Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, September 01, 1879, Page 159, Image 14

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    KO. 7.
culture without which lilb is, akin to
It is strange that so black and incon.
giuotis a subject as an old pipe should
inspire some poetically misguided Sopho.
more to the production of a little gem
like this:
"Tho twilight I sioallnj; tlnotiifh window and
And throw doubt fill shadow h on colling mid
'I'liu toddy Is stuaming, thu plno upplu ripu,
So I'll Just clono tho Hhuttur, mid light an old
How often toauthur wo'vo sat in this chair,
Now dreaming, now building our castlus in alrl
Wo guuss t tho futuro, tho past wo ruvlow,
Whilst wreathing odd fiinlcos In garlands of
'.Mid till tlioMi dim mum'tles that ovur lloat by,
Wo llvo on togutlior, my hilar and I.
Hut which will lto longust, your briar-root
Or Darwln'B conundrum, my matturluss soulV
Not u lew of tho colleges of the country
have made a now departure in the way ot
entertainments. Heretofore college stu.
dents have organ i.ed glee clubs and given
concerts, literary societies have held con
tests, or lecture associations have cm
ployed more or less distinguished speak.
its during the winter season. But never
before have students undertaken an opera
requiring trained musical ability as well
as careful studied acting. Columbia and
Trinity deserve the credit ot taking the
initiative and their success has induced a
host of other colleges to follow their ex
ample. Hut it still remains to be seen
whether this custom is to bo of any real
benellt to educational institutions. It
striken us that it will do more harm than
good, hiking up valuable time which
should be spent in study, and also in
many ways distracting their attention
from the more important duties of a col
lege life.
Tho Trinity Tablet in common with
borne other colleiro papers places the edi
torials II rat. We do not like this habit.
It savors of egotism, and is giving unneo
cessury prominence to tho pompous we."
((Utor'n JaicJ.
It is estimated that COO Nihilistic stu.
dents from Russia have been exiled to Si
beria this year.
Oborliu College runs behind about $10,
000 a year whioh is made up by subsurip.
lions. Colleyo EmUx.
It is said that there is talk at Cam.
bridge, England, of banishing Greek
from tho regular curriculum.
Thevo are in this country 530 lady doc
tors, -120 dentists, sixty eight preachers,
and live lawyers of the same. flx.
Perhaps the youngest college president
in America is Prof. Hill, lately elected
President of tho Baptist University at
Lowisburg, Pa. He is about twenty eight
years ohl.Oollcyo Index.
Tho Editors of the Ohio Amherst were
all suspended for carricaluring the Facul
ty, but have been permitted to return on
promising that hereafter they will deal
more quietly with the inllrmities of that
august body.
Prof., lecturing on psychology, "All,
phenomena are sensations. For instance
tho leaf appears green to me. In other
words I have a sensation of greenness
within mo." Of course no harm was in
tended, but still tho class would laugh.
An received rather an awkward criti.
cism from a free-aud-etihy young man who
recently mot a sculptor in a social circle
and addressed him thus: "Er or so
vou'ro tho man or that makes, or- mud
heads V" And this was tho artist's reply:
"Ei or not all of 'em, I didn't make
yours." Ex.
Scene at the church door, Soph: "Will
you please condescend to .saeriii.o your
own convenience, lot tho sake of my ox
Home felicity, by inserting your jjvo digi
tals, with a part of your contiguous arm
into the regular aperture made by bond,
iug my elbow against the perpendicular
side of my animal frame V" Girl; "Willi
tho most extreme pleasure." 1JX.