Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, October 01, 1879, Page 174, Image 6
174 IS COMI'AHATIVK IMU1.0I.OCY A 1MIYS1CA1. Oil A MOHA1. JKJIhXCR? VOL. VIII, siblc Lot the holders of public places sco thai ihey musl hold themselves capa hie of fulfilling the duties of thoir otllocs in order to ho elected, and not capable of stooping to the tricks and dodges so coin, moidy resorted to by politicians of the present day. IS OOMPAliATlVK PHILOLOGY A PHYSICAL OR A MORAL SOIEXCE? iHE over widening domain of human knowledge has grown so replete wilh a wondcrbouring store, lhal the live Host intellect surely cannot want for satisfaction, and yet, the restless energy of Ihoughl, lhal will not be ontcnl wilh the triumphs of the past, bill turns, like the daring pioneers from the Ilxcd bounds of civilization, to wren from the boulcrland its hitherto unknown wealth, penetrates ever deeper into the mysteries that altered our ex'stoncc. While the material world, the physical lile, the nature, origin, and destiny of man, have formed the theme ol innumerable eloquent and spirited discus sions, the medium by means of which all knowledge and ideas arc spread abroad has but recently won attention to its claims upon the philosophical research of scholars. The science of language is one of the latest, if not the latest, born of the children of knowledge, and while yet in its infancy, is fostered by scholars whose claims to our rcspocls are of no mean order: but, though all are agreed in ranking their piolcgc among the sciences, they are divided on one point, which, if il aflecls not the value of the study, at least concerns the kind of consideration which it should receive: it is yet a debat able question whether comparative phi lology is entitled to be classed as a physi cal or a moral science. Miller, advocating the foimer theory, claims, that originally language consisted of a number oi roots, and says thai all succeeding changes have been thrsc of forms, und that no new root or radical has over been invontcd by later genera tions, as little as any single elemcnl has over boon added to the material world in which wo live, and henco argues thai lan guage is an oiganie growth lhal unfolds its powers from within. If this be true, and the argument seems strong, musl il not be admitted that language controls the mental development of races? for its richness corresponds to the amount of in tellectual activity thai is manifested; must il not be admitted, thai thought nev er precedes speech, but follows always in the track of its unfolding; and thai some of the grandest conceptions thai awaken in the mind are duo to the activity occa sioncd by the budding forth of new ele ments of speech, and not that they arc themselves the predecessors and origina tors of the now words required for their expression? Does not this iacl of the limited number of radicals rather argue, thai the mind of man is constituted on such a plan, that it admits ol a fixed range of primary conceptions, and that, all subsequent knowledge, and ideas, are so related, and so combined from simple cognitions that they require for their ex pressions naught but combinations of rad ical elements of speech ? and honcc thai the nature and extent of language are do tormincd by the nature and requirmonts of the mind? All natural growths of which we aio awaie follow laws of order' bill if language is an organic growth tha unfolds iis life by unalterable processes then it would seem that the less conscious is man's instrumentality, the more nearly would language pieserve its uniform and orderly aspect; and yet Miller informs us in regard to the childieu who are left alone in North Africa, that, from this in fiuit Bubcl proceeds a dialect of a host of mongrel words and phrases, joined logeth or without rule. Surely the wild blossom that grows by the wayside never presents that monstiTUS construction that belongs to the hybrid of the greenhouse. Those children who have nothing but the innate desire of communication, ceitainly do .