Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, October 01, 1879, Page 182, Image 15

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ready some of tho colleges of the state lmve
signified their willingness to pm-tioipnte in
the formation of such an association, of
which Donne College lakes the lend
This speaks well for the entoi prise of
Donne, imtl we hope soon to have an ex
prexsion of all the colleges of the state.
If the opinion seems to he fnvornhlo to
such nn organization, we hope that
through delegates, from each College an
immediate understanding can be effected.
It now remains for the students of the Uni
versity lo meet the proileied assistance
from Donne Let us lake this, our first
opportunity, to establish an association
that will tend to moot the collegiate inter.
ests of the state.
Editor's gjablr.
Scarcely any thing is more indicative
of childish wralh and imbecile short
sightcdncss than for a paper to drop from
its exchange list a contempory which has
perhaps, in all sinceiity and fairness, be
vpiel eritized one of its editorials or con
tiibulcd articles. CiiiieKin that is worthy
the nii"ie is what vci eol"ge paper ill
the country oinjht to hae And when an
editor is brine enough louilicizc fnely
and .onsidei.itelj its exchanges, they
should he muiily and generous enough to
accept it in a spirit of meekness and
thankfulness. Scvcinl of our exchanges
this month aie complaining o editors
who lefuse to send their papers it they
in e criticised. This has more than once
been said of the Obiiiin Jietiew, and it is
a giea'. shame if lhits is tine. If the edi
tors ot the licvimo cannot take fair criti
cism good naiuredly they must be ery
Hi inly impressed with their own editorial
abllit, and we would suggest to the lie
vine that ko aniateus editor, at least, can
all'oid to be so impervious to criticism.
One ol the best written essays we have
m-t with during our editorial career we
found in the last nuiiibt r of the linirs Shi
dent, entitled, "The College Libiui and
how to Use it." The ideas, no loss than
tho manner in which thoy wore expressed i
woro highly commendable. Many
thouglils wore worthy to be written in
every student's note book: "Aoutoness,
jomprehenston and concentration are fac
ulties indispensible to successful reading,"
and atjain: "The two main objects of
reading, to the student, are the acquisition
of knowledge and a pi eparation for Kng
lisli composition." "Heforo reading a
book one should, after the msinr.er of Dan
iel Webster, ask himself what questions
lie expects to have answered by it." The
editorial of the Student upon its College
Christian Association was a frank, earnest
appeal to college students, in hohalf of
practical Christianity in the college. It
spooks well for Hates College that they
have such an Association as this, though
us they hlivo a theological department,
thoy are naturally o.vpected to taken more
active part in religious matters than insti
tutions which savor moio of this world
and whose students are eminently "carnal
ally minded."
The new boaul of editors of the Cali.
forn in licrheleyan start out very modestly
with n trnnk statement ns to tho true po
sition of their paper. In closing, they ex
press the wish that in trusting thoir frai
craft upon the tieachorous ocean of col
lege journalism, they may, by careful sup
ervision and mature deliberation, guide
her into the secure harbor ot public favor.
The only editorial that followed was upon
the most hackneyed of all subjects, the
duty of students to write for thoir college
papers. Wo trust that in the future the
UerJaUoyan' editors may ohooso more in
teresting and loss worn out thomes lor
their loaders. A unique feature of the
last number was an original article up u
the "Romance of Students."
The Missouri Univonty May mine $ a
girl's paper, and though not edited with
the girlish grace mid talent of the Packer
Qitiuterly, is never tlio less a ciedit to
ihem and the institution with which the
are connected. We weio soinevhnt