Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, May 01, 1880, Image 3

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i ivw
succeed In making tho titudcnt n pride of
orCollogo journalism iatmr wish.
"These lire times Hint try mens souls".
Our patience bus been tried to lis very ut
most hut discretion forbids us making a
oustigory remark. During tlio past few
months Ibu Student lias undergone many
vicissitudes, and they liavo been such bit
ter experiences. The ebb and flow of a pe
culiar and uncertain tide washed it tow
ard the' shores of prosperity but ere fare
well bonvoyage had ceased echoing over
the waters the cruel winds of malevolence
stranded it upon ihc cragy rocks of adver
sity. The weapons of war had been restor
ed to their armory and harmony was sup
posed to reign, but alas, how false an allu
sion is hope.
The senior olaas expects to have a
poauut bum One ol their number
won a trade dollar.
Several of the fresh ies threaten to
chastise a certain junior, who acts as
tutor in their class, because ho failed
to pass them in a lato examination.
The advanced French class te de
lighted with lectures upon architect
turo, delivered semi-weekly by Prof.
Quite an intelligent and handsome
appearing; class of young ladies meet
in the stud o to receive iustruc ion in
painting from Miss llichardson
Gas only 1 per month, Rays a so
ciety man. We know a ureal many
people who don't charge a cent for
their gas, and turn it out vicrtzchn
times a day.
Wn 'i('k'mwlm I m iw.mnf. of Vol .
.. . -.J.- .. . .,.. -. .
1 No. 1 of tho Lincoln Iioomor, a
spicy amateur paper, publ shed in this.
city by two wide-awake boys, Ed.
V Collier and ilud liiihofi'. Encourage
The stock-holders of tho Dormitory
will give a festival some time during
tho early part of May. Lots of girls,
ice-cream and btrawboniea will be in
plain sight. Go, boys; but lino your
pockets with a few trade dollars.
The next man who invites us to ride
hin bicycle ahull be prosecuted to the
fullest extent of the law, for kindness
with intent to kill. Our nose, shins
and filth rib have not yet recovered
from the last experiment.
May humanity have pity and sym
ynthy for ah red-noadod persons The
other day a student with a eardi .al
cranium was refused a position upon
a committee on the urouud that tho
color of his hair gave him an ungov
ernable tompor. We hope tliC young
Indies will side in with tho red
headed squadron, us it would bo a
poor recommendation for the univer
sity if she should graduate ho many
prospective brtcliGlors.
Strawberries will be ripe on tho
evening of May 14. On that evening
the Pulladian Society will buy up all
the strawberries in tho market and
hold a festival and sociable, Itemem
berthe time. Come, everybody, and
bring your mothers, your daughters,
your sifters, and your pocket-books.
Our exchange editor tins boon asked sooral
tiniuB tohnml In her copy; but ut ovory rejuost
wo are put off with boiiio potty oxcunu. Korboar'
unco lina consult to bo a virtue anil In order that
this department may not bo flighted wo hnvo ho.
cured the temporary services of n kind vohintcor
Wo extend our heartfelt thanks to our brother
exchanges for not deserting us In a season of trout)"
lo; and onlj hope that tholr Journey through life
ma not bo marred by such nccldents as have be
set us.
The llrst sheet to catch our eye Is the Uo
nol Uraphle from tho Huwkoyo state. It pro
sontus a very neat, typographical appearance
aside from the cover, too much space Is glcn to
society programmes, oftlcors and musical conven
tions. II tho local editor did his duty and tho
scissors woroglvou a short rest, wc believe the
readers would be hotter satislled.
The state which produces so many public men,
and almost controls the politics of the nation, also
sends forth some lino messongora in tho form o'
college papers. Among tho number, woaro favor
ably Impressed with tho Dennison Collegian'
Some orlts contributed articles aro rather long;
not concise enough. An editorial upon compul
sory attendance on two churcli services each Sun
day, speaks for itself. Tho writer handles tho
question independently and without gloves. Wo
admire such spirit and boldness on tho part of a
college editor in expressing the opinion of a ma
orlty of students. A college Journal should mir
ror the thoughts of its college readers.
Tho locals and clippings in tho Collegian an
Neoterlati save It from condemnation. Wo four
tho editors have too strong a dcslro to "llll up"
with the fruits of others laborers.
A poor excuse for a paper comes to us from Ore
gan. To tho remarks of the oxchango editor on
tho Collegian wo say, "them's our sentiments."
If tho editors of tho Archangel will wake up and
write a few live and raey editorials onco in a while
we will hopo to boo internal as Voll as external
improvement. A few more locals and n few less
such articles as those on "Sleep," "Memory,1,
"Language" will make tho paper more Interest
ing. Our sister state, Iowa, i well ropresonted by
Mm tlnnnrlrr. n inner not Olllv HOllt ill UPPCar-
linco, but an excellent exponent of the complaints
and desiros of the stujlentx. Tho article "Shos-
hbno Knlls" is lutorcstlnj: reading anil is a suita
ble substitute for those long contributions bo of
ten round in college papers. Tho artlclo however
p much too long. Tho writer could have ox
firnMHml himself in lialfaB many words. Tho ox-
ehaugo editor is tho right man In i Inc
His remarks on an article appearing in the Knox
Stujant will bear repetition; "Tho rmalndor or
tho paper Is a llttlo too heavy und shows altogeth
er too much servility to tho faculty. Independ
ence Is absolutely essential to any Journal, and
when a college paper cringes beforo und favors
upon tho faculty in disgusting obsequiousness,
its usotulnosB is ended, Its highest duty neglected."
Tho llobart Herald next claims our attention,
ir it Is not forwardness on our part, wo would sua
geet that tho local page bo hotter patronized. If
there is anything that makes u college paper rank
among tho llrst it is u spicy and readable local
page. This department needs more attention
than any other. Tho Herald like a few other ox
changes has set apart space for literary criticism
on current publications, liults a Held is open to
the editor und the department can bo mado a val
uable aid to tho mugaztno. Tho correspondence
column lb open to all who desire to express them
selves in regard to college affairs. When such nx
prcsslous are dlgullled and not out of place, wo
say all well and good Vut in some instances per
sons in using tho liberty accorded have over
stepped tho bounds of prosperity and thus lessoned
tho tone of Collegojouruallsm. Tho Herald has
too great an alllnlty for tho scissors and paste pot.
More originality, please.
The Ariel halls from cold Minnesota. Tho Lit
erary department is encumbered with two lum
bnrHomo articles; one "Tho NccyomautcU of Ho
mer and Virgil." Thoothor, "England or Itus
sla." Tho latter is a supposed speech of an Af
ghan orator. Tho writer has boon endowed with
n wonderful imagination to even dream of such a
supposition. We only wish Afghanistan hud sov
eral such orators, but If she did wo aro quite cer
tain none of them would speak of Gladstone and
England's foreign policy, as did this hypocritical
orator. Tno editorial in regard to students not
consulting library books is very llttinglndocdand
tho application could bo mado In other Institu
tions as well. It is a deplorable- fact that too
many students In our colleges graduate without a
knowledge of that which tboy would gain from li
brary visitation, ('rook and Latin may be u very
good thing in their place; but a man In practical
life mtiBt be supplied with better agents than
these, ir he would obtain a livelihood common
surato with tho time and labor expended.
"I appeal I"
Do you board at tho Dormitory V
What constitutes a traitor?
Nearly all the old students and several
new ones are back this term.
The sincere thanks of several students
is due Kev. Williams for kindly consent
ing lo instruct them in elocution.
Visit tho new hat store.
See the line of college caps at the new
hat store.
Eveiybody can oe suited at the new
hat store.
A severe cold in the head of one ot our
Edilorsin-Chiel, i; our apology for the
lateness of this issue. We shall see that
it does not occur again.
A full line of gents' furnishing goods
at the new hat store.
Some of tho University students aro
paying loo muvh attention to the high
school girls. Boys, charity begins at
A beautiful line of neck-wear at the new
hat store.
The very latest thing out in linen
collars and cull's at the new hat store.
Everything one price and strictly cash
at the new hat store.
For the benefit of all new students it is
but just to say that the spring term is the
dullest in the year for the literary socl.
The Seniors of this year are chiefly re
markable for their meek behavior towards
theFreshies; and one finds it hard lo
realize that they who lean with such in
nocent trust upon the sage judgement of
tho Pi eps will soon be east out into the
cold world to rely upon themselves.
If you want a Havana-filled five cent
cigar, call for the celebrated "W. W."
manufactured by Woltemade& Wolf.
For a clear Havanua Dime Cigar call
at Woltemaiie fc Wolfs.
Don't fail to call at Heumance &
Cook's to get men hock pkioes on fresh
Call on Cooloy & Green, who keop
a select assortment of confectionery,
bakeries, tobacco and cigars and
canned goods. Location, O street,
between 11th und 12th.
All students dcsii ing photographs will
get them at special rates by going to Mr.
Clinc's gallery.
Tho University Cadet Band will
soon give open-air concerts. The
boys aro improviug rapidly in their
practice, and by Commencement, no
doubt, trill bo quite proficient. They
have been engaged to discourse sweet
music at Palladian sociable.
The largest assortment of Meerschaum
and Briar pipes, and a full stock of
smoking and chewing tobacco at WolU
made & Wolf's.
In giving tho readers of the Hesimcuian
Student information of the objects of
note we cull cspacial attention lo the
handsome slyles of clothing ut the store
of our fellow townsman, S. Schwab. He
will show you some of tho liandsomcs
garments, most stylishly got up and
trimmed, rivalling in every way and equal
to the best Merchant Tailoring suits, in
prices cheap enough to be reached by tho
most economical. We advise those of
our readers in want of garments to give
him a call before buying.
Blessed is the student who gels his visit
ing cards printed by W. A. Tris.
ltcmcmbcr Your Friend!
Buy your groceries, cigars and tocaccos
of W. W. English, on 11th St. near N.
A full line of toilet articles of ail de
scription at the Arlington Drug Store.
Lubin'a Extracts and perfumes of the
finest quality at the Arlington drug store.
Tho University Union did not havo
a regular mooting tho first Friday
evening of tho term, but tho membcru
had a sociable. The Unions recognize
the omiucnt truth that social us well
as literary training do-erves attention.
Wo felicitate them ou their morilori
ous efforts in Hub direction.
The seniors recognize the fact that
they are expected to deliver their ora
tions in June. As a preparatory stop
to this trying ordeal, they have put
theinsolves under an instructor in elo
cution. Those orations wl 1 be deliv
ered "according to Hoyle."
Students and others in need of fine
stationery or books will find it to their
interest to call on Mr. C. S. Clason, south
side of 0 St., between 10 and 11. His
stock in style und price can not be ex
celled. Go to the old stund-by's when in need of
anything in tho tonsorial department, un
der State National Bank. First class
work guarrauted by L. Souverin.
Here is a copy of a beautifully writ
ten note, on sweetly scented paper,
directed to a student:
"Mr : Will yon be kind
enough to ansv,Tor tho following query?
Aro you a single gentleman, or aro you
still open to proposals ?
" Inquiuek "
What does the above moan? Is
someone tryiuff to bewitch the young
"Tift. iioYs" aro especially invited to
call at tho Arlington Drug Store. Fine
cigars a speciality. W. C. Sedwick, pro.
Prescriptions carefully compounded
from fresh medicines, at the Arlington
Drug Store.
Tho Sophomore organization is still
in a flourihinff condition. Tt is inter
esting to note how much pleasure a
sophomore can got out of " Pussy
wan ts-a-corner," or "Simeon says
thumbs up. That is what wisdom does
for a person. Even tho most trifling
paBtimo when viewod through tho
lens of philosopy becomes a source of