Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, May 01, 1880, Image 1

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4r.telja...JaMLuMMJM.MaMMiIMaTM.lg-t , . ...
iwIMUI1IPWPI-wiiii i i uwwmt"- awai VIlkLi
Vol.. IX.
Lincoln, Nun-, May t. two.
No. 5.
. . ...)' , . i.
r.-iwirnlTY 01' ,NF.IWASK 1
j08ffibm,Sws. UDRAKY
M ( itMi iiM.niiiinmnn II
The Arlington
JOSEPH OPELT, Proprietor.
Lllto of
Bkownvillk, : : Nkura.ka.
w. J. Turner
Druas, Books and
I I Kftinmevcial llomi..
fl f i ok mil . iuiistB,
, -g Hi ironvrfi rruprteior.
iJsr (loot! Sample Rooms on Vw Floor.
Turkish, Rtis.-inn,
and iNtlt Walor Baths
J ' in the Hotel. Rliouma-
. tism cured by Turkish
N lint Us
The best line ot
Are to bo fouiwl at
No. 2, Slate Block,
Iwrfitg S tfty.
(JkntsFuhnimhno (tOOI)S.
11 St, 3 doors Bouth f Coinmorc nl Hotel,
IIY W.I.I. ti.Mll KTOX.
Over tho Ion t of the iienum trtiok.
Into thoriurkiK-fttfiliHi!! and bhek.
Ilmvy nml fn-t
AS It limUllinlll lllrit,
Willi aciinut of whist m, nmlolnng of hour,
i ho grout Until tattled niitl thundorid along
Tmvoler-", cuMonod and ulielto oil it.
Passing (In1 tlim with do..' mid chat:
I htt.klng r nmtght
lid danger ituugh:;
Wli liim Ihn hoars with whim mid nmr
A Hie grout train r-tiled nml thundered along.
i'ocr. ilnu il 1 tin s'ooporslny.
Lost to tho datusor" of tlu n ;
nuiloiliii! buck,
A down life's truck,
A thousand dreamy scones nini.it :
And th" grout trull, rattluil mid th'indor d alony
Heavily uroa'hod tho mini of o-uo:
.Ightly slept tho iniililou Intr:
Ami tho mother piosscd
Unto hor hron-t,
Her bonntlfiil lin' os with yearning strong
Ami iho bi out train rittli-il nml himdured along.
Shading bin oyoa with h's brawny hand,
Damier abend tho drivur scanned;
And ho timiuil tho steam.
For tho rod light's ulonni
Flnshed warning to him ilioro was something
wro g:
i nt th grout truln rnttlud ami thiindoroil a i.
' Down ttiohraki'Sl'' rmnj thoilrlvor's sliont
" Down thobrnkosr' Kimg tho whMlponi:
lint the spcodwas high,
And tho d.initor nljh.
And oh th was waiting to build hi pyro,
Aiulilie t r n dMshril lulu a river of flro.
Into tho night tho ro.i ilamo gh nmod;
High thoy lonpod. u.il orackloJ, nml Hticniiiud;
And tho moat train loomed,
l.lko n monster (Inomcd,
In tho uiulst of tho llamas nml thoir ruthless
I ro
In tho murderous tide ol n river or flro
ltoucil tlio sleeper within big bed;
A ernsh, a plunge, and a glonni of red,
Ami tho sweltering heat
Of his winding sheot
Clung roung his form with nit agony ilire;
And ho moaned and died In a river of tire.
Ami thoy who worn spared from tho fearful
Aim groaned that, too Into,
From a terrible fato
'oroeoue thoir co.iirndoswnB thoir desire.
Uro thoy sunk In it i Ivor of death and 11. o.
l'lty for them wiio. holplos died,
Ami sunk m tho river's murollo.-a tide,
And blessings unfold
'1 he driver bold.
Who, daring fur honor, mid not for hire,
Wont down with his train In thorlvorof ilro.
volution, tlio l.mv of I'roc-cNH.
All persons, porliaps, will assent to
the statement that civilization, to
getherwith nil which the tenn in
cludes, has advanced, and still advan
ces But all do not agree as to the
law by "which fcuch advancement Iiuh
been made; nay, all do not oven ad
mit that any law is known, or can be
knownjto account for it. Many scorn
to tliiii8SiMWBftdyanceincnt already
uiHtlo, lias boon the w ink ol' chnnor,
or controlled by omo power which
man cannot understand, 01, at lonl.
cm have no part in diroolinir.
But, if such he tho cafts, thou civili
'. uion is dependent upun .omo princi
ple of wliioh man unn know nu;hl ny,
and honco ho can novor be sure that
its pr orrcs will continue. Yet, such
an idea sotni9 to leuVo the human iaco
in a Rtatf of incoinpletenes, in a con
dition where darkness rather than
light i. thoir inheritance But no!
law ihere is to everything else, law
there must bo to the dovel pinont
which wo tlnd goiii"; on around us.
Tito discovery of the nature of this
law, is a question of the inmost im
portance, and a .liilo It i ill as to itu
nature (for that is all our titno allows)
may well repay our attention.
When it is said that the principle of
progress is the principle ot evolution,
ninny will immediately raise their
hands in holy horror, and imagine
that such a view must lend to the de
struction of all their mos- cherished
doctrines I hit such, 1 think, is no
the fact; yet, even if the admission
that tho doctrine of evohttiouis the
true law of progress, overthrows some
or even many, of our tiresmt ideas
if this urinciple can be proved to be
true shall wo ivject it on account of
our prejudices? Shall we stay the
wheel of progress by relu-ing to ac
cept the true law, and thus to profit
by its aid? Sh .11 wo r.poat tho mis
take of former ages and refuse to re
ceive a knowledge of tho voiy prin
ciple by which we tiro compelled lo
progress, if we move lot ward at all?
Such a policy is suicidal. Let us then
examine some ol the proofs for this
theory. In tho development of law
from the single o ncopti n of obedi
ence to paternal power among the sav
age trilies, to the nio-t elaborate sys
tem of our day, tho law of progress is
the law of evolution. In Archaic
man, wo find a single principle, a
germ, if we may so express it, from
which slowly and gradually, one con
ception after another is evolved. A
single term may bind up in itsoll the
elements which finally, throtitth this
gradual diiToronlliition, develop into
many different and complex notions
The conception of tho in (loin con
tract is scarcely found nmong primi
tive men. Their law does not recog
nize it. Tho transfer of property is
as far as this development has yet
gone. But in this transfer is found
the germ from which the contract
may come. All that is needed is a
Blight' change in the surroundings, in
the condition ol men, and tho evolu
tion of the two iner.s, the conveyance
and thccontriict incomplete. Thus in
ovcry dopaituicn. ot law, thodov lop
mom fr m the primitive idea may bo
I meed through its succesoivo stages.
Everywhere, wo find the simple devel
oping into tho complex, the germ
throwing out brano ics and expanding
into the complicated forms oi" mod
ern civilization
The same lino of argument may bo
followed in studying tho development
of government. Tho earliest form of
which history gives any authentic ac
count is the rule of the father over iho
latnily Can one imagine npy form
of government more iiidimonlary ?
Alt the departments which ure found
in a in (lorn government are hero
uniied in a single individual, in fact,
ono man literally legislates, executes,
n ixl decides np n the constitutionality
of his own laws. Now, this progress
may bo traced through nil its stages
and every whore wo find the same laV
The change from the single concep
tion of early times has been s'ow, and
only by comparing period of time
widely soparaied, can the change in
ideas ho discovered.
The division of the powers of gov
ernment into the executive, tho legiss
Intivo and the judicial has oulv boon
fully accomplished within a brief
poiiod of time, and among a few of
tho most advanced nations. And
wit'i each century thin ovolution is
progressing further and furtnor, the
individual is ootni .g more and more
to the front, and the perfection of each
branch of government to serve some
paitirular end is growing with the
progress of the ages.
In morals, also, the same method of
development may be observed. In
tho early history of the now civilized
nation , or among the rune tribes of
tiio ptesiut, wo find their code of
morals is ot the himphst kind. But
few acts arc considered as wrong, mid
these are gonerally of the most hein
ous chart cter. On the other hand, to
b bravo, to sutler pain without a mur
mur, and faithfully to keep a promise,
would, perhaps, be about the only acts
which they hold us especially honor
able. Their moral sense did not ex
tend beyond these simple ideas The
coiuplox and delicate system of moral
thought among the most refined of
to-day ha I no place in their minds.
It is only by the slowest processes, by
the slightest changes in the surround
ings of the people, and thus in their
i ms-t4M?'f:
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wvrMtn- 3.