Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, December 01, 1879, Page 234, Image 18

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that the question is defunct, but the Indies
Assure thetn that it will prove an unquiet
Go to the Book Stoic of Fox & Struvo
, for your Oliristimis Goods.
It will pay you to see the dis
play of goods at the LllUo Store on
lltli St. Novelties in fresh stylish goods
at unusually low prices are the low prices
"I dont care much since lie isn't badly
hurt, for ho thought it was so
careless of mo when I did it." Was it
an idle fancy or did wo hour something
of the kind the morning the Chancellor
drove his wagon against the gate-post and
got spilled out.
Beautiful snow I ns soft and pure
As the white of the mnidun's check eecuro
Mid the. damnsk some body elfiol
He didn't mean originally to end tho
line that w ly, hut the old man came in
with a shovel and wanted him to clear a
walk out to the gato.
Tho Chancellor was thrown from his
wagon several days ago by striking a
post while entering the University yard.
He struck upon his face, bruising it some,
what anil severely wrenching It is neck.
Tho cold weatlter conspired with the in
jury to cause him considerable incon
venience for a few days.
Tho Union will he officered next term
by the following individuals; B. C. Ar
nold presides; his election was unani
mous. Miss Holbrook is Vice. Pies. :Miss
Slater, Critic; Kate G.Hall, Secratary ;
Miss Holmes, Treasury; Historian, C. E.
Stratton Cor. Sec, B. F. Lorance; Ser
gcantat-arms, N. Z. Sncll.
The following officers were elected for
tho ensuing term in thePalladian Society.
Miss Mattio Tieemau was elected Pres. by
acclamation. Mr. Kcim and Mr. McKcs.
son tied on first vote for Vice. Pies, and
McKesson was then elected by acclama
tion. I. M. Snell was elected Critic; J.
H. Silvernail keepa tho minutes, and
Clyde Barnaul holds tho cash next term.
Miss Lillian White wns elected
Corresponding Secretary. According
to custom the outgoing Pres. II. K. Wolfe
whs elected Usher.
On the evening of tho 10th there was a
reunion of all who have boarded at the
Dormitory during the past term. Tho
guests gathered at 6 o'clock and partook
of an excellent supper. They then ad
journed to the parlors and passed the eve
ning with conversation, music, charades,
readings and other amusements, after
which ihey adjourned in high good liu
mor. Tho Palladians have introduced a now
feature into their programme in tho form
of a class debate. The question was do.
haled on the oveningof thoSth by the .Tun
iors on tho one side, led by Miss Fair
field and Mr. Unaugst, and on the other
Mile by tho Sophmores led by Mr. Davis,
and tho Freshmen headed by Mr. Chase.
The debate was exceedingly lively and
"The Royal Path ot Life" would be a
nice present to a friend.
Tho Holidays are coming on, and the
students before going from tho city will
want to find the best assortment of warm
and neat Gloves, lino Neckwiiro, aim all
kinds of Fancy Goods, suitiblo for Christ
mas piesonts. Such a supply can be
found at tho popular Store of S. Schwab.
His latest supplies have been bought with
ti view to keeping tip his usual standard
of first elass Goods at bottom prices.
Pro I. McMillan has procured for his
room three fine busts, representing Do"
mosthenes, Sophocles and Socrates. That
of Demosthenes is especially fine. It is a
fae simile of the one in the Vatican, sup
posed to have beep executed from tho sub
ject himself, and hdnce to accurately rep.
resent the appearance ofthe great orator.
Prof. Church's room is embellished by a
bust of Virgil. Cicero was sent for but
for some reason failed to put in nppear