HS&- NO. 8. RPEM.lXa UKFOUM. 175 not say to one another, "Ilero is a paiticlo Utnt corresponds to the forms or such a dialect, and here is another thai corres ponds to the forms of such another dialect; let us employ them both and be odd and irregular in our speech." The forming of their language is as thoughtless, unin tcnUonal, and unphilosophicnl as is possi ble, as near the natural process, seeming ly, as was that of the first beings who had need of communication, and if the natur al growth, so almost entirely uninterfercd with, produces such a mongrel type, it i3 a marked exception to the rule that na ture abhors monstrosities. The most formidable argument in favor of the "Physical" theory is that furnished by the curious relation of certain Ian guages, which is set forth in "Grimm's Law." It would be scarcely feasible to hold that this is the result of deliberate agreement on the part of tribes or nations, but it is a well known fact that to-day certain consonant combinations of some languages arc unpronounceable by people who arc bred in the use of another: for instance, the universal inability of the Germans to master the u( h" of English, itis always "rf" in their moulhs: and the gnitcr al "eA" of the German is commonly passed as "&" on the English tongue. The occasional isolated cases of lispcrs and stammerers cf every description, who are unable to pronounce certain sounds, hint, at least, that these ma' be remnants of ancient tribes whose "Shibboleth" that betrayed them, has not yet become entire ly lost in the onward march of time, but now and then comes to the surface on the tongue of some unwitting descendant. In view of theso facts it is easy to see how historical circumstances should have caused tribes to adopt the languages of other tribes, with the exception of those necessary consonant changes, and now the two divisions from the want of kindred affinity, have drifted far asm dcr in their speech by the process of phonetic change which all'ects all tongues, and chiefly the vowel elements, until the two dialects have become unrecognizable as bearing any relation to one another, with the exception of that curious one previously mentioned. Whitney, who maintains that compara live philology is a moral science, uses these words: "Language has, in fact, no existence save in 'he minds and mouths of those who use it; il is made up of scp. arate articulated signs of thought, each of which is attached by a mental association to the idea it represents, is uttered by a voluntary eflbrt, and has its value and currency only by the agreement of speak, ers and hearers. It is only in the power, subject to their will, as it is kepi up, so is it modified and altered, so may it be abandoned, by their joint and consenting action, and in no other way." J. P. P, SPELLING KEFORir. JjluIE "fonctic" craze is again exhibit J ing restive symptoms. Away down East they have been holding meetings and resolving that English orthography is a humbug and a swindle. It seems to bother the reformers that we do not spell as we pronounce. It seems to trouble them that our language is so prolific of sound that our children do not learn to spell naturally, as they learn to speak. They want us to remodel our dictionaries, to spell "wife" if, for instance, to drop all double letters, and use but the single one unless the sound of the word demands il) Now, when you inaugurate a reform, it is well to begin at the beginning. Suppose these anxious gentlemen first secure a un iform system of pronunciation. Possibly il lias never occurred to them that in the United Sutes there are local forms of pro nunciation, wide and various; that many people say "keers," while some of us call it " cars," that what is "chair" to some is "cheer" to others. Would they have us saj' "culcher" or "culchaw ?" And then the one who says "hyar" and "thar" could establish his claims to recognizance. Of am w FWyW