Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, October 01, 1879, Page 180, Image 12

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VOL. VI 11
Yes, wo loully moan it; our troubles arc
coining to mi end. Soon, the present
Board of Editors will retire and make"
room lor another set who are anxious to
make lor themselves a name and a roputa
lion. No doubt, there will tie a lively
contest lor positions which carry with
them so much lionori so much in fact that
it boon becomes excessively burdensome;
and only students of the broadest shoul.
dors and toughest nerves should attempt
to bof'r it. Then, besides the honor of
these positions, the pleasuies are really
notdoaorlbablo. The editors have such a
line chance to form acquaintances among
f-e students who are ever surrounding
thorn, urging the merits of the various ar
tich'S that each one is so anxious should
be published.
The editors were completely over
whelmed with copy for the present num.
her; the tax upon their time and strength
in selecting the articles of superior merit,
was so groat t lint they feel that nothing
but a trip to some watering place, Mi) ford
for example, can recruit their shattered
powers. Editors heretofore have com.
plained of the scarcity of articles worthy
of publication ; but surely they did not
know how to awaken the ambition of the
students like the present board, or no such
complaint could over have been made.
The long, long nights we have spent in
comparing the beauty of style, the strength
of imagination, the profundity of thought,
and the wonderful reach of conception of
the ma ni articles handed us for publica
cation, will over remain upon the tablet
of memory as seasons of the most won
derl'ul intellectual feasts. But when we
recollect that our space Is limited, and
hence that only a fe of these many brll.
liant scintillations of genius can bo
used by us, our souls become sad, and our
eyes fill with, tears, at the bitter disap
pointment that some earnest, hardworking
student must suffer at our rejection of his
piece. Not only do tho editors find them
selves overwhelmed with the efforts made
by tho rest of tho school to help make tho
Studunt a success, but the Hub. Man.
also wishes us to enter a protest In his be
half, lie is only mortal; and hence
might not bo able to resist the temptation
to use money belonging to the Sl'UPKNTlf
t should collect in such large amounts
as It promises to at present. No, students,
don't oiler him any money; it is all a
mistake that it takes any to run a newspa
per. Don't subscribe or he may get a
dollor or two ahead, and then start for
Canada. Once more we make an appeal to
you not to overwhelm us with attention;
tho honor is all we can stand.
So many have been tho laws laid down
by critics, for tho greatest utility of read
ing that there remains little opportunity
to render additional advice. Nor would
we endeavor to add our opinions to tho
lists, were they not to bo placed in opposi
tion to theories that have been accepted
as competant guides.
Some, by system and outline, find them
selves masters of the Held over which
their reading extends; while others with
more tenacious memory find in tho cur
rent literature of the day, a personal cul
ture that puzzles the keen insight of tho
critic. But wo are told that desultory
reading will not do. That it renders one's
self a pedant, pulled up with a useless er
udition. What shall wo say of such a
rule? Can wo accept it as universal? If
so, what shall wo infer fro in the case of
Sir Walter Scott, who, when a youth, was
accustomed to read every thing within
Ills grasp, in tho most indiscriminate
manner? To this standard of correct
reading, there must exist a remarkable ex
ception ; for to multifarious reading alone,
Scott assigns his knowledge of human i.a-
ture, that so adds lustre to his literary
We are frequently recommended to
adopt a rigid course of reading. And un-