181 KDITOU'6 NOTns. VOL. VIII praycr-mcoting and the Sunday School "Love thy neighbor as thyself," and "Love your enemies." It is refreshing to turn from Die crabbed and cranky demagogue, ism of the Niagara niter or the insolent infidelity of our exchanges to the serene though oftentimes insipid Asbury with its "love feast" aspect redolent of the amen cornor. The poem on the "Dream of Youth and Age" was written in a semi archaic, style with a touch of latent sad noss that was perchance more allecting to tho writer than to his readers. The ar guments advancd in the paper on co-education were very trite, but we appreciate the writer's diillculty in saying any tiling now and original on so old a subject. The objects of the Monthly us stated by the editor are indeed awe inspiring. He says they propose to encourage, exercise, cultivate and develope literary genius among the students; transmit important news: and strike at every evil that may exist. We wish them all success in their arduous undertaking. The Cornell Graphic is the only ex change which bus a musical department The Graphieh to be congradulatcu in the possesion of so valuable a department and in its present condition is a credit to the paper. Wo think the editurials in the last number were lacking in power and interest. The locals were very poor. The question as to whether or no Major Audio was a spy was well presented and in a logical way that marked its author as an experienced dobator. Jditor's glotcs. A telegraph college is a new feature at Oberlin. Ex. Rutnors has conferred the degiee of lJh. D.oi. T. II. Edison the inventor. Dartmouth has had an endowment of $10,000 to found a chair of Anglo-Saxon. One of Bowdoin's professors bus held his position in that school for fifty five years. Professor: "What is the universal nega. live?" Student: "Not prepared." There arc more students in Germany from America than from any foreign na. lion. William and Mary College bavo sus pcmlcd operations for want of necessary funds Virginia University groans under the weight of Greek letter fraternities with a total membership of 172. The Faculty of the University of Cali foruia have very sensibly abolished all secret societies existing among the stu dents. Since Booth and so many of the great men of Europe have been shot at, the president of tlic Freshman class is afiaid to go out on the streets alone. "Nature abhors a vacuum" remarked a philosophic prep, as he quickly stuffed his inner man fiom the Prof.'s back fruit orchard. "Force is an agent that causes motion," murmurrcd the Prof., as he rose out of the weeds and quickly elevated the prep, over the ten foot fence on his pedal tip. A'x. Scene in Mathematics: Prof. "You may not have time, gentleman, to careful ly work out all these problems but you can at least follow out the line of argu ment in unch one." Soph, (innocently): "Prof., on whnt page is the line of argu ment?" Prof, (sternly): on the page of common sense." General roar, and Soph. (tottovoce): "Prof., have we had that page yet." The human luii;s rovor'irato sometimes with great voloclty; When windy Individuate indulge in much vcrboei- V. They have to twirl tho glotls hlxty thousand times a minute, And punch and punch the diaphragm as though the deuce were In It. Cftorut : The pharnyx now goc up ; The larynx, with a plain, Ejects a note From out the thioat Pushed by the diaphragm Hariord Aduocate.