Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, January 01, 1880, Page 16, Image 16

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Tho holiday vacation is ovor, and in
looking ovor tlio assembled students, wo
notice but few vacant seats, and tboro aro
many new faces. All scom to bo begin
ning nnotlior torm with tbo determination
of making their studies profitable to them
selves and pleasant (Vr their instructors.
Tlio Journal has several times of late
published itoms which would go to show
the uninitiated that there is a foud existing
between the two literary sooioties of the
University. That wiMiiir first intimation
of tliere being anything but a healthy
rivalry botweon thorn.
On account of tlio poor health of "Prof.
Oollior, tlio tlunior class is studying An
cient Law this torm in lion of "Physics.
The latter study will probably bo taken
next year.
Tlio Freshman who lost 'tlio following
lot lor, winch ho had written to his girl,
may have it by calling at this office and
paying for this nulico;
jan iho lOlh 1SH0.
dear it is with pleasure i ink my
pen in hand tu u right yu A few lines to
let ii now that lain well if yu care 1
begun to think yu diddont care, as yu
promised to wright and tol me yure ad
dress 1 have received no word from yu
except funny sed ymi wax in 1 trust
these few lino wil find yu wol tel the
bo'y& to eib yu wnnuo for me and
when the ohool out promieo me yu wil
como up and yu shall liuvo the wring yu
spoke on or wono with your inishuls on it
or wono to place on your sweet fingor
tol me howyu ar injoying your self
your Beloved friond
p s please oxohuse A bad wrightor
forgiv all blundors
The Ualhidians hold thoir first mooting
of the torm on Friday evening, January
ilth. The oflieors elect constituted the
class for tlio evoning. Tho programme
was carried out with the Falludian's usual
onthusiasm, and in spito of tho densely
pnoked hall, tbo productions wore listened
to with closo attention. Tho meeting was
called to ordor by Mr. Wolfo, who doliv
ored his valedictory, in which bo laid con
siderable stress upon tho thorough work of
tho Society during the past torm. Mr,
Wolfe then called tho President elect, Miss
Treeman, to the chair, and took his place
in tho andience. Without preliminary re
marks, Miss Treeman called for tho class
of porformer.N tocomo forward. Tho audi
ence was then entertained by a declama
tion by Mr. 1, N. Snoll. If was dolivored
witb forco and clearness. Mr. 0. 11. Harn
ard thon took the floor, and road an essay
on the charactor of Confucius. Miss
White's recitation was a good selccion,
and was well rendered. Clem Chase's im
promptu speech on tho "Flectric Light1'
showed that ho is woll-postcd, not only on
tho scientific principles of its construction,
but in Togard to the ill favor with which
it is regarded by certain ' -moon-struck "
persons who are accustomed to pass many
evenings on the front doorstop. Mr.
Fishor's essay on "The Attributes of Suc
cess" showed much original thought.. The
oration of the evening was delivered by
Mr. 1"). II. Mercer subject, "Woman's
Rights.'' Tho speaker proved himsolf an
oxtromist on the side of the woman suf
frage movement. The question, ItmohatL,
That religious forms and coromonio-i
should bo excluded from State Universi
ties, was championed by Moists. Wolfo
antl Silvornail and rebuttod by Messrs.
Fosslor and Marsh. The Pallndiuns can
eongratulato themselves' upon making a
happy introduction to their torm 's work.
A society has boon formed for tho pre
vention of the declino of 'auburn-haired
students. Any information in regard to
qualifications for admission will bo cheer
fully furnished by
.1. 11. Siivbhnait.,
Sam ICxriLisii,
B. Davis