Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, December 01, 1879, Page 235, Image 19

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    NO. 10.
No student should
ill homo Tor
Cliristmas Vacation without a box of Pen
tllcston's Pure and Doltcious Candies.
OhrisUia Goods,
Chrlstmns Goods,
Call on O.M. Ilomans,
fo' the largest and best
assortment in the city,
under the Opera House.
Tne IlKSfBHiAN Studknt Association
election was lively. A third parly large
enough to hold the balance of power was
formed and on election of Pal hid inn Edi-
tonn-Chioj refused to vote for either of
the candidates who were running. Both
withdrew and II. K. Wolfe was elected
without opposition. J.S. Bridenbaugh
was elected Union Editor-in-Chief; Miss
Minnie Williams, Associate; B. B. Davis,
Local; A. 1?. Ivoim, Vice. Pies.; B. C. Ar
hold, Sec; J.1I. Silvcrnail, Trcns.
Some of the exchanges hnvo sat down
upon us by remarking, in a manner evi
dently intended to be insinuating, that
they dont hnve to resort to notices of the
Royal Path of Life and advertisements of
corsets to (111 their local columns. Why
bless your unsophisticated souls, we get
paid for it. We do it for the lucre; not
that we need it, but we are accumulating
a fund to distribute for the support of
those College papers that are vainly
trying to thrive on the thin diet of their
own unmixed literary excellence.
A couple of mice put in an appear
ance in the dining room of the Dormitory
the other morning during breakfast. Im
mediately the greatest consternation en
suei'. The Senior with the raven locks
and mustache to match.mounliuga chair,
so as to be better heard, you know, tied a
handkorcliief tightly around the bottom of
the limbs of his unmentionables and ex
horted the ladies to be calm, assuring
them thai there was no cause of alarm
Ye Local seized an opportunity when the
mice were on the other side of the room
to get down from the chair on which ho
had been standing looking on the chande
lier lor the mustard, and retired with'
deliberation and dignity. Did the young
ladies faint? Why no; how could they
when the gentlemen were all on chairs or
on the table on the other side of the room?
The mice finally retired into an overshoe
belonging to thn blonde Freshman and
will probably retain possession until ho
can borrow a rat-tcrrior to send in after
Pure and unadulterated Candies for
Cliristmas and New Years Presents can
be had at Pendleton's 11th st. Candy
Some very valuable additions to the li
brary have recently been made. Tho
olas in Ancient Law will have the fol.
lowing now works to consult ;McLennan's
Studies on Ancient History; Ancient So
cicty, by Morgan ;Tlio Aryan Household,
by Ileum; Wilson's Prehistoric Man, and
several others. In the department of Eng
lish Literature there is Strattou's Old
English Dictionary, a rare work costing
twelve dollars; Nare's Glossary ; Hallow
ell's Dictionary of Archaic and Proven
cial words. There aro seven or oiirht ad.
ditional volumes of tho International
Scientific Scries. Huxley's essays and
scientific works. Geo. Henry Lewes'
works. In tho department of Greek there
aro two volumes of Greek Etymology by
Curtius; two volumes of the Greek Poets
by Symonds; The Problem of tho Hom
eric Poems, by Geddes; two volumes on
the History of the Doric Races by Muller,
and several others. We ought to mention
Tho Life and Times of Stein by Seolyo.
Tho Life of An dt, by Seelyo ; England in
tho Eighteenth Contury, by Lucky; two
volumes ot May's Constitutional History,
of England. There aro numerous others
which we cannot take space to mention.
Miss Richardson, the artist, has returned
unci nihil mod business. Call in and
look round her studio.