10 EDITOKIALS. VOL. IX, ft ono house, but the owner informed tho searchers that the typo hud hecn removed. As wo know of no person menu nnd con temptible enough to abet those youths in their crime, wo shall henceforth live in the belief that Satan has formed a partner ship with the noble (?) quintette, and that tho six are now admiring tho destruction of the material in the flumes of Hades. Our advertisers certninly sco that we aro not in the wrong in not publishing their advertisements, for had thoy not been pur loined by thseo exemplary (?) students their notices would have appeared in this issue as heretofore. We aro surprised indeed, even to bo able to publish tho reading matter. Had it not been for our interest in tho Student and unusual amount of work, for the lirst time in its history, the Hesi'Kkian Studknt would have failed to make its monthly ap pearance. Our readers then knowing that we have published this issue in the face of almost insurmountable barriers, will sure ly oxcuso all errors and gonoral incomplot noss. Hoping that such an unwarrantable act as this will never bo committed in the University again, especially by persons claiming to be students and gentlemen, we close this excuse for our abridged issue. AVo thank our advertisers for past favors and ask for the same and more in the future. A HEMARK. It is well known by tho students, the public in general, and all who claim a mite of knowledge on legal subjects, that the IIksi'KIiik.vStudknt Association can not sue or bo sued because it is not an incorpo rated body, and hence is not responsible for debts contracted. If tho material in the Student printing office is owned by any person or persons, said persons aro tho Hoard of Itegcnts. If the Hoard of Regents do not own it, then tho property is without owncrnhip, belonging as much to H as to A. By pro visions of tho Constitution of tho Associa tion "the Board of Managers shall manage- tho pt per." That is, this Board is au thorized, by virtue of this clause, and not by any optional dictation of tho Asso ciation, to attend to all business related to tho Student, to say as to what matter shall go in for publication, and to sec to tho issuing of tho paper. Nover before this pres ent issue have tho rights and privileges of the Hoard of Managers been questioned. But a circumstance of this character has now occurred, and in spite of friendly pro testations it is carried far beyond the rules of civilized society. Notwithstanding tho fact that tho Association as a body nor as a number of individuals, cannot own pro perty, contract debts, etc., live presump tions youths went before a Justice of the Peace and sworo upon their oaths that they were tho owners of a certain lot of type be longing to the Student office. Such a case of bare-faced porjury, from such a source is not chronicled in tho annals of crimo. Think too of the absur dity of tho act. Those ilvo boys aro not ovon officers of tho Association and worse yet, thoy did this malicious deed of pur loining typo without the knowledge and consent of the Association. My this pro cedure they have supplanted the Hoard of Managers, virtually doing away with such a sot of officers. "Wo doubt whether an other fivo can be found possessing con sciences so elastic as to allow of such prima Jacic perjury. May they rest in peace, wo wish them no harm. NOTICE. Another annual ottering has been made to tho past; and our college journal, in spite of several obstructions and hinduran cos, forces itself to the front unco more, greeting its patrons and the Now Year with a gracious smile. Cognizant of tin fact that the Studknt is as liublo to death as any other paper or magazine, not a blow has been left unturned for the development and prcn-rvation of life. We are plea cl