Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, September 01, 1879, Image 23
JONES & M UN SON, LUMBER DEALERS! LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. M. HARRIS, DENTIST Teeth iiiertcE on Gold, Silver, iiimI liiinbcr. All Work Guaranteed. Oillcc over Newman's stoic on 0 Street. (llotwuon Tenth itiul Eleventh streets,) LINCOLN, NEHKASKA T. C. Kern, D. D. S S. Miirry, D. 1). S., &$ tx&vfof-- Teeth inserted on Gold, Silver, Continuous Gum and Oelluloid. OOlco over Hurley's DrutfHtoro. Cor. O ,fc 11th Ht LINCOLN, NEBRASKA S. H. KING-, Dentist. OfHco ovorMcConnoU's Dry (Soods Store, south hide O st. 'I'lii' most Modern nml Approved Moth oiIh Known to the Profusion, Practiced In all Hrniiohen. Fresh NttrotiH Oxide (Jus ccinotnutly on liiinil for the Pulnloen Kxtrnctlon of Teeth. 13. C. SUIT Til, DENTIST UNION ltLOCK, NOItTII SIDIJ O ST. STUDENTS ! ! tmtilst Rubber Stamps, Type Stumps, Indelible Ink, Key Rings and Tugs, Letters for Military lints, Badges. In fact everything you want in that line. Cull on or nddrces, W. T. HUMSTKAI), LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. 11 th St. hot, O and N. ItlEIHCM.. L J. HUM8TBAD, lIOItXCKOlMTHIKT. Ollleo on Twelfth Streol, two blocks and a half south of the Opera House, Lin coin, Nebraska. Open at all hours. Night Lamp. r. a. dullish. M. i. Physician and Surgeon. Oniec, Holmes Block 11th Street, LINCOLN, NKlUtASKA. Save tho nnturnl I'ccth, by. having, thorn filled incnvon. , Undly deenved nnd nchlnj; Tooth may Boniotlmcti bo trcnlod oo'ns to niiike tho nHIiitf ft pnlnlafs op eration. .... , XTI Tooth extracted without pnln. by tho uho or M troiiH 0.xldo Oih, Ether or Chloroform. Artllklal Teeth nuidu to lit perfectly In tho moat dlfflc.nlt case. J. Frrzur.itAi.i), Profl't. John It. Ci.auk, Cashier J. F. Suddutii, Vice President. First National Bank OK LINCOLN, Does a Conservative General Banking Business. DIUKOTOUS, Amaha Colin . JN Fittuieuai.ii. J. F. Suddutii. J. U.Olawk. It, 0. OUHIIINOj Wl