Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, June 01, 1879, Image 8

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EniTOUsMN'-cniKr, 0. E. Stkatton and II. W. Caldwki.l.
Assooiatk EniToit, Miss May 11. Eaiufikld.
LooalEditou, Sam 1). Cox.
Businkss Manaoku, E. 1 Unakqst.
1 copy per college year . . $1.00. 1 column one insertion - - $4'0().
1 " six months .... 0.50. 2 squares " " 1.00.
Single copy 0.15. I " " " .50.
The STUUKNT($l.00)nml Literary Jr0ta($l.OO)lo new subscribers $1.35, in advance.
All articles for publication should bo addressed Kdltor llEsr-EWAN Student, Stato University,
Lincoln, Nebraska. All nubxcrlptlons, and buMnen communications, with the address, should
ho ticnt to K. 1 UN ANGST Subscription collected Invariably in advance Advertisements
collected monthly.
The Pallniliun editorial pen, wielded
so woll for the past year by Mr. Morion,
comes with this issue into mv possession.
Perhaps, from ils long training under
such skillful hands, it may still continue
to do ils work with reasonable success.
1 shall try to guide it in such a way as to
give ollenso to none; yet shall claim the
priviloge to express fully and freely my
opinions upon any questions that concern
the students and the University. While
the students cannot, and should not be ''the
power behind the throne" that determines
what shall bo and what shall not be; yet 1
think, they ought to have somo medium
to express their views upon all questions
that ailcct them directly. There is no
other medium that can bo used except
the Stcdknt; hence 1 ask every Undent
Mho has any tiling of interest to say eon
ceming the school to express his ideas in
as clear and concise a form as possible
and forward them to the Studknt lor pub
lication. Such articles should be short
and pointed, If the students did not wait
to be urged, nay, even begged of, for copy;
but if they would give to tho Editors every
thing ihoy write that they would be wil.
ling to seo in print, the paper might bo
much improved.
Of course, it is to be understood that
the Editors reserve the privilege of re
jeeting any article which they think
would be injurious to the school or to the
paper. Come, don't wait to be asked to
write, but send your best cllorts and thus
ease tho load of the Editors very much.
I thank the students very much for the
honor they haves conferred upon mo; and
hope by hard labor, to deserve it.
II. V. Caldwell.
Sometimes a person has friends that
are entirely too anxious about him and
his aflairs. Such friends may have the
best intentions in the world, but their
manner of showing their regard is not
governed by good judgmont. In their
zoal to defend a friend from the aspcr.
sions ofonomies, thoy often open up ques
lions that should never be brought before
the gaze of tho world. They often be
come hoatod in the discussion, and say
many intemperate things to or of his op
ponents. But each attack of that kind
only gives his enemies a chance to an.
swor with far greater probability of being
believed ; for people will say that where
there is bO much intemperance in reply,
there must b'. some truth in the charges.
Slate institutions may be afflicted m