Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, October 01, 1879, Image 1

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Voi,. VIII.
OCTOBER, 187!).
No. 8.
nit: mix Kirs tali:.
IIY SAM. I), COX, '80.
Iluiulnt tho Uulvunilty Union Inhibition, Juno,
"Take soinothing?" No thank you. No wonder
you stare.
In those parts such n caso It iincoinmonly ran;.
You'vo found that out, hey r It doos'nl take long.
Conttldurln' tho cIiihs of galoots you're among;
I've boon in this place a coiiBidur'hle while,
And deuced few iniuurH I've mot whndou't smile;
I I'm iib nat'ral for tlium an for IiiJuiih to hnto,
And the man's tlio most popular who taken IiIh'ii
Why ii Btrnugor to-day asked Sain Jones if lie'd
in a way ns though doubting it; Sam, don't you
Kelt nggrolvod ns lie answered; "Of course; why"
said lie.
"What kind of u man do you take mo to be?"
Still if you hold oil' and they know you're all
Thero's no bettor friends than tho minora 'round
And how does it come that I nlu't like tho rest?
Hide on homo with mo the Inn ain't of the boBt,
Wu'o been ridln'nll day, and we'll need n good
An' I'll tell yon tho tale: That's my hotiso there
In Bight.
'Twns'llvo years ago when I cnino to thin )1iu:o
With my wife nud my child, fortune's bullets to
I wis poor, but wan strong, and 1 worked with a
And was soon doing well at tho Tiger Quartz mill;
Hut 1 BometlmeH would drink when my shifts
work was done,
And soon got to smllln' before I begun;
And, to tell It iushort, boforo two yearn were gone
There were throats of (Uncharge if tho case still
went on.
I needed a house, for the old one was smnll;
It was gettin' until to live in at nil ;
Hut I hndu't the cash though my wages wero high.
Perhaps tho landlord at tho "Hear" could toll why.
He's gone up tho Hume now, sold out his clielmn;;
And bid us adieu without ever n pnng,
And loft tho next night which snuio was all BQiiaro,
If ho hadn't rodo ofl'ou old Holder's bay mare.
ThenelghborH unwilling to part with him so,
Detailed two good men to take him in tow.
llo Btrocbod hemp tho noxt night and tho follow
ing day.
Took lodging for good under six foot of clay.
Hut I'm oll'of my text, got to drinking I snld.
And sometimes my wife's eyes looked suspicious
ly red ;
Not a word did she say; she's not of tho kind
That keeps tollln' her wocb till she's talked you
clean blind.
Hut what she can't help she tries always to bear
Without scorning n martyr, or teariu' her hair.
She's as brave iih a man, yet tender and true
Is the heart In her bosom, and pure as the dew;
Shu holds womanhood noble; would not give a
I '"or tho masculine priv'lcge of gottln' to vote.
Well alter a while I left tho Quart, mill,
And was tendin' tho drum at the mine on the hill
And Sue came down one day with our child at her
To go down in the mine and boo the inside
She was'ut afraid, but t-ho looked kind o'queer
As she noticed my smile vergln' on ton leer;