strive to elevate them for we must
inmember they are men after all. If tho
vi-.'w I have taken is correct, they are not
wholly responsible. You and I, as men
burs of society, liavo some blame; hence
duty bids us help elevate and ennoble,
help raise from their present unfortunate
condition. Self-preservation also calls
upon us not to despise tlicm, but to edu
cate them, and lift them up into tho pure
sunshine of true manhood. Wall.
May 11. Kaiiifikm), II. W. Haiiiiinoton
Amhooiatk Eihtou Miss Wiu.iams
Local Itm-nrt M. U. Davi
Husi.sksh Manaiiku 1). Vv Kikiikii
1 copy per college year -
1 " six months . . - .
Single copy
1 column one insertion - - !f2.0().
2 squares " " .().
1 " " " 2o.
All iirtlcluw Tor phbtlcntl u alioulil liu ixhlrcMHud
Ktlltor IlEsi'EiiiAN Stimih.nt, Statu UitUorally.
Lincoln, Nebruskii. All eubHuriptloiiH mill busi
ness communications, with the tuldiub. should
bu sunt to 1). V. FISH Kit. Subscriptions col
lected iuvtiriiibly hi mlwiiii'o. Advortinoinuntc
collected monthly.
During the past two weeks wo have
boon the gratilied(V) recipients of any
quanity of advice, Iron) the dignified Sen
iois wlio are already beginning lo 'pose"
for commencement day, to tho "Ilunky
Freshie" and the largo-hoadod Prop who
thinks he is more competent, to run the
Student than any editor 0t elected.
Thankfully have we received all stigges
tions, and one especially we shall do our
best to acl upon: to write little and pub
lish less. This, for the present, is almost a
necessity. Tho wisdom of the Hoard of
Managers in cutting down the size of our
college paper none will deny. Our now
form gives lossspuco for editorials as well
as abstract matter, and for our pail we
would gladly have tho editorial columns
still shorter. A college paper cannot bo
representative while two, or at most thro
editors aro expected to do all the writing.
The college students in tho past havo per.
milted the members of the preparatory de
partment to distance them as contribu
tors to the literary columns of the Stu
dent. This is scareoly a credit to those
farther advancod in their college course,
while it speaks well for tho ambition and
talent of the Props. It has often been u
just complaint against tho Student that
its principal contributed articles were es
says or orations which had been delivered
in society or at exhibitions. This is cer.
talnly a great mistake. We ou-;lit to take
enough interest in our paper lo give it our
best productions fresh from the pen, and
not content the begging odilor willi a
warmed-over thesis already listened to
onuo by an audience which is to consti
tute the majority of the Student's care
ful readers. The hatchet, we trust, lias
been buried forever, and the lasl echo of
the war song died away. For ibe future,
the best energies of all should be directed
towards paying Iho debt of the Student
and establishing il upon a secure lliuuiei-j
ill as well as literary basis. To do this
the Hoard and editorial corps need the
help of all. The Student ought to be
our common property, tho pride of us all.
It must be an exponent ol Hie experience
thought and life found among us. In
dealing with college mailers the Student
will take oir its gloves and talk quite
plainly. The Student will also endeav
or to be just and open to conviction, let
o'hers do the same.
ol the day The most disgraceful scenes,
enacted by tho outcasts of society, are
described with a minuteness of detail,
that would have shocked tho sense of pro.
priety of our grandfathers. No good can
possibly come from such reading It of
fers olllcienl aid to those who aro ever
ready to pull down the great and good, it
lays bare the plague-spots of society that
spread their contamination, rather than
dlsapear upon exposure, and renders im
pure tho whole moral atmosphere of social
life. Just where this evil arises, it is hard
to determine. Whether tho demand of the
reading public for scandalous reading is
the cause, or consequence of the increas
ing amount that Hulls space in our journ
als, the reader is left to determine, but
certain it is that it would bo far bolter if
all such matter were excluded from the
columns of our newspapers altogether.
llnil too in a very short lime. A similar
rule in regard to spoiling, Richard Grant
White tells us, was Iho beginning of his
critical studies of ilie tfnglMi )an ;uagc.
We have lived long and sttlUrod long,
and now, as the time comes for the an
nual meeting of the Regents let us all go
to them and show them our empty heads
and beg them in the name of lent niug, va
cant brains and inert ideas lo provide Ihe
means of opening the library all day long.
To many of us compelled to spend the
afiernoous of llio week in study or work
Iho library is no beiiolll whatever,
while Ihe privilege of spending u 'vacant
hour there every forenoon would lib of an
advantage tons which would bring forth
fruit in bettor essays, mote learned ora
tions, more investigating and bolter road
Newspapers havo been said to be Hie
mirror of the public mind. If that be
true the avidity with which journals seize
upon every bit of scandal that happens lo
float on the current of gossip, indicates
a diseased condition of public sentiment.
That is the best newspaper which is tho
most popular. That one is the most pop
ular which contains the most palatable
news. Now what class of news is most
eagerly relished by Ihe generality of news
paper renders? The average business
man sits down to (lie breakfast table
morning paper in hand; he sees in bold
U'lici-. at the head of one column: "Dam
aging reports against Ihe character of Mr.
R.,"bo.sido il in tho next oolunin,"An enter
prize for the relief of the needy in our
city." The chances arc ten to one that
the former is read aloud and discussed
beforo tho whole family, while the latter
remains unread. No man can hoar so
strong and upright a character that ho is
not liable to tno damaging reports of ma
Melon's tongues. A vicious scandal
against an honorable fellow citizen loach
es the ear of the reporter. The morning
paper puts it in everybody's mouth, ad
ding, perhaps, "wo hope Mr. 1$. may bo
able lo prove himself innocent." It be
comes tho topic of conversation on the
street. Opinions aro at once formed as lo
the truth or falsity of Hie statement. A
lifetime of noble deeds, and benevolent
actions are placed in the scale against an
idle breath aim yet lie iiiiihI establish his
innocence through Hie medium of the
newspaper, or his reputation is gone, and
he U ostracised by society. And although
one lnu wronged may vindicate himself
to the fullest extent, and all allegations ho
retracted through the columns of the press
yet tho impression upon the people can
not bo fully eradicated. Another similar
report would lie more readily believed,
and the injury is permanent.
There is certainly an increasing do
maud for scandalous rending, more dan
gerous lo Iho future welfare of America
than would lie a million armed men men
aoing her borders. This demand is
promptly met by the current newspaper
Onco more Ihe graduating oration, like
Hie old man of the sea, sits upon the
shoulders of the Seniors and again, sin-bad-like,
lie wanders to and fro vainly
seeking rest and ideas. Once more the
pliolograper is compelled to obtain a larg
er and more powerful camera, and lo
strengthen his instrument throughout that
that lie may impress upon perishable
cardboard the genius and talent of our
Seniors. The bright Juno days are lo
bring forth white dresses, Uowcrs and de
grees, and cast upon a long sulTcring pub
lie realms and realms of foolscap, alive
with the immature opinions of conceited
boys, upon politics, religion, science and
immortality, while the air will be while
willi the daintily ribboned essays from
girlish pens, touching upon Spring, beau
ly and Iho ideal. To us the despised
under-gradualos June will mean cram
miug, cheating, fear and examinations.
"Farm Schools for Girls" the Chicago
Tnter Ocean tells us was the title of a very
interesting paper road before the Michi
gan Convention of Superintendents of
County Poor. 1 1 told all about the educa
tion of girls in Franco: Tlioy were
taught to read, write, and cipher up to
long division, and then tlioy learned how
lo plant corn and drive the plow. These
girls are allowed to have only two dres
ses a year with no trimming on them.
Tlioy have no shoes in hot weal her and
are obligdod to wearasunboiinol! There
is some talk of introducing such a state of
things in this country! Let every girl in
the Unitad Slates rise and object who bo
liovos in the good time coming that Gail
Hamilton tolls us aboui, when the men
will do the work, and the women devote
Ihoir entire time to aesthetics and literature.
Tho orthography of some of the btu
dents of Hie University would boa ills
grace to a backwooils, district school.
Willi the library provided with an una
bridged dictionary and little pocket com
pondiums to be bought for a more song
there is no excuse for murdering tho En
glisli tongue. In studying eacli lesson
a student should carefully look up every
word in regard to whoso pronunciation
there is any doubt and ho will be sur
prised to And what a vocabulary a rigid
observance of this rule will give him and
Some of the eastern colleges have been
entertained lately by a series of lectures
upon cooking. We hope the fashion will
come west. It would be jolly to (urn the
chapel into an immense kitchen and all
the students come with their frying pans,
rolling pins, cookoy oull-rs, pallilins, and
tr) all sorls of receipts, and bake any
amount of good things lo oat. When tiiis
course of lectures begins wo speak to be
chairman of the lasting committee.
The preparations for the society exhibi
tions are going forward and the Student
wants to whisper this little word of ad.
vice in the ear of each one who is lo take
part, and Hint is lo be brief and interest
ing. Lot each exercise be reasonably
short and the evening Interspersed with
plenty of good music and the June exhi
bitions of this year will be a success.
Jjjditor'a gable.
The Collegian and Neoterian is the most
interesting paper on our table so far.
The opening paper, "Portia of Huhnont,"
is an appreciative loviow of one of tho
most beautiful characters of Shakospue's
creation. A short but concise article on
Conservatism and Reform contains the
following sentence: "Advancement has
ever been the resultant of two antagonis
tic forces, conservatism and reform.
Like the centripetal and centrifugal forces
of the universe they determine the path of
the world's progress." An editorial has
this: "The looseness in the uso of Ian
guage so prevalent even in cultivated so.
oio'.y threatens to seriously injure our dia
loot unless bomo means bo found to stop
1 Is progress. The press is the greatest op.
pouent to purity of diction. There is
scarcely a newspaper in existence that is
not a disgrace to our language. Editors
strive lo be popular, lo write so as to
suit the .street, and tho result is thoir pa
Iters abound in errors and vulgarnoss of
the worst description." With what the ed
itor says further of tho practical Impor
tance o a "well of English, pure 'and
iiudellled" and a knowledge of the nice
distinctions of words we heartily concur.
Rut we think Hint the article would bo
bettered by such a command and knowl
edge, as well as by a more Just apprecia
tion of tho work the press is doing for our
language. Tho word dialect is doubtless
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