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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1880)
te rlh h r J A Wr- i y S . R i' 1J" - Wnrr.-i rc,Wi "-: ,r" - '.zi-o UBiATY UtlCOLN. NEBRASKA Hesperian Studeni UYIJ"EHSIT OF JTEnnlSKl. Vol. IX. Lincoln, Neb., May 15. 1880. No. 0. HOTELS. JOBEPII OPELT, PIIOP. Late of tho MAItSII HOUSK, HnowHvu.i.K, NEn. Lincoln $&$, $ommctri;il j0otel. Cor 11 andP Stu. LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA. J, Jf. 1MIIOFF, Prop. Turkish, Russian, und Suit Water Baths in the Hotel. Rheuma tism cured by Turkish Baths. CALL ON W. J. Turner, FOH Drug, Books, and Stationery. LINCOLN, NEB. GROCERIES! GROCERIES!! GROCERIES!!! The Best liiiic of STAPLE mid FANCY GKOCERIES are to be Found at NO. S!. STATU BLOCK: LINCOLNN, EBBASKA. EXCELSION MEAT MARKET, No. 10 Kluvonth Street. LINCOLN, NEB. S. W. Gettier & Bro. STOCK DEALERS And Butcher, PAY CA8II FOH liuttor, lCtfus, Poultry and Fat Cuttlo. C. W. CHAMBERS, Has Just Received the Finest Lino OK Gents furnishing Goods jarWe make a specialty of Fine Goods. ittnri. TUB TRAMP. q V is often said that never before, sine TM the beginning of history, have tramps been so numerous and so threaten ing to the peace and prosperity of society as at present. But a careful examination will show that this is an error; a thorough study of history will prove that the unpro. ductivc or tramp class, was never less than at picscnt. The name deceives us; we do not take into consideration the fact that the class we now call tramp?, was former, ly known under dillerent names, and em. braced many which at first thought, one would not think of including with the tramps of to-day. Some of those that I shall attempt to prove to belong to the non-productive class arc known in history under titles ot honor and respectability. But do they deserve the place they occu. py?" If the woru tliev have done lor soci ety be but cooly estimated, it will be found that they have been only an encum brance tn the onward match of society. But to show that the tramp is no modern growth, wo need only ryfer to. the "La.zaU, roni" of ancient Rome. They were per haps of the lowest kind, dependent upon the hounty of the state for their food. An element ever ready to be bought and sold, ever ready to be made tools of by designing demagogues. They worn the supporters of Nero in his reign of blood; and finally even the tyrant himself, had to make his acts conform to their will and pleasure. They had no houses, neither did they pro tend to do any work for their own support. They were ignorant, idle and vicious; ready for carnuge, murder and blood at the slightest provocation, or without any provocation. The cause of their existence will be found about the same as that of the tramps now. But before at ompting to give any reason for tho existence of the great evil, I wish to notice some other classes which I will place in the same lis with the trumps though they ma' have degenerated so low in honor and cliarac ter. Nay, some of them may even be men of noble personal character, and yet only worthy to he clat-hed with those ho hin dor progress. First among these 1 shall mention the ancient army. This view does not necessarily include all soldiers; but must include all thouo who made a business of war and travelled from one country to another, teady to sell their sor vIcch to any prince who had a real or fan cied grievance to redress, or who wished to extend his power, Some may say that they are not to be named in the sumo class as the tramp. But have they not the same characteristics, the same distinctive influences upon society? Neither have any high morals, any lofty ideals. Neitli er do anything to advance tho world, or themselves in Intel'ectual or material prosperity. The one may be more rag ged, dirty and debased; but tho other is more bloody and destructive. There is nothing connected witli the hired soldier which is in any sense, ennobling or ele vating. Every attribute, every feature of ills character is calculated to degiade. If this view be correct (and is it not?) what are mercenaries but a mighty travelling army of tramps? Tho soldier of to-day stands upon a different plane. He em. ploys only a small portion of his time in the active duties of war; most of his time is spent in useful labor. Yet oven now, the 1- rge standing armies of Europe par take more or less of the attributes of tho tramp. Their existence cannot be de fended upon any reasonable grounds. To leave this class, and cast our eyes along the ages of the past, wo see thousands, yes pei Imps millions of men, many of them noble in some senses of the word, yet all having tho one great stamp which marks the tramp, the stamp of idleness, and non productiveness. Europe during some of these years has fairly teemed with this class which may well be considered with the tramp of 1 refer to the monks, withdrawn from tho world, crowd ed in'o monasteries, doing almost nothing for themselves and even less for humanity, where can you place them, if not with the tramp class? What name will you give them if not tho name of tramp. This statement must not be understood to in clude all monks, for there are those among them who left nothing undone to relieve the suffering, and distresses ot humanity But many so many did not. Oil, if they hud only turned their whole mind and strength to the upbuilding of society, in education, in wealth, in morals, how much further advanced in all these ic specls might we not be at the present? These are some of the most prominent classes that belong to the tramp element, not all by any means, but enough to show that we aro advancing, to prove that our civilization, though cursed witli much that is bad, witli a largo element that does nothing whatever to aid in the progress of mankind, is jirmcr, and is built upon a surer basis than any that has proceeded it Bullet us consider briefly the causes that lend to the production of the tram), two causes, it seems to mo will account for all the classes I have mentioned ox. copt one. That one, the monk class arose from an abnormal condition of religious ociely during tho dark ages: and our civ way; hut tho light Is breaking and in one or two generations more, these men will coaso to withdraw themselves iroin the world. They will stay with it and help llgnt tho battles which humanity demands at our hands. With (hit one exception, it will be found that two great causes con tinually operate to produce the tramp- The first is the personal habits of tho indi vidunl man. The votaries of idlness will soon find themselves carried along in the sluggish stream leading lo a wandeiing homeless life, to poverty and death, to death without a companion or a friend. Dissatisfaction with present circumstan ccs, an uncontrolled desire lor change, a longing aHcr fame and wealth without making the required exertion, are ele ments of character which lead one direct ly, and unless curbed, into the ranks or the tramp. The social evils, intemperance with all lis destructive powers help swell the tide that is now hearing so threatening ly upon our shores. But the second and the greatest cause which nourishes the tramp is one of society, and of nations. An evil that is more common and more widespread in its effects than any other. War, even the most just is demoralizing and degrading. The evils resulting from itieacli out in all directions, embrance all employments and all classes. Now some one may say, true, war is a terrible misfortune to befall a nation and a peo ple; but Is It not a mere fancy that it tends to the production of tramps? No, for does not almost ovury eflect ilowing from it, tend lo their production ? As we have seen an army itself parlaUes somewhat of tho elements which make the trump. But to sum up rapidly, wo find Unit war breaks ui all settled habits of life; takes men from their ordinary employments; intro duces a desire for speculation; brings great wealth into tho hands of i fow, ami thus has a tendency to produce a tramp class. During its continuance fortunes aro easily made, hence at its close, when life has settled into its normal condition, men aro unwilling to work without war profits. They form a habit of wandering from place to place with the object of getting work; such a life is only a pre lude to the Hie of a tramp. A heavy debt Is contracted; hence taxes weigh burden. somoly upon all classes; bti as the poor feel It most thoy become restless and dis satisfied, and attempt by continual change to better their condition. Tho currency becomes debased; and hero again the poor have to sutler most, since they can not take advautago of circumstances like the rich. Thus every thing connected witli war tends to tho concentration of wealth in the IiiwkIh of a fow, hence to tho production of two classes the rich and the poor followed immediately by tho tramp. An indirect proof that the tramp is tho outgrowth of wai is this; tho tramp was not found in this country before the war. What other cause can bo assigned for his sudden appearance. If it is true that the war was the direct cause of them in this country, why will not the same cause account for their existence in Eu rope, both past and present? To con clude, If wo find tho tramp In the arm,