flABnttiW TONSOKIAL,. Tlic Commercial TONSORIA I; PARLOR The Only Place When; Glysro-Cosinolino Can bo Had ! A Preparation Before Unknown to the Public! Embracing, as It. does, many Ingredients bo foru uiiKiioun It will curoDunurull', ortulicatoTol tor. anil euro Itching or sweating of thu head. If Cosinollnu does not do wlmt In claimed Tor it, the money will cheerfully be refunded. This is tin sunmssud fur Indies use. Ludios work tlouo at their houses If desired. & First Class Shave BY A l'lltST CLASS DAHBEU Can bo had at any time. Special rates given to Students. &r(ilVli US A CALL. YOU AltE flUltE TO OUT HATI8VA0TI0N. J. A. GLEASON, - Proprietor. Ladies Bathing Parlors !! Wk would respcctfullj' call tlie atten tion of Ladiks to our elegantly furnished private bathing parlors. Union Block, Con. O & 10. LINCOLN NEBRASKA BOOTS ifc snoi:s. R. 1KONTEITII, MANUFAOTUIIK AND DEAI.Klt IN HOOTS .IJVJt SHOJIS, Mndo from tho bost mntcrial and warranted. Ito palrlng noatly dono on short notice. "Trtli Hide Square, LINCOLN, NEII. N. PARKER, BOOT & SnOE MAKER. P Street, between 10th and 11 tit, Lincoln, - Nebraska. UEi'AtniNu rnoJti'Ti.if attended to. O. If. If JBJfflSTJBlt, DFALEU in isoots a shoes, LEATHER & FINDINGS, East 0 Strret, South Side Street, LINOOLNNEB. J3?Siioclul rates to Students ($ommcm;il IQotcl, GOIMITII &1 STS. LINCOLN, - - NEBRASKA. J. J. IMIIOFF, Proprietor. Good Sa.vrziT JSqoms o.v&XBsr JFhoojb. TUKKIbH, KUSSIAN, AND SALT WATEIt BATHS IN THE HOTEL. DRY GOODS. JTOMVT L. JTIcCOJIWEZE, Dealer In Staple & Fancy Dry Goods AND NOTIONS, No. 10, 0 Street, McCoimd'a Now Block, Lincoln, Nebraska. FRED. SCHMIDT Dealer in DRY GOODS, Notions, Fancy Goods, Dress Goods, Hats & Caps. Groceries, Qucenswaro, Boots and Shoes. SOUTH SI1)K MA1UCKT SQUAKIS, L.KNCOL.N, NEB. m wmm