Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, January 01, 1880, Page 14, Image 14

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Sorono I fold my hands and Walt,
Nor wire for wind, nor tlilc, nor sea ;
I ruvc no more 'gainst timo or fato,
For lol my own shall como to me.
I stay my liasto. I nmko delays;
Kor wliat avails tills ungur pace?
I stand amid the uturmil ways
And what Is initio shall know my face.
The stars conic nightly to tho sky.
The tidal wave unto the ton;
Nor timo, nor space, nor deup, nor high,
Can keep my own away from mu.
Tho Holiday number of tho Chronicle
from Michigan University is quite orcdit
nblo as to its exterior, and show's an ener
getic spirit on tho part of tho publisher..
Its editorials, if such they can 1)0 called,
bear no relation to the topics dosorving of
attention from a college paper. "Woshould
judge that thoy seldom have tho opportu
nity of hearing good musicians, as thoy
dovoto two or three articles to liemenyi.
Wo suggest that thoy organize a string
The Seminary of our body of angels
greets tho new year with a very fair issue
of tho Niagara Imlox. Tho editorials could
be written somewhat briefer without de
tracting tho least from their merit. Wo
suppose tho local editor of this sheet has
succumbed to time, sis ho has not attended
to bis requirement. Tho typographical
appearance of several pages would lead us
to believe that tho proof-reader had lost his
The oxchango editor of tho Cornell Re
view has a love-spot somowhoro in tho vi
cinity of his Jlfth rib, and he is now grind
ing out his ell'iision for the appreciation of
tho young ladies who edit tho Missouri
Univorsity Magazine. Wo supposo this
knight of the quill was novor smitten be
fore, and no doubt it will go so hard with
him that wo shall bo obliged to chronicle
another "gono."
Tho Targunii in its last issue, compares
tho college oxponses at Kutgors in 1828
with tho oxponses at tho prcsont timo, and
it appears that two dollars paid for both
board and lodging. If wo wore a port
tho Atlantic cable could not refrain us
from writing an (illusion concerning tho
glory of tho early days of tho lflth cen
tury. Mr. Viok sent us his Monthly magazine.
"Wo don't know whothor ho intends an ox
change, as ho gave in no bint to such.
When wo commence to cultivate our gar
don wo shall consult and buv.
Jgtlitor's Qotvs.
Dartmouth Collogo is to have a Law de
partment. A westorn oxchango tells of an emigrant
wagon on which was painted these words:
"Tn God wo trusted, but in Krnsas wo
busted." ;,;.
William and Mary College is soon to
close from lack of support. It is tho sec
ond oldest collogo in the country, having
held its first commencement in 1700. Har
vard was founded in 1M8. Ex.
The Freshman claw at Michigan Uni
versity has divided its class olllcos equally
between the ladies and gontlonion of tho
Soph, in Math. "Professor, 1 think
this proposition bears a striking analogy
to the poaco of God." Prof." I don't
seo the analogy, Mr. 15." Soph. ""Why,
it passoth all understanding." Ex.
Examination in Astronomy. Question :
""What is mean time?" Ans. written
by despairing Senior : " This is the moan
ost time T know anything about." Ex.
"1 am easily sooted," said a Prop, as ho
wrestled with a stove pipo. Ex.
Freshman in French translates "ijuc
nille (in tliuilo," " what ails tho devil V"
He rang tho boll. Young lady ap
peared, of whom ho very anxiously in
quired: "Would you not liko to havo a
rooni-mato?" Ho told the boys afterward
that ho was oxcited, but did not know why
tho door should havo been shut in his face.