Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, October 01, 1879, Image 14

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    KIHTOIt'S TA11I.K.
?et ee of tfce colleges of the stnlu have
. Awt -Jbmi W8ilingnes to participate in
Jt 4o"n.k- "1 li an association, of
n i f l !' ('.!!-fc lakes the lead
Ti fX fr the nterprlu of
P hi. s-I : ;- n to lmve an ex
, f '.. ;t- c-',-sv of the state,
.'f -i -j:as em to be favorable to
1 hi - Translation, we hope Hint
.r-cfi ij-rv- from em h College tin
n BMC'V uoleitmiinc cam U cilccted.
I - remain for :lu students of the Un
Tcf,u i wet the proffered assistance
frtn Dae Lh us tnke litis, our flrst
ffwriaafrr. to etablih mi association
:iai will :eud to meet the colleginto Intel'
of the state
(gdUar'n gable.
Scweely any thin is more indicative
ci child ih wrath and imbecile short
tigfctcdoc. tliau for a paper to drop from
h exchange list a conlempory which has
jvrhapv. in all sinciit and fairness, se
vrv3 ri tired n of is editorials or con
ti ji'Utfd arnc i O it'u iin that is worthy
ti n"n iswltatiMii full- ge paper in
ib uii't oi.tii' 1 have And when mi
diioi istra( tnotigh to ciiticir.c fnel
tati nui-idei itch it- exchanges, they
4nn)d lie nianh and generous enough to
jir-pt it in a spirit of meekness and
thankfulness Seveial of our exchanges
iuj month are complaining oi editors
win refutK- to end theii papers it they
are ermenwd Tbi ha more tlian onee
been said of the Obrrh'n Rrriar, mid it is
a gmc shame if this i true. If the edl
b l the JSi cannot ink: fair eriti
is ffood naluredh they nuut be very
firmly impressed wnhthcii own editorial
bi it , and we would suggest to the AV
rMWthat iio amatcus editor, at least, ean
afford lo be so impervious to eriileisin
One o1 the best written essj . uie
met with during om editorial eaieer we
louttd in ibe la4 nnmlx r of the lit Slu
Atari, tatuled. "TtH- College Libiat ami
how to Use it." The ideas, no less than
tho manlier in which '.hoy wereexprestoth
wore highly commendable. Jratry
thoughts were worthy to be wriueti in
every student's note book: "Acuteness,
'lonipieheiision and conrent ration are fac
ulties hid (sponsible to successful reading,"
and again: "The two main objects of
reading, to the student, arc the acquisition
of knowledge and a preparation for 15ng
lisli composition." "Before reading a
book one should, after the manner of Dan
iq" Webster, 113k himself what questions
ho expects to hnvo answered by iu" Tho
editorial of tho Studtnt ttpoa Us Cbllego
Clirlstinn Association was a frank, earnest
appeal to eollese students, in behalf of
practical Christianity In the oolloge. It
speaks well for Bates Coilogo that Uicy
have such an iVssociation us this, though
us they have a theological department,
tlioy arc naturally e.vpoctod to ink on more
active part in religious matters than insti
tutions which savor more of this world
and whose students are eminently "carnal
all minded."
The new board of editors of the Call,
lorn ia llakthtan start out very mod cstl v
with a 1 1 tink statement a to the true po
sition of their paper. Iu closing, they ex
press the wish that in trusting their frai
craft upon the treacherous ocean of col
lie journalism, lliey may, by carvftil sup
ervision and mature deliberation, guide
her into the secure harbor of pnhlic favor.
The only editorial that foHowed was upon
tho most hackneyeu .f all subjects, tho
duty of students to write for their collegu
papers. Wo trust thai iu the future the
UtrMeyun editors may choose more in
tcreMiug and k'6s wont oiu themes for
their readeis. A unique feature of tlie
last number was an original article up n
the "Uomanco ol Students."
The MUmmi'l Unirtrstf JiyKH is n
gill's paper, and tliough not edited with
the girlUh gtaec ond talent of the Packer
(hin i tuiy is iiivci ttic Uss a credit to
ihein and the institution wi;h Mluch :he
aie connected We wcic sommlinl