Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, November 01, 1879, Page 209, Image 17

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    UtiZZ .s.. f- -. i t.
NO 0.
ocn Sewf;-
Pass the turkey, please.
Let's have another sociable.
Head "The Royal Patli of Life."
Holiday Presents at the Book Store or
Fox & St ru vc.
The Union's" critic takes a week to
niiiKe up his report; a good idea.
Wheat & Ford are doing a rushing bus
iness in their combination pictures.
The European plan; the one adop'cd
by defaulting b:ink cashiers.
Some of the lady students have carpet
sacks hanging from their belts and some
The omnipotent hired girl got sick and
Prof Aughey was prevented from taking
the Geology class out to Milford.
Even' student should have a copy of
"The Royal Path or Life."
A certain Prep, gained an enviable rep
utation among his class mates the other
day, by informing the Prof, that Zach
Chandler died from a stroke of parallello.
Stereo views of Dormitory, University,
Cadet. and all of the principle places in
the cilj , ut wheat & Fords.
A battalliou of policemen will be
placed on duty some Friday evening and
a few of those noisy boys, who make
night hideous, will be led off to the cool
Have you seen those "slick" little min
uette photos Wheat & Ford are making.
Four boys, fifteen girls and a barrel of
sorgum constituted a taffy party at the
Dormitory the other evening. the
sweetness was long drawn out.
Afloat! A float! My kingdom for a
float! you can get your photo taken in
one at Wheat & Fords for something less
than a kingdom.
Our musical Janitor led Chapel exer
cises one morning last week. The only
fault we noticed in him was that he wink
cd too often at a certain brunette in the
back scat.
That the Little Store on 11th St. oilers
popular prices is proved by the number
of parcels that go out every day. The
ladies rpprcciatc novelties combined
with low prices.
The Cadets havo received a handsome
bronze eagle to surmount their flagstaff--which
they haven't got. The eagle was
sent to them by their old commander,
Lieut. Dudley. All they need now is the
Hag and staff to make their outfit com
plete. Constitution class. Prof.: "To what
other country in England do wo send a
Minister Plenipotentiary V flrilliant Sen
ior. "I suppose you mean to what couu
try in Europe; Japan." General risibility
and discomfiture of Senior-
Don't mention hunting when you go to
the college farm. Some of the boys who
had a spite against the auburn haired Ju
nior and others, secured a dead cat, one of
those whose name is synouomous with
white wash in flase Ball and other games,
and fixing it so that it looked natural as
life, had the parties mentioned above
shooting at it for half an hour or so.
When it finally fell from its position,
they beat a hasty retreat, and the rolls of
laughter which followed them enabled
them, above the fragrance of the skunk
to very distinctly "smell a rat."
Go to the Book Store of Fox & Struve
for your Christinas Goods.
A notice forbidding parties not be
longing to the Gymnasium Club to enter
the Gymnasium, has been posted on the
door. Ifthis fails to have the desired
effect, the champion bruiser of the club
will be put on duty and all parties not
members who may come in will be
challenged to a bout ,with the gloves on
pain of instant ejectment upon refusal.