WSmmi r I J. EC. Worloy has so far recovered as to be able to go to the home or his brother in Syracuse. He will be on hand next term. Miss Lottie Allen, daughter of Kev. Al len, who engineers the Dormitory, is rap. idly recovering from a long and danger ous illness. Prof. Auehcy lectured at Sioux City Nov. 29th,on "The Bad Lands." On the 2Glh he lectured at Crote on "The- Ice Age in Nebraska." Chancellor Fairfield gave the people of the city a temperance lecture on the even ing of Nov. 2!U1. "We heard several per sons express tho opinion that it was the best temperance lecture the' ever heard. Endorsement of tlio French Govornmcn f It is a matter of prido to Rochester, N. Y as well as to the firm directly interested, thntn cable aispatcn was received suiting mat tlio trencn gov ernment bad adopted the tobacco and cigarettes manufactured by Win. S. Kimball & Co., of that city. Wo should explain, perhaps, that all tobac co sold in Franco up to this time, hat been manu factured by tho government. Of late, the demand for other makes has arisen, and the government, to moot It, allowed English and American manu facturers to enter goods for competitive test with a vlowto the adoption of tho hist, Tho fact that Wm. S, Kimball fc Co. have come out far ahead of allothermanufacturersln both countries isunmis takeablo proof that their goods are the best tho world produces. Their tobacco and cigarettes will henceforth bo on sale in Paris as freely as in Now York, but no other make, except the French, will ho found thero. In other words, tho French government, on tho report of its exports, declares tlio Vanity Fair tobacco and cigarettes of Wm. S. Kimball & Co. tho host in tho world I GROCERIES. V. E. FARMER. no 24, 11th street Wholesale S Retail Groceries Green Fruits. Teas a speciality! LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA. Wholesale & Retail -Dealer in Groccrics and Provisions, Wooden & "Willow ware &c. Afcc. East Side Square,. J. FARMER. I am soiling goods for cash and have reduced prices on tho same, from 5 20 per cent. No. !W, O Street. Lincoln, Nebraska. Til 12 HESPERIAN STUDENT A MAGAZINE, DEVOTED TO THE INEKESTS OF THE UNIVERSITY, and Tho Educational Interests of tho State. The I,arsrtt and Het I'aptr or the kind pvbHnhrii in the Slate. ADVKKTISK. Our largo and increasing circulation makes it a paying investment to advertise See low rates o advertising lu another column. simsciuinc, And thus encourage and.matcrlally assist lnballd lng up 'an'ffoducutlonal journal of the highest merit. TERMS:OFSUBSCRIPTION, only Or.o Dollar por year, payublo in advanco. Send all subscriptions aud business coramunica tions to E. P. Unanqst. Business Manager, Lnooln, Nerabka I 'mmmtmrnmim 9lr9