Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, October 01, 1879, Page 186, Image 20

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'There Arc times" said lie as ho pressed
her tiny hand, "when I think that your
heart is mine alone ;but again there come
dark moments when yom conduct is sur
rounded by a vague uncertainty, like a
lly,s leg in a plate of lias.li."
Wheat it Ford lire making the fluent
l'hotos ever made in this neck ol prairie.
Prof. Collier enterlalned a number of
visitors Monday by throwing prismatic
colors promiscuously around the walls of
the darkened room and exacting a tribute
of young thunder and lightning from the
Holt, machine.
One of the boys wont to a place
to work for his hoard; but ho got
his hack up and left merely because the
boss wanted him in work all Sunday fore
noon while ho (the boss) could be at home,
and then sent him up into the stable loft
to sleep.
Lincoln' Tailoring: Art flullury and Dis
play Itoniu.
I deal in Eastern Styles ami Hnst
ern Prices. If you want .something
New and Fashionable, tail not to cull on
J. It. Howling, O St. bet lOlli & I lib.
Last week Lieut. Webster plujcd tru.
ant and went duck hunting, lie return
ed after a two days hunt with n full gunie
bag, the game being ducks principally.
Sergeant Parks drilled the cadets during
the Lieutenant's absence.
A numbor of the athletically disponed
young men of the Univeisity, have organ
ized a gymnasium club. The ofllcer ure,
Pros. W. B. Reynolds; Vice Pies. Frank
Parks; Treasurer, lid Falrfleld: Ex. Com.
Magoon and Hathaway.
The faculty have granted iho club the
use the room under the Palladian hall.
Boxing gloves, indian elubh, foils and a
horizontal bar have ahead been provided
and the end is not yot. A Miigeou will
bo engaged by the year, at the expense of
the club. Look out for an exhibition at
the end ol the war
Prof. Emerson posted on his door in.
structions for his German class, beginning
to tuko llvo pngos in addition for each
day that he is absent, and now they begin
to count up and see what it will amount
to if he donl gut well for u month or
Some depraved wretch, some abandon
ed villian, some base, some but words
fail us stole the only croquet set from
the Dormitory grounds the other night
and it lias not been recovered. The fair
maidens and stalwart young menaro dis
consolate and refuse to be comforted.
Aspiring young orators both in and out
of the Univeisity will have an opportuni
ty to air their eloquence when the cum
paigu opons. Wo notice among those
ticketed tbo names of J. II. Worloy, C. E.
Mngoon, F. M. Hall, J. C. F. McKesson,
I). II. Mercer, A. C. Piatt.
Lieut. Wobstor gives the Dormitory
gids a regular drill. Wo understand they
propose to challenge the cadets to a con
test in a short time. The boys who know
about such things, say that it is much
easier 10 Keep step with them since itiey
have learned the twenty-eight inch step,
than in the iliijs, of pinhacks and the del
icate steps necessitated thereby.
-Mr. Arnold's bicyclo lias been stolen. It
disappemod the night after the Dormitory
croquet sol wiib stolen. If these things are
done by a professional thief lie should bo
j hunted down and punished If they were
taken in a spirit of fun by some of the
boys, a long enough lime has elapsed for
the fun to woar ull'and it is now in order
torelurn them.
Somo students sooin to neglect their
own interost when they do not keep up
with the times by being acquainted with
all of of our leading business houses.
Students or others, wanting any thing in
the line of llrst class clothin' Hats, Caps,
fcc, should not fail to call on 5 Scwab,
who with his constancy arriving supply
goods, has the best place in Lincoln to