Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, September 01, 1879, Image 24
SEE JOHNSTON RUFFLER IS THE BESTAND MOST POPULAR SEWING MACHINE ATTACHMENT Lver ln nted. Prico 82.00 THE JOHNSTON TUCKER, No ft win Machine Altnrliniout except tbo Kiilllcr is so iiitirh iiM'tl as tlio Tucker. Price S'.'.OO. THE JOHNSTON CORDER l'rleo St. oo. TIipso :t nro tlio really practical nttai'hmctits that every body wants, ami no sewing ma cliinn is comiili'to without them. They ore Kent by all sewing machine agents. Wo will furnish 5S7 either of them at tlio prieo named. -y Agents write for Illustrated circu- ' lar and Wholcsalo Prlco List to cronnsrsTOr ze&ttiepifidiezr, co.; ottumwa, iowa. fAJ dlEEZM r. uoni;i:M5i:it;, MAN UK CTUHKH AND DEALKK IN Imported and Domestic cig.ms, :litwli? tiinl ijmo.'lntc Titliacco. Opera House, Lincoln, Nebraska. WILLIAM DEVEREAUX. Itluiiufacdiror of Fine Cigars AND DKALKU IN ALL KINDS OK Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, iltut Smokers' ,lrlirlei of all Dvscrlpllons, Olllcu inid BiiWroom under Statu Nntlonul Hank Factory and Warurooms tlireo doom oast of Opera HoUBO. fANOOLN, Nit! J) It ASK A GKOCKltlttS. v. 12. r k.ih: 1:. NO 21, llTJl 8T11KKT Wholesale S Iletall Groceries A Green Fruits. Teas n Hpeclulltyl LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA. r. .yrjEj-jBii Wholesale & Retail -Dealers in- Groeeries and Provisions, Wooden & Willow ware &c. Sic. Jiast Side Snitare. .. FAKHIBK. a it ota: it. I am soiling goods for cash and lmvo reduced prices on the same, from 5 (fi) 20 per cent. No. si, O STiinET. Lincoln. Nkhuahka. I50IIANAN BItOS. Proprietors of LI VERY 16 EXOIIAXGE STABLES Sign of Black IIohsk. Also Proprietors of Central lleat .liar Let, O Street, opposite Post Olllco Lincoln, Nun. R. GRIMES? (Successor to II. C. Smith,) WIIOI.KSALi: AND ltKTAII. DKAI.KIl IN Stoves, Tin, Copper, AND SI HIST IKOV WAKE. North Sldu Square. LINCOLN, NKK.